Sunday, June 6, 2010

Campaigns - Not Just For Politicians Anymore

Did you know that your Irondequoit Library Board has determined that it is necessary to spend taxpayer money on a campaign to convince you that "one" library is what you want?

The Library Board has determined that "one library" is what you taxpayers want.

At their April monthly meeting and workshop, from the minutes:

Library Board Minutes April 2010

The Town Board and Library Board acknowledged that both need to address the issue of an agreement of a central location. The Library Board stated that a consultant will be hired to focus on “one” library campaign and to invest and put energy into that process. Initially, focus groups from community members will be formed and asked questions as to their feelings, attitudes of their community, services etc in a survey format. Although the ideal outcome would be a ‘one’ library initiative and focus groups will enable groups to understand if that initiative is still the desire and will of the community. Based on those focus group findings, a ‘campaign’ will be designed. The length and depth of the campaign process is estimated to be one year with some of the following goals: branding, development of logo and forming an emotional attachment. Question is how to bring the two sides of Irondequoit together.

Who is this consultant? Libby Post, political consultant.

"focus groups will enable groups to understand if that initiative is still the desire and will of the community."

When has a study or survey (that is statistically valid) ever shown that "one library" is the desire and will of the community?

Hiring a consultant proves that it is not the "will" or "desire" of the community - it shows it is the board's will and desire - and they will use your tax money to convince you that it is your will and desire too - by hiring a political consultant.

With the town broke, and the state broke - it is neither my will or desire to have you spend taxpayer money on a consultant to convince us of YOUR "wills and desires".

I'd rather see that money for the consultant go to updating the existing one resident brought up - why not hire a consultant to campaign for lower taxes?

This is ridiculous, frivolous spending. All to convince YOU to do what THEY want.

Welcome to the same old same old.

For more information and resident opinions on the libraries - visit this link.

For more information and library board opinions on the libraries - visit this link.

Here is the Town Clerk's meeting minutes:
Workshop Meeting April 152010

"Library and Town Boards need to control the conversation
and put it out to the public. She feels the Library Board along with the Town Board
needs to take a leadership role and stop allowing certain people to rouse up others in the community with misinformation.
Councilmember Aldersley said the Library Board words were very welcome. She
spoke about the Permissive Referendum vote and felt the basis of the rejection was
misinformation and the fact that the community wanted the Town to own the building not lease it. It is a perfect time to start again."

LMAO Ok - it really isn't a plot. Nope. Not at all. Control and shut people up. That's the plan.

Just so I don't get accused of altering the meeting minutes (because there were highlighting and underlining) I will post the minutes from the TB website. The Link.

And the actual pdf. starting at the bottom of page 4 to page 6 are the workshop minutes:
4-15-10 RTB Workshop Minutes

"Library Board Member Miriam Ganze said.....we will not convince the no people but work with the yes and undecided. We should not waste our time talking to brick wall—there are many others to share our message with. The No people will not go away-- they will force a referendum vote."

Hmmm....why would anyone have to "FORCE" a referendum vote on this? I thought the process was going to be open, honest, inclusive, with a plan presented to the community, and then voluntarily offered as a referendum? The only reason to "FORCE" a referendum is if the people in power don't offer one to begin with and pass a resolution for a new library at a meeting like they did with leasing at King$ Pork for the Senior Center. Maybe they were never planning on offering this up for a vote at all?

Note: Within the comments section of this blog, a discussion occurred where the cosmetic improvements for the libraries was brought up. I had mentioned Bob Ament and his involvement with trying to get the libraries updated. He has forwarded an e-mail between himself and Mr. Buford which may clarify things a little more. The LB also wrote a letter clarifying the improvements too. Both are below for your reference.

Link to letter.

Letter writers.

Yes, please KISS it. We simple, stupid people can't understand anything above a 5th grade reading level.

That's why I like it when you use that 5th grade writing level. So much easier to understand.


Anonymous said...

The Irondequoit Public Library System is a Master Plan Issue. The previous Town Board rigged the Master Plan on this issue.

The Master Plan, led by CPL, was touted as a "voice of the community", yet it did zero to include Library issues.

