Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 2010 Periodic Report

They are out today! Make sure you check your reps campaign finances, and see who they are working for. Google the names and addresses to find out who owns our elected officials.

Go to Monroe County BOE and on the left hover over "campaign finance", and from the drop down menu select "disclosure reports", and then I usually select "view committee by name" and type in the name I am researching.

Here are Morelle's July Periodic reports:

Morelle 2010 July Other

Morelle 2010 July Corporate

Morelle 2010 July Individual/Partnerships

The rest are "below the fold" - but I wanted to suggest that you visit Project Vote Smart which is a great tool to use when trying to find out what your reps voting record is, or their position on certain issues, their interest group ratings, and who contributes the most to their campaigns. For instance, here is Joe Morelle's page.

There is also a thing called the "Political Courage Test" on there. Project Vote Smart defines this as:

"What is the Political Courage Test?
The Political Courage Test is a key component of Project Vote Smart's Voter Self-Defense system. Major leaders of the media, major parties and Project Vote Smart repetitiously ask candidates one central question: "Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf?" The Political Courage Test is administered to all candidates for presidential, congressional, gubernatorial, and state legislative offices.

The Political Courage Test asks candidates which items they will support if elected. It does not ask them to indicate which items they will oppose. Through extensive research of public polling data, we discovered that voters are more concerned with what candidates would support when elected to office, not what they oppose. If a candidate does not select a response to any part or all of any question, it does not necessarily indicate that the candidate is opposed to that particular item."

Project Vote Smart also states: "Assembly Member Joseph D. Morelle repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff." Link.

I like to look at PVS for their voting records and issue positions - for campaign finance details, and "money in state politics" in general, I like to use Follow The Money's database. Although, you can get a better idea of who is contributing to who by looking up their BOE contributions on the Monroe County site.

Morelle 2010 July in Kind

Morelle 2010 July Expenditures/Payments

Morelle 2010 July Transfers Out

Morelle 2010 July Contributions Refunded


cheri said...

Quite interesting Jax!

I never heard of the Political Courage Test. How disturbing to read below -

Assembly Member Joseph D. Morelle repeatedly REFUSED to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff.

This is Disgusting. Talk about not holding elected officials responsible!

What a racket, the money keeps rolling in and Joe doesn't even have to answer pertinent questions!?

Go figure - a job like no other. No accountability- No results - No budget- Money pouring into campaign account - here a lunch there a lunch everywhere a lunch - lunch! :) Don't forget dinner - perks and trips. ;)

Holy Insurance Company Donations Batman! :) Yowza!

Anonymous said...

"Senator James S. 'Jim' Alesi repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff."

Anonymous said...

Assembly Member Bill Reilich repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff.

Anonymous said...

Senator Joseph E. Robach repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on the issues through the 2008 Political Courage Test when asked to do so by national leaders of the political parties, prominent members of the media, Project Vote Smart President Richard Kimball, and Project Vote Smart staff.

Anonymous said...

i guess my point is, that it appears that joe is not the only "disgusting" elected public official. I guess that joe isnt the only one who is in the "racket" I wonder could there be other reasons these politicians arent responding to this particular questionairre???

One would assume from reading the foils of irondequoit that Morelle is the only politician who doesnt respond to this "test". I guess I wonder which politicians have.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"One would assume from reading the foils of irondequoit that Morelle is the only politician who doesnt respond to this "test"."

I don't believe I said that Joe was the only politician who doesn't respond to this test.

Thanks for pointing out the others as it will help voters in November.

Since Robach's and Reilich's district does not cover Irondequoit at all, I wouldn't think of including them.

Alesi yes. So, here is the PVS link for Alesi, so voters can see what he has or has not done. Senator Alesi Project Vote Smart.

Anonymous said...

Reilich was a gift to you,since you live in Greece.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well, thank you for the gift, although I'm well aware of what the politicians in my district are doing.

I might have to re-gift it to someone who doesn't.

Thanks again!

cheri said...

Well Anonymous, I still think it's disgusting that any of these elected officials REFUSED to provide responses.

All of them should be ashamed for refusing and I hope their constituents hold them accountable election time.

Seems like you are a little Joe sensitive.;)

Hope you had a chance to look at all of the Insurance Company Donations that Morelle has in his account! Great night time reading line after line after line. :)

Anonymous said...

not joe sensitive at all, I am information sensitive. I try and find out the WHOLE story, all the information to form my opinions, not just the snipets you throw out.
The post above implies "The Political Courage Test is administered to ALL candidates for presidential, congressional, gubernatorial, and state legislative offices." you then go on to say morelle "has repeatedly refused to take the test" so therefore morelle must have something to hide.
Cheri seems to think so based on the info provided, just look at her response. She is "disgusted" that Morelle hasnt taken the test, implying that all other good elected officials have. But if ALL of the info had been provided, one would wonder just WHO has taken the "Political Courage Test." I couldnt find one, could you?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

You said:

"I am information sensitive. I try and find out the WHOLE story, all the information to form my opinions, not just the snipets you throw out."

At the beginning of this blog, I said:

"Make sure you check your reps campaign finances, and see who they are working for. Google the names and addresses to find out who owns our elected officials."

I suggested that you look at your reps campaign finances, and to look up your reps on the PVS site.

I can't do everything for you. You can look it up yourself.

Like I suggested.

cheri said...

I am DISGUSTED that Joe Morelle REFUSED to provide responses to citizens on the Political Courage Test!

That doesn't make me any LESS disgusted over ANY politician that REFUSED!

Sorry Anonymous, you still do seem Joe Sensitive since Jax did say at the beginning of the blog -

"Make sure you check your reps campaign finances, and see who they are working for. Google the names and addresses to find out who owns our elected officials."

