Thursday, July 1, 2010


Looks like there will be another opening on the Planning Board. The Chairman is moving to Geneva soon, so I imagine he will be handing in his resignation and not fulfilling his term to the end of the year. He won't be a resident of Irondequoit anymore in a couple of months.

Who will be appointed to the Chair? Any guesses?

How did I find out about the move? Why.....the social networking public site of FB!
'Tis private now. However, I did capture a screen shot, and I did clear all the comments and last names etc. off of the screen shot....even though it was public information.


Anonymous said...

Ray McDonald until he runs for supervisor.

cheri said...

Now that's funny Anonymous!

I don't want Irondequoit to go to hell in a hand basket so I hope you are wrong on both picks!

Ray already has a blog - IQ Watch which as a public official, planning board member is unethical.

He can't even stand by what he writes or admit the blog is his. How's that for honesty and integrity!?

Who could respect somebody like that?
If the Democrats decide to run him, they'd be helping out the Republicans!!

Look how far he got the Heyman crew. ;)

Anonymous said...


cheri said...

Facts?! Yes, I remember the 5 foot input that went on forever and a day. The 3 minute timer never had to be abided by Ray- butt kiss -McDonald.

He was so Rabid with his opinions as the D&C Blogger they had to fire him.

Supervisor material- I think NOT!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Somebody - "Anonymous" - left a comment on July 1st, and I accidentally hit "reject" instead of "publish" it is:

His sneering, facial reactions and inappropriate remarks will not be missed.

Posted by Anonymous to FOILS FOR IRONDEQUOIT at July 1, 2010 9:35 PM

Sorry 'bout that!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Ray McDonald until he runs for supervisor."


You really think he'd run for Supervisor?

I bet he'd have some colorful mailers to send out. Of course, he'd use the pantone system I'm sure. Maybe a #2736 blue with a #427 Gray background?

I wonder if Bob Ewing knows about this?


cheri said...

The pantone system!? Could we talk about that for maybe 20 minutes or so?


I'm in favor of off white #257background, not white, white with blue letters #554, trimmed in gold #445,with little sparkles, shaded off purple #234 with a gray tinge dipped in #249 orange!

This will cut down on the road glare! :)

Since we are also on the subject of Newport Road and the tip toe - russian roulette. I wonder when and if the rest of Mancini's approvals will be received soon?

Jax said -
"You really think he'd run for Supervisor?"

Of course he will if they let him. His ego is HUGE! It's all about Ray. If the Dems do allow him to run, good news for the Republicans!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Since we are also on the subject of Newport Road and the tip toe - russian roulette. I wonder when and if the rest of Mancini's approvals will be received soon?"

I had heard that the "historical evaluation" is done, and it is not historically significant....although I haven't looked at the NYSDEC site to verify it yet. I don't even know if they announce such things on the NYSDEC site. But, I'll try to look later on.

You know RSM withdrew it's application for the proposed huge private development in Canandaigua, right?

People there did not want a huge private development on the lake.
The comments on some of the articles in MPN were not too....shall we say....favorable of RSM.

cheri said...

I did see that RSM withdrew in Canandaigua.

Unfavorable comments about RSM. Who would have thought!? Ha

Anonymous said...

Please remove the photo of Andrew and I on the screenshot that you took, All photographs are copyrighted and you did not have my permission to re-use my photo on your blog. My FB may not have been private at the time, but you still need my permission to re-use MY personal photo, for YOUR own purpose.(You may copy the photo, but you may not re-use it on your own site without permission). Thank you! Nancy

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Technically and legally I can use your facebook screenshot page with your profile photo on there.

Facebook Statements and Rights.

Section 2-4:
When you publish content or information using the "everyone" setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).

Your profile picture is public information - therefore, I was well within my rights to use a screenshot of your FB page. I did not copy just your photo and use that. I did not need your permission.

But, I did block out the large photo because you asked nicely.

Would you like me to block out the comment photo too?

Anonymous said...

I know all to well about FB privacy policies, which is why in my notes section I purposely added this ***

Friday, March 13, 2009 at 9:03am
“ photographs cannot be modified for commercial or advertising use, nor can they be copied or reproduced in any form without my permission.”