On May 14, 2009 at a Town Board Workshop CPL presented process updates. They stated "The Libraries are internally examining their own needs".
Please ponder this statement and subsequent Board inaction. A sitting Town Board heard a report on progress of a Comprehensive Master Plan that was to be a "voice of the community". The Library Board had been on record for several years proposing, recommending and yearning for a new $12 million library building. Yet the Town Board felt comfortable with the “voice of the community” being only the voice of 7 biased library board members, appointed by, and friends of the sitting supervisor. The Town Board remained silent as the controversial subject of the Library System was handed off to 7 individuals whose stated views were in conflict with known survey results. The Town Board felt residents of the community were not entitled to be involved in this aspect of the future of their town. CPL did not apply professional engineering methodology as they became willful participants in a charade.

Will Town Board correct the politicization of the Master Plan?

Will Town Board support a Strategic Plan inclusive of branch options and choices---honestly presented in a comprehensive effort to determine what the Community wants "FROM" the Library System?

Tim Golan

cheri said...

Helllllooooo Jax,

I'm totally on the same page with you! The library board is hiring a POLITICAL Consultant, to push their agenda, paid for with taxpayer money!


The library board is terrified to have a real vote on library locations because most people in town are happy with the 2 locations. So lets spend thousands of taxpayer dollars to talk the people into what the library board wants and thinks is best!

The Town is broke just like the State but we have money to waste on political consultants to push agendas!!

I'm so disgusted! This reminds me so much of spending nearly $100,000 on consultant Tim Poley to push us into King's Park and we all know how that turned out.

So here we go again. A decision that should be up to the people has to be manipulated first by board members who want what they want. That consultant money sure would come in handy to make improvements in the buildings we own but it's more important for the library board to push their agenda.

Expenditures with taxpayer money like this is unethical, to bad it isn't illegal!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I think it has been made perfectly clear that it doesn't matter what the community wants.

Miriam, Irena, and Mary Ellen want one library - and you will want it too.

Oh - and taxpayers will pay for a political consultant to convince you that you want it.

I have no problem with them wanting a "campaign" for one library - I have a problem with taxpayers funding that campaign. Some taxpayers may not want "one" library - why should they pay for a political consultant?

Even if they did want "one" library - taxpayers should not fund hiring of consultants for a specific agenda - which is what they are proposing.

They don't care about the opinions of the community - they want one library and that's it.

Next up: "A small group of people are trying to deter the library board from their mission to serve the community."

Just waiting for that overused phrase to hit the meeting minutes.......

cheri said...

You forgot "negative"! Small group of "negative" residents. Anyone that doesn't agree with the library board is "negative"

Please try to remember that you aren't allowed your opinion in Irondequoit!

Same opinion - positive, different opinion - negative!

If the library board wants to campaign with their own money I could care less. When they are using taxpayer funds to campaign their agenda I have a problem with that.

Hey, maybe they could talk the Democratic party into being a PRETEND Seniors First Committee and they'll fund for the consultant.

Oh the memories! ;)

They could call it OUR WAY or NO WAY Committee!

Get the Mind Control Goggles back out because I'm sure Miriam, Irena, and Mary Ellen are going to be telling us what WE want very soon!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

lol How could I forget that?

"Small group of negative people"....wasn't there more to it too? Oh yeah...."spreading misinformation". Can't forget that part either.

There was one item in the workshop minutes that I found a little confusing.....

Page 4 says:

"Supervisor stated that we, as a town, face many constraints. We must bring people
together to understand how much money is being spent on Pinegrove."

Why is the Supervisor talking about costs to Pinegrove at a Library Board workshop?

What does Pinegrove have to do with the Libraries?

Also, maybe it would be a little less expensive if the Town didn't just approve spending 10k on ANOTHER study for Passero to talk about a new roof for Pinegrove.

Didn't the town just spend almost 50k for LaBella's "study"? You know....where they state that Pinegrove's roof is fine for now, but should be reconstructed within the next 10 years. Link to LaBella's Property Condition Report, which states:

Page 18 - "The roof appears to be in good condition for its age. Roof reconstruction should be
considered in the next ten years."

Why are taxpayers spending ANOTHER 10K for Passero to do ANOTHER study?

Costs to Pinegrove will still be funded by taxpayers through the WISD taxes - they'll still run the Helmer's Nature Center there even if the Town decides to move the Senior will getting rid of the Town's portion save taxpayers any money? It will still be repaired by taxpayers - but through the SD instead of the Town.

All this talk of "One Irondequoit" is ridiculous when the School Districts still divide the Town.

Centralizing a library isn't going to unify Irondequoit any more than a Senior Center at King$ Pork would unify the town.