Still no comment about all of the insurance company donations to Morelle's campaign though.

I know it's a bit overwhelming line after line after line!


Anonymous said...

"I know its a bit overwhelming" but did you find ANYONE locally who did take the Political Courage Test?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Even though my eyes are now crossed from looking at line after line after line of insurance interests that donated to Morelle's campaign - and I'm not even halfway through it yet - I did find that Dan Maffei and Ann Marie Buerkle are both currently being tested through the 2010 Political Courage Test. The deadline to return the PCT is September 1st.

I only looked up those two....because again, I did say to make sure that YOU look up YOUR reps campaign donations and their PVS pages....because again, I can't do everything for you.

Thanks for finally chiming in on the plethora of insurance interests that donated to the chair of the insurance committee - oh didn't. Sorry.

Hey, by any chance, does anyone know why there is no website for MMI Technologies? Why MMI reported no income? Successful businesses usually pull in some income....but MMI, according to the report in the Albany Times Union, had no income last year.

Now, how is that? How can a "successful" business have no income, and still pay employees?

cheri said...

Jax said - "Hey, by any chance, does anyone know why there is no website for MMI Technologies? Why MMI reported no income? Successful businesses usually pull in some income....but MMI, according to the report in the Albany Times Union, had no income last year.

Now, how is that? How can a "successful" business have no income, and still pay employees?"

Great question! How can a "successful" business have no income and still pay employees?

Something doesn't smell very good. I'm sure that Morelle can spend plenty of his "insurance donations" to cover up the smell though. :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of campaigns, where is Mark Scuderi, has anyone seen him? Is he really in a campaign for state assembly? Has he raised ANY money for a campaign? Besides this blog, does he have any support?
I have been to HIS website (last updated in May) seems like a typical politician to me.."no new taxes," "will vote no on any new taxes," will bring in jobs" he will use his "successful business strategies" to do so though he employs no one, and he will reduce the budget...No where on his website does he say how! How come no one ever asks that question of any politician? Sounds good buddy, but how are you going to do that, thats what I want to know. He certainly doesnt seem to be in the community telling people how.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Besides this blog, does he have any support?"

Where on this blog?

cheri said...

Yes Mark Scuderi is running for State Assembly. He doesn't have the special interest donations that Joe Morelle has. Page after page after page of insurance company donations. After all Mark isn't Chair of the Insurance Committee, Joe is. :)

He is out in the community, sorry he doesn't have special super powers so everyone sees him at once.

Incumbents have the media advantage. Special favors for entrenched politician's all the way around.

That is why there should be TERM LIMITS!

Anonymous said...

So you dont support Mark Scuderi? You are saying with all that you have written about Morelle, you support him? I wasnt getting that. Sorry for my assumption.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I've been writing about Morelle lonnnnnnng before Scuderi announced he was running for Assembly.

As per usual, your logic is flawed.

But, that's ok. I accept you as you are. Flaws and all. ;)

Anonymous said...

aw thanks Jax ;o)
Cheri does mark realize he has to campaign in areas other than the soap box derby and his local Kiwanis? I know he cant be everywhere, who can, but is he anywhere? Was he at National Night out? Has he spoke at any organizations or businesses? Hell, he hasnt even updated his website since May!!! How far behind will he be should he get elected?!!

cheri said...

Mark has spoken at other venues sorry you didn't get a personal invitation, I'm sure Mark would be so touched that you are so "worried" about his campaign. :)

As far as him being behind if elected you mean like how our NYS budget was behind months and almost beat the record for latest budget ever?

I'm sure the voters in New York realize how much dysfunction and corruption are in our government. If they are willing to keep that status quo elect Morelle again, he's been part of the problem for the last 20 years.

It's evident that you are a Joe supporter just trying to get information on Mark's campaign. Have no fear Mark is everywhere he should be.

Thanks for caring. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cheri, tell us how you really feel about Morelle! LOL, do you really think he is the problem? Have you checked his voting record? Perhaps you should, you may be surprised at what he has or has not voted for before you blindly just vote out an incumbant. That kind of thinking (no matter which party) always makes me laugh. Haha.
And before you blindly vote for Scuderi I hope he tells the public HOW he will do the things he has said on his outdated website. You know, "walk the walk" like you like to say.

Anonymous said...

You (Cheri) say "incumbants have the media advantage" you are right to some extent but that is no excuse for not updating his website or getting out in the public, going door to door is free last time I checked. Perhaps he is trying to raise SOME funds for his campaign, maybe, I am not sure, that doesnt seem to be mentioned on his website either. Maybe he can have Bob Ament do robocalls for him too! ;o)

cheri said...

Anonymous, I'm not voting out any incumbents blindly. Nor did I say that I'm voting ALL incumbents out.

Incumbents DO have the media advantage especially the Democratic candidate's. They don't call our paper the DEMOCRAT & Chronicle for nothing. We can debate that until the cows come home but that's my opinion.

Incumbent's even have the luxury of sending "fluff campaign pieces" that we as taxpayer's pay for. Oh I know they really aren't "campaign" pieces they just read that way. ;)

I'm also not a fan of the mayoral control idea. One of Morelle's pet projects.

I do believe that we need term limits and most politician's that have been in over 10 years need to be voted out.

Just take a look at Morelle's campaign account. (Insurance donation after insurance donation.)You may think it's so great because there is so much money. I see at it and think -

Look at all of those favors OWED!

So maybe Mark doesn't have many donations, in my book that's a PLUS!

Thank you again for your concern regarding Mark's campaign. I'm not going to blog exactly what Mark is working on or not working on.

Strategy means alot just look at how Heyman, Evans and Bello were voted out. They never saw it coming. :)