Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Irondequoit Residents, Don't Forget

Your Library Board, and Political/Library Consultant Libby Post will be presenting their new logo and focus group findings tonight at Town Hall - in the Broderick Room at 7pm.

Be there, or be square, all you hipsters, if you care.

I don't know if ICat will have it live or on live stream on the website - but it will be recorded for viewing at a later time on vimeo I would imagine.

An e mail sent out to the Eastridge Alumni Association about tonight's meeting crossed my desk just a few minutes ago - encouraging the targeted group it was sent to - to attend tonight's meeting. The information in the e mail was provided by Library Foundation Board Member Miriam Ganze.

Within the e mail: "There has been considerable misinformation circulated by people opposed to changes in the library, and about the purpose for the study sessions held last fall. The study was done to gather information, not to push for any particular change."


"The costs for Libby Post are covered in part of the library budget and the Library Foundation is covering the expenses: travel and lodging and meals. So there is a portion of her money which actually have been covered by the taxpayers through the library budget."

Even though Irena Skrobach, Library Board Member and IDC Chairwoman, told everyone that "The Library Foundation, an independent, private organization, is providing funding" when asked how much this will cost the taxpayers to hire the consultant.

That was misinformation. To the public at large in a "press release" on the IDC website.


"the Foundation examined library usage by the town of Irondequoit residents and found that it had shrunk considerably. Not only usage at our own branches but also usage by Irondequoit citizens at other libraries in the Monroe County Library system."


"The Foundation felt they could never make the case with the town that libraries are an essential service for the town if they could not make the tax payers see us in that same light. They would like to regain those patrons we lost and get non-users into the libraries."

So - the numbers don't back them up. They could "never make the case with the town" that the libraries need more budget money "essentially", if usage is down considerably in Irondequoit and surrounding town's libraries.

That whole malarkey about "opposed to changes in the library, and about the purpose for the study sessions held last fall." is the epitome of misinformation.

First of all, I'm not opposed to changes in the library - nor was I opposed to study sessions.

The original blog I did back in June 2010 complained about hiring a political consultant with tax payer monies to lobby for a new library. Tax money that could have went to "changes in the library".

Nothing about opposing study sessions - and the only "change in the library" I was "opposed to" was hiring a consultant with taxpayer money to convince the taxpayers that this is what they want.

In the LB/TB April 15th joint workshop minutes from the Library Board it states on page 4:

As to the library property, there have been offerings on the McGraw property in the past
and in order to entertain those we need to have public concerns expressed and then
determine what steps to take and what to do (plan of action).

The 2005 library construction report numbers are now five years old and do not reflect increase in the cost of building materials and labor. All prices are up and it is difficult to predict and have a projection for construction cost numbers five years from now.
The premise of the 2005 report has justifications, some of which are:
•The need for more room (space) in the libraries
•The need for universal accessibility
•The need for upgrades

Even with the possibility of individual library building expansion, space (land)
constraints still exist. If buildings are to be expanded, money is put into buildings and the
question would be “What will be the return on that investment?”
The library board stopped movement because it can’t look at property and make offers

So - they are looking at what will be the return on investment on updating/expanding the libraries - and saying that construction costs are up from 5 years ago - it could be expensive to update/expand existing libraries as opposed to....what....consolidation?

And then, right after the above comment about expanding/updating existing libraries - is the big "reveal" as I like to call it:

The Town Board and Library Board acknowledged that both need to address the issue of
an agreement of a central location. The Library Board stated that a consultant will be
hired to focus on “one” library campaign and to invest and put energy into that process.

Of COURSE it wasn't about a new library in a central location. How silly of me to spread that misinformation around! lol

The Town Clerk's minutes from the same meeting say:

"The Library Board still feels strongly that an expanded consolidated place is still wanted."

Ok - you are telling everyone that Libby wasn't hired to campaign for a new consolidated library - but the minutes say otherwise. Who is spreading misinformation?

Miriam Ganze was the one in the meeting minutes from the Town Board who said:

Library Board Member Miriam Ganze said she feels the Library Board has a little expertise in library matters that other people do not have and the Library and Town Boards need to control the conversationand put it out to the public. She feels the Library Board along with the Town Board needs to take a leadership role and stop allowing certain people to rouse up others in the
community with misinformation.

Library Board Member MiriamGanze suggested taking one step at a time—make this Town see the value of a library and community center together. She said we will not convince the no people but work with the yes and undecided. We should not waste our time talking to brick wall—the are many others to share our message with. The No people will not go away-- they will force a referendum vote.