Good grief.

Anonymous said...

I thought the community said NO! Now I'm paying some half-baked consultant to tell the Town and Library boards how to hoodwink me into saying "yes" when I really mean NO. Qui bono?

Somebody is bound and determined to saddle Irondequoit with a hugely expensive construction project, that may very well be obsolete by the time it's finished.

It seems to me that consultants and other friends with their careers tied up somehow in library facilities development are not the ones to give fair and forward-thinking advice. (Grab now, before the public realizes that public library facilities of the future will be smaller - not larger.)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 5:30 pm. -

It doesn't matter what the community has already said.

They want one library, and that's that. End of story.

Here's how the "campaign" will play out - read this.

I especially love page 15 and how this will be "marketed".....5th grade reading level? Seriously?

Way to tell the community that they are a bunch of idiots.

Yeah! Consolidation! Wooo!

Anonymous said...

If you are against new and higher taxes you may be label "anti-children", "anti-seniors", or "anti-family".

Non-agreeing comments may be labeled at "Hate" and "fear".

I had hoped to see an in-depth campaign to discuss, educate, and evaluate the Library System in a context of how a future system may benefit our community without the divisive subject of branches vs consolidation being the driving force.

I had hoped Residents could have provided serious discussions and become an integral part of
System Goals

Surely patrons, residents and students should be involved in a serious, lengthy discussion about
Improving Services for the 21st Century

As evidenced by the Meeting Minutes the Boards Strategic Plan is all about Buildings and Facilities, tax increases and spending. An approach not divisive to a bruised community would be a different type of
Strategic Plan

Surely the Consultant will dance around these elements in order to test the pulse but it seems unlikely the community will experience a worthy open transparent evaluation.

Tim Golan

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Tim -

HA! We're used to that ol' labeling stuff. Remember the "Seniors First Committee" tried to tell everyone that we "hate seniors" because we were against leasing at King$ Pork?

I wouldn't expect anything less from this group - which is the same group that were in the "Seniors First Committee".

I just can't get over that they are spending taxpayer dollars on a consultant to sell THEIR agenda.


cheri said...

Tomorrow Tuesday June 8th there is a workshop at 6:30pm McGraw branch.

Jax you said - "All this talk of "One Irondequoit" is ridiculous when the School Districts still divide the Town.

Centralizing a library isn't going to unify Irondequoit any more than a Senior Center at King$ Pork would unify the town."


The "campaign" is going to be marketed to us 5th graders!? Duh!
I guess the library board thinks the residents in Irondequoit have a 10 year old mentality?!

I guess they know what's best since we are all just a bunch of
5th graders. Ha.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


It seems (from the meeting minutes) that there will be no "true" discussion amongst the focus groups.......they will be given a survey to complete that will gauge the "feelings, attitudes, and services". Then, as Tim pointed out "the Consultant will dance around these elements in order to test the pulse but it seems unlikely the community will experience a worthy open transparent evaluation. "

Again, I really have no problem with them doing this on their own - but when you use taxpayer dollars to hire a political consultant to achieve your agenda - and then try to float that off as what the community wants - that is wrong. It's just wrong.

We all know they want a consolidated library (and, in a previous blog, I have said that I would like to see one too at Town Hall Campus), and there are ways to go about it to bring the community together to "unite" and be proactive in achieving that goal (as Tim has so kindly showed us over and over and over again the past few years)....but this is not the way to go about it.

MEH - when she ran for supervisor in 2005 talked about how important it was for residents to keep two libraries. Link.

A "not statistically valid" survey in Images showed an overwhelming desire to keep two branches and renovate them. Link.

Residents went to the trouble of creating a video against the idea of a consolidated library. Link.

MEH brought up how the small group of people thwart forward progress on consolidating the libraries (and senior center etc.)- in which discussions, surveys, and focus groups go back 20 years. Link.

I dunno - If it were up to me, we'd have a referendum on it and be done with it once and for all.

But no. Year after year we have to go through this.

How about instead of spending money on that consultant - they use it to clean up the ceilings in the library. Disgusting.

They will keep letting the buildings run down (like they did with Pinegrove) to facilitate a move.

IF it was presented in a way that includes everyone and is considerate of everyone - I think people would embrace it more.....hiring a political consultant with our tax money to push ONE SIDE'S agenda is not the way to go about it.

