Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Then & Now

Andrew Jackson gets called a jackass and he uses it for the symbol of the Democratic Party - Steve Eckel gets called a jackass and he demands an apology.


Look, Steve - I get called a C**T for putting my opinions up on a blog. Don't sweat it. Sticks and stones, man. Dan should apologize, because it's the right thing to do, and we need to set an example for the children all over the world - and you have my permission to call Dan a poopy-face-tomato-nose at the next meeting and we'll call it even, ok?

Then.....maybe THEN we can get back to the business of running the county? Maybe?

Sound like a good idea?

1 comment:

cheri said...

Was the comment legal?

Yes, it was.

So I guess it's ethical per Joe Morelle's moral compass.

Get over it Steve. I really can't believe this petty BS is a story on the news.

I tell my kids when somebody calls them a name to ignore it.

This story doesn't make anyone look good. They all look like a bunch of petty, immature babies.

It's no wonder why we have so many budget problems. Grow up!