So - Miriam sends out an e mail to the Alumni Association telling them that it never was about a "push for a particular change" - but the minutes, and Libby Post's own FB page shows something entirely different.....and she spreads misinformation by telling them that "people opposed to changes in the library and study sessions" are spreading misinformation.

Recent blog I just did where a FB entry from Libby Post, the consultant hired with taxpayer and Foundation money, writes on April 15th (same day as the workshop meeting referenced above) that she is "Up in Irondequoit (Rochester)to speak with the Library Board about a building project..."

Obviously, it was never about a new consolidated building project (sarcasm). So, just ignore all the misinformation that the LB was spreading about a new consolidated library in the meeting minutes above.

I never once said I was opposed to changes in the Library or opposed to study sessions - but if you were to believe Miriam Ganze - I did.

Please believe all that you are told to believe, regardless of the evidence that proves otherwise.

Enjoy the meeting tonight. According to the e mail that went out - "So starting 3/2, there will be a big PR push."


The "We are not pushing for consolidation even though we said we were hiring the consultant to lobby for consolidation, but we're telling everyone that we didn't hire the consultant for consolidation" non-consolidation PR push Campaign?

Oh, I like it. Catchy title. Definitely an attention grabber.

Hey, negative attention/publicity is still attention/publicity - right? You can thank me in the comments, dahlings!

Think about it - nothing riles up the masses like a good ol' FOIL blog about the libraries - it gets people reading and commenting and you all get to call me names like "anti-library" and "penny pinching whiner" and "library hater" and "anti-family" and all that. It gives you a chance to practice those strategy session lessons in "real time", instead of role playing at the meetings.

I don't force my opinion on anyone. You are free to come and go as you please. I don't mail my blog to anyone's home, or pop up on their monitor randomly. I don't campaign myself out, I don't show up in your driveway, I don't go on the radio or hold press conferences, or have focus groups or strategy sessions. I cost no one any money, and I don't make any relating to this blog. I have no vested interest in anything other than offering up my opinion.

So, I ask, stop the labeling with "anti" anything, and keep your "branding" to the libraries and not the taxpaying residents who may have a different opinion than you.

I have no problem with the Library Board being "pro library" - that's what they're supposed to do. Duh. I don't like being lied to. I feel very strongly, and with conviction, that I was lied to about the original intent of the hiring of the library consultant.

I have never said that I was opposed to changes in the library or study sessions. Ever.

I also believe that I have sufficiently proven any accusation that I have made on here with their own words. How can I manipulate their OWN WORDS to fit some agenda? How can I twist it, spin it, finagle it, snippet it, convolute it, embellish it, or cloud it up to fit some dastardly, "anti-library hating" evil plan to spread misinformation to the whole town......when it's their own words? They are not my words - I didn't make them up. If it IS misinformation, it was misinformation that THEY were spreading - not widdle o' me.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Although I support what the library is doing they were dumb to talk about a new library in the minutes of the joint town board meeting before the consultant even got started. When the consultant told them they needed to improve finances before anything else it forced them to eat their words. However, the consultant's fee is minuscule compared to the amount of money the library has lost in funding over the amount it would take to fix a few things. A million bucks might bring the buildings back up to par. The other very important point you are missing is that the numbers are not down because the library isn't an essential service. It is! The numbers are down because the town board keeps cutting the budget and forcing cuts to the hours the library is open. In all surrounding towns library use is up, way up, as the economy causes people to look for inexpensive cultural resources and help finding a job. Don't cut budgets, staff and hours and library use in Irondequoit would be up too. But, you are right about the new building thing, I think.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I agree with you too.

I feel it's a Catch22 type of situation. I do understand that the libraries need more funds to provide services to patrons, especially during tough times when usage could be up because people are searching for jobs, or don't have internet services, or money to buy books/cd's/movies - the library IS an essential service to the community.

But, because of the tough fiscal times - and especially in Irondequoit with what we've learned about Town finances might not be possible right now to provide that extra funding.

It's ultimately up to the residents through referendum though on consolidation or a new building or becoming their own taxing district...and that's fine. But at some point, somebody's going to have to have this in the Master Plan as the plan. Right now I hear all these different "locations", or that this isn't the plan, and the TH Campus was slid in the MP by the previous that the plan we're going with? MP isn't finished or fully paid for nobody knows.

I know that for a couple of years, even with the library hours reduced....people were saying that Irondequoit had the highest circulation....and they beat Chili every year in their competition.

So - which is it? Is usage down or up? The usage they lost (according to them) are not going to other libraries in other happened?

If other towns offer better services, and Irondequoit's usage loss isn't going anywhere else....can we really claim that it's because Irondequoit doesn't have what these other towns have?