Off topic question:

Isn't Debbie Evans a board member on the Chamber of Commerce? She is listed as a board member:

Just wondering where IQW got the meeting minutes (which are not posted in full for me to read - only what he tells me to read). I think I now know.

Anonymous said...

As a long time resident of Irondequoit I laugh at the implication that the library board is some evil cabal out to "hoodwink" us with some "half baked consultant" or angling to build a zillion dollar building against everyones wishes. As if a new library could get built without a vote. Get real. You insult us all by suggesting we can't decide for ourselves without your breathless revelations of the insidious plot or that we wouldn't be able to resist a PR campaign for something we don't want. Gosh, give us a little credit for brains won't you? I'm getting a clearer idea of who is attempting to manipulate things as I read these comments and it ain't the library board. I can think for myself, thank you. I do agree that the excerpts from the meeting should be explained although I'm not shocked that the library board wants a new library. However, I prefer to get my information from the source and so that is why I'm going to the library board meeting Tuesday night at McGraw Branch at 6:30 to find out for myself what their intentions are. Call me naive but I'm going to keep an open mind and let them explain themselves. I believe, until it is proven differently, that the library board are good people who only want to do good for our town. I don't think they are interested in forcing or manipulating anybody to do anything. I think they are not afraid but eager to know what most people want. I challenge you all to go to the meeting and find out for yourselves what the library board intends to do before deciding anything. Once they have explained themselves I will form an opinion and maybe join you. Or maybe not. But until I hear from them I will hold off on forming any judgments about what the library wants to do. I recommend this reasonable approach to all my fellow residents.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

From the meeting minutes:

"The Library Board stated that a consultant will be hired to focus on “one” library campaign and to invest and put energy into that process."

Geez. Nobody here said it was a cabal or anything like that.

I have no problem with them wanting to campaign for consolidation.

I have a problem with them using taxpayer money to hire a consultant to "focus on, invest, and put energy into the one library process".

That's why they hired a consultant.

Using taxpayer money for that consultant to sell the idea of 'one library' is wrong.

Plain and simple. Wrong.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

BTW - anonymous @ 1:32

When this same group tried to "hoodwink" the community when they created the "Seniors First Committee" - I think the residents are justified in thinking the same thing with this.

Open minds would realize that.

But, if you don't, that's ok too.

cheri said...

Who said anything about an evil plot?

My issue like Jax's is that as a taxpayer I think it's unethical to be paying for a consultant to push the "one" library idea.

No evil plot, half baking, breathless revelations of insidious plots! Hilarious!

Plain and simple if the library board wants to have a "one" library campaign they should have it, just not on OUR dime.

The pretend "Seniors First" group with an address of a sitting library board member (also board member of the IDC) was quite a "hoodwink". At least that imaginary group's mailings were paid for by the Irondequoit Democrats not the taxpayer's of Irondequoit. Kind of sad that they were trying to trick taxpayer's but at least it wasn't on our dime.

ps - I have no problem with "one" library if that is what the majority of people want. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


You are so negative.

You know that you and Bob are the reason that nothing can get done in this town.


Gimme a friggin' break.

How dare you have an opinion!

You are not allowed to think that there is any "plot" at all - even though it's GLARINGLY obvious that the consultant is being hired to focus on, invest and put energy into the ONE LIBRARY PROCESS.

No....there is not a plot at all.

Keep repeating that. Over and over and over.

Sorry - the minutes of the meeting tell it all - regardless of what was actually discussed during the meeting - the minutes are approved and documented as being correct.

The consultant was hired with taxpayer money to focus on telling the residents (in a 5th grade reading level way) that THEY WANT ONE LIBRARY.

The end.

Anonymous said...

So nobody is going to the meeting? What if you're wrong or don't have the complete picture about what the consultant has been hired to do? I still find it hard to believe the library board is doing what you say. With all the budget cuts the library has been subjected to I would think they'd be more concerned with funding for day to day operations and maybe going back to the old, longer hours of operation. I'm thinking the minutes are inaccurate, in error, or left out something important. These are good people in my opinion. I don't think they would operate in the way you guys describe. If you are correct and I am wrong then I'll be the naive one. But, I want to hear what they say and form an opinion based upon that. Why so quick to decide and condemn?

cheri said...

Jax said-
"Isn't Debbie Evans a board member on the Chamber of Commerce? She is listed as a board member:
Link. Just wondering where IQW got the meeting minutes (which are not posted in full for me to read - only what he tells me to read). I think I now know."

