Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mr. Congel, Don't Forget

Your second installment payment for the special districts are due tomorrow - 2/28.

I certainly didn't forget.

(Screen shots are from the 1st property only, the rest are linked below.)

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Much Ado About Nothing"

That's what Bovenzi said about the inter fund transfers - it was "Much Ado About Nothing".

Never mind that these inter fund transfers are costing the taxpayers in the special districts more just could "have been handled better."

Never mind that the "co mingling" of funds in one bank account is AGAINST THE LAW and is PROHIBITED John......just say "Bah - you're getting upset over nothing."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The Comptroller's Audit came out....not good at all. It's for the period covering January 1st, 2006 - June 30th, 2010.

Link to news release on NYS Comptroller Website.

Here's the summary at the NYS Comptroller website under "new releases February 22nd, 2011".

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Library News - Around The Area

I was just reading about the Library issues going on in Fairport (Libby Post was their consultant too). I guess the voters rejected the proposal in December, but asked the Trustees to come back to the table with a lower price/different plan - but they decided not to have that second vote on the revised plan.

WHEC article on voters rejecting the proposal in December.

D&C article on the Library Trustees decision to not go ahead with a second vote.

Here's a link to the Citizens For An Affordable Fairport Library website, which is very informative.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A friend, who is much wiser and therefore much older than I am (nyuck nyuck nyuck) sent me a couple of videos - one of which is the 1st of 5 videos of an interview with economist Milton Friedman on the Phil Donahue show from 1979 (and one that says 1980).

I was 12 when this first aired - so - I probably wasn't paying attention (even though Phil was in our house every single week day - my Mom was a big fan). I think I was too busy collecting the most troll dolls or something.

Anyways, the person that sent this said Friedman was the "most interesting and thoughtful economists of all time" and that he "destroys Donahue with his brilliance."

I have to agree. It's an interesting interview.....even 32 years later.

The first clip is embedded below, and the other 4 are links underneath.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Failentine's Day

Show your love by helping others make a profit on this special day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Takin' Bets

On how long it will take Congel to pay his "special district taxes" this year.
I will guess.....ummmmm.....maybe next year? Or, until a reporter calls his lawyer?

1st installment is due today, February 10th, 2011, but he has until April 30th to pay it off with 4.5% interest applied.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh - So THAT'S Why Congel Was Delinquent

He didn't pay the Special District taxes in 2010.

Link to D&C David Andreatta article.

Medley Centre developer fails to pay district taxes
That's why the properties in the blogs I did showed him as delinquent - not from PILOT payments - it was because he didn't pay the special district taxes, and the County ponied it up for him (the districts did get their money), and the County took possession of the liens on the property.

Friday, February 4, 2011

So....This Is What Representation Feels Like

It feels really, reaaalllllllly good.

Governor Cuomo, I am with you on this. No doubt about it. I demand change!!

I watched his budget message on the website live feed on the 1st - and the one in Westchester, which is below.