I wish they could afford a new building....but right now I don't think they can. Spending money on a campaign, to me, is a waste of money. I like the idea of a new logo, and the bookmarks and fliers with library patrons on it is a good idea too. That's fine. Celebrate and advocate for the library! Hire the consultant for that and the focus have to update and adapt all the time.....and a "professional" hired for that purpose is fine (imo) as well.

I just don't like being lied to, and that was the whole point of me and my "anti library" blogs.

I wasn't manipulating information - I was repeating it. Quoting them.

Then I'm accused of being a library hater, and spreading misinformation because of that?

It's ridiculous. Makes me angry. >8/

cheri said...

The library board talking about a "new library" in the minutes before the consultant started really hampers the library board's credibility in my opinion.

Irondequoit is in terrible financial shape. The audit news the last few days has proven that more than ever.

Just watched the meeting and Ray Brecker said exactly what I think about the separate taxing district. His comments were Excellent!

Did they say how many people in total participated in the focus groups? I was the only person in the focus group I attended.

Like the idea of the $25 donation book program.

The Town Board has no additional money to give and the taxpayer's are broke. Look at gas prices and soon food is going to be even more that it is now.

IMO The $24,0000 expense for a consultant was a waste. I don't think a logo is going to make much difference.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I watched the live feed online - it was a good meeting, and I like the new logo and their "tag line".

It was time for a new logo - and a new website - if you want to draw attention to the libraries.

A few things stood out at the meeting for me.

Residents have two choices:

More money from the Town in the Library budget, or they work to become their own legislative taxing district to get more money.

I like Mr. Breckers comments too - every department can say they are an "essential service" to the community and need more money.

Police, Fire, Sewer, Water, Lighting, Public Works, and Parks & Rec - all essential services to the community that need more money in their budgets.

Early in the meeting, Ms. Post said that the libraries are not being replaced by the internet or Google or whatever.....then later in the meeting a person asked a question about how many libraries in Upstate NY were their own legislative taxing district....and what did Libby suggest they do to find out the answer?

Look it up on Google.


tgolan said...

Good chance the SWOT responses of loving owned branches is the reason for change of heart on the new big building.

Also likely the usage drop with no increase elsewhere is a function of convenience of branches.

Jax---you were kind in not including more of the quotes from the april joint board meeting about a new big building. I find this quote soooo telling:
“we need to come up with a plan together and get the community behind us.”
This is exactly why their schemes went bad since 2004. Elitist arrogance. NO---what you need to do is have the residents come up with a plan and then get behind the community. Kinda like they do in our neighboring town of Penfield.

Let's hope the proclamation of a new openness is for real.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I'm sorry - I said that residents have two choices, and I was wrong. They have three.

1. More money from the taxpayers through the Town.

2. More money from the taxpayers through the creation of a special district for the libraries.

3. If not choosing #'s 1 or 2, close one of the libraries.

Higher property taxes or consolidation.

Those are the choices.

Hey, at least you get to vote on it.

Ahhh.....I love the smell of Democracy in the morning......

cheri said...

The whole Town is in a pickle financially. We were left quite a mess from Heyman's crew. 4 years of OVER spending has a way of catching up with us.

To bad we can't hold her and Bovenzi accountable. Blew my mind that the Irondequoit Post article about the audit doesn't even mention Heyman's name or Bovenzi! The audit consists of the years that she controlled the moola and not even a mention. Hmmmm.

So the libraries are in this terrible financial situation with every other department. So they go out and spend another $24,000 for a logo!? Sorry it doesn't make sense to me.

A logo isn't going to get people into the library in my opinion. How is the library going to even be able to properly advertise the logo? Because we are BROKE!

How about if there was a campaign for every homeowner to donate 10 bucks to the library? With the promise that this money is going to go for materials or to extend hours. People aren't going to want to give anything if there is the potential that there money is going to be wasted on another consultant etc.

Pretty sad that the library board may finally get their wish of one branch but only because one branch will have to close because of lack of funds. :(

tgolan said...

There is grant money for new programs---may have to change some programming concepts to accommodate grant criteria but that should not be difficult if the intent is to provide residents with beneficial and informative services.

It is exciting to see the new edict of openness and new desire to communicate with residents in the decision making process.

The Board will "Bring Transparency in Decision Making to Light".

That makes more sense than about anything. The Library Board is a politically appointed Board which make decisions, presumably, based on political allies and bents. For the Board to announce and imply that process has changed with their new openness in decision making is an enormous positive step for them to be taking.

If the Board is sincere, they will not be hiding any of their decision making efforts until residents have had a chance to comment.