Sorry I didn't see this before. LowIQ strikes again. Priceless and hilarious! Thanks for the laughs Ray, public official, planning board member! hahahahaha

Oh yes, I remember quite well MEJ blaming me for the loss of MEH and company. I'd love to take credit of such a magnificent feat but alas I can't.

Their defeat was all due to their actions the last 4 years. The public is smarter than 5th graders, go figure. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous -

I am not wrong. Far from it.

Read the Clerk's meeting minutes that I just put up at the bottom of the blog.

"Library and Town Boards need to control the conversation
and put it out to the public. She feels the Library Board along with the Town Board
needs to take a leadership role and stop allowing certain people to rouse up others in the
community with misinformation.
Councilmember Aldersley said the Library Board words were very welcome. She
spoke about the Permissive Referendum vote and felt the basis of the rejection was
misinformation and the fact that the community wanted the Town to own the building
not lease it. It is a perfect time to start again."

"Control the conversation" and "Stop allowing certain people to rouse up others"

Mmmmm hmmmmm.

Democracy at it's finest.

Same old same old.

When the LB and Stephanie talk about misinformation - were they talking about when Stephanie told everyone that the town only owns 5 ft. around Pinegrove?

Or, maybe it was when the Seniors First Committee sent out mailers that said Pinegrove was unsafe?

Or when the LB wrote letters to MPN telling people that the town didn't own the land, the parking lot, and that they didn't even own the entrances and exits to Pinegrove?

Or, maybe it was when MG told everyone that leasing at King$ Pork would be more money to the property taxes?

Sorry sweetie - I'm not wrong.

Why even bother going to the Library meeting? It's a done deal.

They already hired the consultant. June 1st 2010 to May 31 2011.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous -

Page 1, 2nd paragraph from bottom:

"Library Board Member Stephanie Squicciarini reported the Board met with a
consultant to get the community focused on one library and help with fundraising

The consultant is being hired to focus on ONE LIBRARY.

OUR tax money is funding this hiring.

It is wrong.




Good people or not. It is wrong to hire a consultant with taxpayer money to sell THEIR agenda.






Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Geez. Nobody here said it was a cabal or anything like that."

I take it back. It is a cabal.


An evil plot.

Mwah ha haaaaaaaaa

Ginny said...

The Evans branch of the library is closed until June 21st to replace the carpet.

This seems odd to me. I know the libraries are in serious need of maintenance and updating. But if the board is really focused on the effort to consolidate, why are they spending limited maintenance funds on carpet? If the library is sold in the next few years, are we going to be glad that $$ was put into carpeting or into some of the more basic maintenance that the building requires (window replacement, bathroom repair)? I don't think new carpet is going to be as important a selling point as these other issues. If the building is not sold in a few years -- because the one library solution is finally rejected -- it's not like we'll be sorry that the windows were replaced or the roof fixed in 2010.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Ginny -

I don't know really.

I think they did this recent maintenance because they didn't want Bob Ament to do it or be involved in it. He was trying to get them to hurry up and fix things or something. And they were trying to tell him that these things take time and you can't just rush into it. So, then they made an agreement with Shaheen's I think for painting....and I forget the rug people.

If they don't do simple little things to improve the libraries, then they will seem to be indifferent and it would look bad for them in the long know...."see? They didn't do ANYTHING to improve those libraries and now they want a new one. They aren't fixing them because they want to move to a new one."

So, by doing these simple little updates - they look good, and don't spend "too much" on improvements before they get their McLibrary.

Kinda the same thing that happened with Pinegrove.

I'm wondering why they are spending limited funds on a consultant when that money could go for repairs/updates to one/both branches.

Plus, why they think it's ok to use taxpayer funds to push an agenda of ONE library.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Just waiting for that overused phrase to hit the meeting minutes......."

And as usual, MG does not disappoint me:

"Library Board Member Miriam
Ganze said......The No
people will not go away....stop allowing certain people to rouse up others in the
community with misinformation..... We should not waste our
time talking to brick wall"

The "no" people? I WANT a consolidated library on town hall campus. I stated it quite clearly, and gave reasons for why I would like to see it on Town Hall campus in this blog.

I was even encouraging them to organize and sell their ideas.

Not to use the taxes of people like my 88 year old Great Aunt to fund hiring a consultant to sell ONE LIBRARY campaigns. She likes her neighborhood library. Why should she be "controlled" or "Quieted from saying no" or pay for a consultant to sell an agenda she might not agree with?