I do appreciate you removing the photo, and no you do not have to remove the photo of the house. Thanks again!!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Wellll....technically, because it's your profile pic, it is public information.

Had I went into your photos and copied just the picture....not your whole profile....then I would need your permission. Since it was your profile picture on your public fb page - I am able to access and use it - I could have even had your last name and all the comments on there too - but I didn't include them.

When I asked you if you wanted me to delete the comment photo - I meant your profile photo next to your you want that blocked out too?

Congrats on the house - it's beautiful. Lovely area too.

Listen, you're not a "public official" - so in my opinion, even though your FB page is public information - I can take out that last part on the blog if it makes you uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

No you dont have to omit anymore, the larger pic was the one i was concerned with, I had some issues before with people using my photos for their own purposes, and facebook suggested i add the note to my profile, even though it does state the following in their privacy policies.....
(If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.) I guess that will teach me to keep my fb private....Thank you on the house, and it really is a great area. We have family in Syracuse, Geneva, Waterloo, Seneca Falls and Rochester, i think we did very well planting ourselves right in the middle....Thank you again for taking down the larger photo.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well, thank you for being a good sport about it all.

When I put up the screenshot, it wasn't to "exploit" you or your photo - it was really just to "prove" that what I was saying was true - that I wasn't giving out "misinformation" or anything like that. I apologize for "involving" you and/or making you feel uncomfortable - that was not my intention with posting the fb screenshot.

Glad to hear that you are smack dab in the middle of family with the move. That's the most important thing, and all that really matters.

Best wishes - and the offer to remove the whole fb thing still stands if you ever want it gone. Just say the word - and it's done.

Thanks again for being a good sport.

Anonymous said...

Brand new Pictures of Newport project are very nice. The issue of the "Continental Shelf", sub-referenced by lwrp, seems to have overcome the scrutiny of Environmental groups. (yes- the environmentalists demand to know if Newport will have a negative impact on the continental shelf. State has no budget and has a $9 billion deficit, yet there are people who believe tax dollars are well spent requiring public employees to check into newport affect on the continental shelf.)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"State has no budget and has a $9 billion deficit, yet there are people who believe tax dollars are well spent requiring public employees to check into newport affect on the continental shelf.)"

Uh - they're being paid no matter what - whether there's a 9B deficit or not - they still work for the state and receive a paycheck.

Would you rather they sit around the office and be paid for doing nothing?

I thought something like the "continental shelf" thing would have been addressed during the SEQRA process? If not, then whose fault is that?

If the PB didn't get these questions answered during SEQRA - then the state has to make sure they are answered before proceeding.

I figure that's what PB's are there get these questions answered, and provide the documentation to show that these issues have been addressed.

Apparently, that was not done.

Anonymous said...

It is difficult to understand why the Continental shelf --located in the Atlantic Ocean and along the continent perimeter---has any involvement with the Newport project. The sewage dumped in the bay would seem a more important issue and a new building.

The budget issues won't be resolved by morelle's pals adding more make-work laws to hire more people so taxes can be raised again. More public employees may be good for those behind the red white & blue posters in front of town hall over the july 4 weekend. The crowd was cheering loudly for the
Nicer Dog in front of this booth.

Anonymous said...

The Planning Board has neither standing nor duty to act on State Code issues assigned to the DEC. The Continental Shelf issues are not Planning Board issues but are State DEC issues to be determined by the DEC as it applies to LWRP. Lower level Boards do not have authority over higher level ones.

Apparently the PB felt they had no authority to act on behalf of the State Agency.

foiling_for_irondequoit said...

Thanks for clearing that up.

I thought that since it was in the LWRP - it would have been discussed during SEQRA. But the LWRP was never even

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Are you sure it was the "continental shelf" and not continental ice sheets they were talking about?

Got a link to anything for me to read about it? I couldn't find anything on the NYSDEC site regarding continental shelves and Newport.

I bet the nicer dog could get a budget in on time.

Anonymous said...

Not sure. I was told Shelf(as well as some other equally as unrelated items). Just one of those things the "dogs" in albany sit around and think of. Yet they feel it proper to dump millions of gallons of crap directly in the lake and bay.

As the "nicer dog" approached the red white and blue booth on July 4, some in the crowd surmised it was the smell of "BS" that drew him to that area.