Stop being so mean to my "no people" 88 year old Great Aunt.

She deserves to have her opinion! You shouldn't try to silence her.


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Regarding the Town Board meeting minutes from the April 15th workshop....please do not try to tell me that those minutes are a mistake like you are trying to tell me the library board minutes are a mistake.

At the May TB meeting at the 26:20 mark of the video, the Town Clerk announces the approval of the workshop meeting minutes from April 15th (TB workshop minutes are posted at the bottom of the blog) - Perticone moves it, Marasco seconds it - and MJD asks "Any questions, corrections, directions?" and everyone is "AYE" on the approval of the minutes.

If there were any mistakes - they would have addressed them before they approved the minutes.

They were approved. Where it plainly states that the LB met with a consultant to get the community focused on one library concept.


kcomella said...

Ok. I have read about all I can take for one evening ... ROTF! (these days - it's not easy for me to get off the floor repeatedly) - DARE I suggest an investigation? ... and let's start with the "positive" side this time, eh? Hey! - fair is fair, right? ... so I elect to dive into the lives of the smart people in charge!

If we are going to make another investment in yet another consultant ... because *we* did not like the results in the outcome the first time ... what the hell, it's only going to be another 10K, 20K, 30K ... for another useless investigation, right?

And while we're at it - lets work on getting those workshops televised - all boards, in fact. Let's let those public meetings really become "public meetings" ... & open the government (fer cryin in the sink!)

@Jax -
Nice work, as always.

... Ah, Crow ... from what I *hear*, there are numerous way to prepare it. ;-)

Barret is on like donkey kong said...

Did somebody say "investigation"?

I am on that like white on rice!

Scarlett O'Morpha said...

Oh my, my, my! I do declare!

I think I shall faint if people are silenced, or fed controlled information!

My heart, my precious southern heart shall wither at the thought.

I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.

tee hee ;)

cheri said...

The TB/Library workshop minutes say-

"Control the conversation" and "Stop allowing certain people to rouse up others"

2 sets of minutes that are really very enlightening! A meeting that took place that wasn't advertised anywhere.

Control the conversation - How's that for OPEN Government?

What is funny about the whole thing is that the Library Board is really caught with these 2 sets of minutes. They read the way they read and even a 5th grader could figure out the meaning.

So nice to see you Scarlet it has been awhile! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


lol Scarlett - blast from the past.

I see Mr. Barret has made an appearance too. Better watch what you say. lol

Yeah - well - Barb (who should be reappointed at the next TB meeting) is the epitome of a professional. She is most pleasant, and represents the town very well. She rarely - if ever - makes a mistake in transcribing minutes.

The fact that both sets of minutes are similar (when mentioning the agenda of the LB with regards to the consultant and the process) leads me to believe that there were NO errors NO mistakes and NOT inaccurate.

The fact that the Town Board's record of the workshop meeting minutes were approved with no corrections or clarifications at the subsequent TB meeting in May - also leads me to believe that it is, as has been said by me, that the LB is using taxpayer money to hire a political consultant to move forward with the ONE LIBRARY agenda;

AND, as stated earlier by me that (certain members) of the LB do not care what the community thinks (the community is made up of "no" people as well as "yes" people) - as evidenced by comments from a LB member to "control conversations" and "stop allowing people to comment" and "the no people are not worth talking to" - leads me to believe that they really don't care what EVERYONE thinks. The "no" people's opinions don't matter, but their tax money is good enough to pay for a political consultant to push the LB agenda through for ONE library.....

*Jax slams gavel*

Guilty as charged. Case closed.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am trying to draw a distinction between what I know the library board wants and to what ends I think they are willing to go to get it. Clearly the library board wants a new library. No secret there. It doesn't necessarily mean they are willing to be underhanded to get it. I'm willing to attribute the remarks in the minutes to the library board's enthusiasm for their goal, a new library, and their knowledge of the difficulties they face in getting people to agree to it. I definitely believe the library board are good people (it seems that here I'm in the minority in this belief?) and they will play fair and not try to hoodwink anybody. I think they will make a good faith effort to listen to all of the community and decide what to do based on what they hear and learn. I think if they are hearing feedback from enough different people to drop the new library idea they will drop it. If they decide to go for the new library there will obviously be a vote so of course the residents will ultimately decide no matter what. Obviously everybody must be part of the conversation since many have strong feelings about this. I'm just not ready to condemn anybody until I hear about what they want to do. I expect to hear that tonight. If they aren't willing to explain the methods they intend to use to move ahead and aren't willing to address how they'll seek community input I'll be joining you in denouncing them! I think they believe most people want this but I also believe they are willing to do the work necessary to find out if they are right before they propose anything. This is where all of us come in to the picture to make sure we are part of the discussion. So many people are out there saying they know what most people want. I'm not so sure anybody knows. Maybe when this is finished we'll have a better idea. If we don't then I'll be upset too.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous - I don't know how many times I can say this.

I don't have any problem, whatsoever, in any way shape or form with them wanting to have ONE library and them wanting to push that agenda.

To use taxpayer money to push that ONE LIBRARY agenda is wrong.

It is not right.

If it is, then I should be able to go to the town, tell them that they will have to give me taxpayer money to pay for hiring a consultant to sell the TWO LIBRARY branch agenda.

Do you think the "yes people" would like it if I did that?

Use their tax money to hire a consultant to campaign for TWO LIBRARIES?

Yes or no - is it ok for me to ask the Town to use taxpayer money to hire a consultant to focus on the two branch agenda?

Yes or no - is it ok for me to tell the supervisor that the town board needs to control the conversation and not let the "yes people" comment and spread misinformation?

Yes or no - is it ok for me to tell the "yes people" that their opinions don't matter and I won't bother talking to them....but I will use their tax dollars to hire a consultant to sell my agenda?

It seems to be ok for certain members of the LB to do this.

I hope you heard everything you wanted to hear at the LBM.

Just out of curiosity - did they try to explain their way out of the comments in the meeting minutes? I'm sure both were just a mistake and didn't really represent everything that was discussed at the meeting. Right?

Anonymous said...

The Board-Consultant meeting brought little public interest. About 8 residents plus the Board Panel.

A few brief comments were made about the Meeting Minutes. I don't recall any of that content.

Libby Post, consultant, presented a powerpoint show. It was an explanation of IPL statistics and the process of Branding and Marketing she will lead. Talks of websites, communications of messages, new logos, new stationary, new slogans, new branding, new posters, new colors and which fonts to use.

The Graph displayed of IPL funding over the past 4 years was striking! The visuals of the slashing were powerful.

Library usage is down significantly. Perplexing since library usage is up across the country.

The Marketing Plan will be similar to the plans used in the Pawling and Saugerties projects. This is a professional effort to promote the Branches as an important element and amenity in Irondequoit.

Yes, they will control the conversation, they will use campaign strategy, they will be positive, etc. Although it was not stated, there is no doubt the intent is to create interest, demand for new programming which would ultimately lead to funding for facility improvements.

I do believe the Board wants the process open and transparent. Mistake one was not taping the meeting last night. There was no intent to hide any of the meeting, they just weren't thinking. The presentation will be available.

If I recall correctly there will be about 20 focus groups at each branch. We did not hear any of the sorts of questions/discussions that will be used in/on the Groups. Of course this will be the determining factor in how results are generated.

Call the Branches or email the board or director and ask to participate in the focus groups. Initially, discussions will not be about buildings but about programs and the future of the System.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Thank you for the rundown of the meeting Tim. I don't know if it was "advertised" anywhere significant - and from what I understand LBM's aren't attended by many residents on a regular basis - so I can see where the meeting(s) would be attended by the same people all the time, and not many residents.

If I were a board member, that would lead me to believe that the community doesn't care as much as WE (the friends of the library, the LB etc.) do.

A question: Do you think that library usage being down could be tied in to hours that the libraries are open? They cut hours of operation and I think that would contribute to lower usage.

Also - to go about gaining support for a "one library agenda" - you can go about it many ways, but I'm always interested in the way people go about gaining support.

Is it carrot on a stick, or gun to the head? Makes a difference.

Looks like Libby is going to go about it the smart way by offering a "carrot on a stick" campaign, instead of the "gun to the head" that we've seen in the past from certain members of the LB.

It's still a campaign for one library.

"Let's get a new logo and generate some interest in the libraries. Let's ask the community if they would like to see more programs, more classes, more materials. Do they like drinking coffee and eating sweet treats when they sit down to read a book? Do you like comfy chairs and private nooks and crannies to do your reading in? Well.....we could give you all of that if you would be kind enough to vote for a consolidated library."

Instead of the "The No people won't go away. We need a new library now. We are an embarrassment. Other towns have nice libraries and we don't. The no people just lie and spread misinformation. They don't deserve to be heard" that we have been subjected to for over five years.

It IS a campaign for consolidation - that's why the consultant was hired. With taxpayer money. Which is still wrong.

Haus Frau tip:

It kind of reminds me when I wanted a new oven. I really didn't need a new oven, my old one worked perfectly even though it was a little run down, and it was starting to show it's age. But, I wanted a new one. In order for me to get the hubby to agree to buying me a new oven, I had to lobby for my cause. I couldn't just say "Buy me a new oven."
I had to convince him I needed a new oven.

It took me one month. I would keep mentioning every now and then how ugly the stove was and how it was really starting to show it's age. It wasn't a self cleaning week I would spray that nasty "Easy Off" stuff (that he hates the smell of) on there when he was at home and slave away at cleaning that oven....gloves on, hair up, bandanna on my head, wiping away sweat on my forehead, little smudges of dirt on my face...I'd make sure I did it when he was home so he could see how hard it was to clean that oven. Then, progressively, his favorite dinners would be mysteriously overdone/undercooked...."Gee honey, I cooked it like I always do...I don't know why it came out like that. I'm so sorry. Maybe if I turned the temp up/down or kept it in longer/less time?"

I even went so far as to my evil scheme that I removed one of the wires to the knob that worked one that burner just mysteriously stopped working. So, now I only had three burners...."Oh, but that's ok honey....I'll make due."

One month, and I had a brand new oven with all the bells and whistles (self cleaning too! WOOO!) in my house, like I wanted. His dinners mysteriously went back to their normal deliciousness, he was happy, I was happy.

My campaign worked - and taxpayer money was not used for my scheme or the purchase of my new oven.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Side Note:

I know the Town Board is behind this too. I'm not stupid.

The reason why I haven't lambasted them on here is because I promised 6 months of them being in office before I started in on them like I do everyone else. I keep my promises.

They have until the end of June until they are treated like everyone else is.

Why do I think they are in on this?

Ridge Rd. Library is prime business real estate - having money in the Town coffers from the sale of such property, and having a business contribute (give back- ie; The Town "gets something out of it"-which I believe was mentioned in the minutes) to the community in property taxes.

After reading IQW's blog about the Chamber of Commerce minutes made me think about it even more.

That's all I'm going to say about it for now - and really, everyone involved is "just doing their jobs"....from the library board, to the consultant, to the Supervisor and board.

Doesn't mean everyone is going to go for it though.

We'll see what develops, but so far, I'm not seeing much difference from the past to the present. And, that's all I'm going to say about that until July. Like I promised.

cheri said...

Jax said - "Do you think that library usage being down could be tied in to hours that the libraries are open? They cut hours of operation and I think that would contribute to lower usage."

I hear people complain all of the time about the cut in hours. I do think that this is cutting into usage numbers.

I'd rather use the money spent on the "one" library campaign (political consultant) to keep the library open longer instead.

Thank you Tim for the synopsis of the meeting. I wish I was able to attend last night but I couldn't.

Tim you said that you believe that the Library Board wants this process to be open and transparent. I sure hope so! I'm all for that!

Jax, your Haus Frau tip is very funny! I'm glad no campaign money was used. ;)
The taxpayer's thank you!

Anonymous said...

The consultant indicated quite clearly that associative amenities should not be incorporated into library plans. It was an interesting observation, supported by experience and one nearby example.

It will be interesting to see if adamant proponents of combining CC, senior center and library continue in opposition to Ms Post.

Of course, she is correct, at least in the context of her role; and most certainly in terms of any sensible strategic planning effort.

Hopefully residents demanding combination of facilities will rethink their position and support the library marketing campaign as a stand alone project.

To do otherwise will only be a burden on the very difficult process of moving IPL, not only forward, but back to its position 4 years ago.

Tim Golan

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Thank you Tim - interesting points.

I was just wondering if you thought that IPL usage being down can be directly related to the reduction in operating hours?

I mean, if they are saying "We have to get the usage back up", and they are justifying this campaign by it - couldn't it very well be that usage is lower because operating hours were reduced?

You can use it against wanting larger space for libraries too "Your numbers show a decline in usage - how can you justify a new library with such numbers."

Interesting to see how it plays out.