Friday, March 16, 2012

Irondequoit Is # 1 in 2012

For the highest Town Tax Rate and School District Tax Rate.  Congratulations!

Monroe County 2012 Tax Tables.


Anonymous said...

highest for years. leaders give their friends sweetheart deals that cost money and then raise taxes. Board keeps lieing about Medley and gives 35 year tax deals that pay the mortgage. At the August town chat session one Board Member lied and claimed that the County was not paying the mortgage for medley. She signed the F*&^% agreement and knows tax dollars will be diverted.

Why would any resident sign a tax deal in the highest taxed town, that gives away taxes for 35 years?

The Board was asked to make public the union sham contracts so the public could comment. Town Board could care less about the taxpayers. They simply gave a massive pay increase to the highest paid cops in the finger lakes region.

Supervisor bitterly complained about the very poorest of seniors using $29,000 in Federal Funds for rides.

Anonymous said...

You are no different than the politicians you claim to despise all the time; you say what you think the public wants to hear while all the while trying to create controversy. "Friends sweetheart deals" "Town board lying" "Tax dollars being diverted" blah blah blah...
Did you see what the school district, cominda and the town DID receive recently in money via the TAXES? I know that you did. I also love how you continuously try to create controversy with the TOWN BOARD when you know two other entities also signed the pilot (but no one pays attention to the school board votes and county votes)(sigh, how to create controversy where none exists)

You think taxes are high now? What is going to happen now that Kings park and Chase Pitkin, 2 of the largest commercial properties in town are now tax exempt?!!

The "supervisor complained bitterly about the very poorest of seniors using $29k for rides" please show us where she did that!

Get a job, stop renting, start paying your own taxes, then you can complain.

Anonymous said...

Timmie, Timmie, Timmie. Ever the bitter man.

Anonymous said...

Dozens of pages of the Pilot agreement pertain to the County Paying the Mortgage on Medley:

Section 1.3.4 Utilization of PILOT Increment
(a) The Agency (comida) has agreed to accept all PILOT Increment payments...for the benefit of the Project (medley) and such payments shall be utilized as provided in this section. Subject to Article VII hereof, the Agency shall utilize the PILOT Increment and the proceeds of any PILOT Bonds as determined by the Company (medley)...(for) the payment of debt servise on loans or bonds used to finance any cost associated with the Project.
Exhibit B--page 39. Comida (lender); Mortgage means PILOT mortgage; Payments made to Lender at 8100 City Place, 50 Main St. (County Treasury)
Not other PILOT Agreement by COMIDA has ever diverted 30 years of tax payments to the county treasury for the purpose of paying the mortgage.
The entire PILOT Increments sections, Note and Mortgage are about diverting tax dollars to pay a mortgage.

Yet when it was pointed out a Board Member absolutely denied the facts saying: "Oh the county would never agree to that".

Why would any official claim the residents will be protected this time while agreeing to divert over $300 million in taxes to pay a mortgage for a private corporation?

Anonymous said...

Regarding Medley Mary Fisher stated:
“My concern is there is a Bill in the Ways and Means Committee in Albany. Both Assemblyman Morelle and Senator Alesi are aware of this Bill"

The truth is there was no bill and never was a bill. Officials would not produce the bill and under FOIL there was no bill.

When is the first $90,000,000 going to be invested in the project?

cheri said...


Anonymous said...

Typical response to the highest taxed town is to blame the messenger.

Tax increases result in decreased value of property.

Anonymous said...

The State Investigation into Town Finance found no policy of prudent saving or frugal spending.

The policies of decades has led to the highest taxed town. Raising taxes is a failed strategy. The town likely needs in excess of $250,000,000 in infrastructure improvements in the not so distant future.

EICSDB votes to spend $60 million for plastic grass and a bus terminal while voting to grant a $300 million tax break to an out of state developer.

With educational leadership like that one need look not further to explain the 28% regents math scores a few years ago.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I also love how you continuously try to create controversy with the TOWN BOARD when you know two other entities also signed the pilot (but no one pays attention to the school board votes and county votes)(sigh, how to create controversy where none exists)"


Please tell me who had the responsibility of releasing the final PILOT to the Irondequoit community before a final vote to approve it?

Was it the County, the SD, or the Town Board?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"What is going to happen now that Kings park and Chase Pitkin, 2 of the largest commercial properties in town are now tax exempt?!!"

I wonder what would happen if the Senior Center moved to KP. That was touted as "no increase to the local Irondequoit taxpayer" because CDBG funds would have paid the rent. MJD just said at a previous TB meeting that in a few years CDBG funds would be no more. How would the local taxpayers feel about having to fund that $18k a month rent instead of CDBG covering it?

This is why the tax laws need to be changed - certain not-for-profits need to pay partial or full property taxes. RGH having some medical offices there does not (in my opinion) warrant paying no property taxes. Neither does being a day care.

Downtown - the Mayor doesn't feel that the company that owns the Sibley building should pay it's back taxes of $21 million or so......

Now the Mayor is asking the public what services they would like to see cut so he can close a $25 million budget hole.


Anonymous said...

"Please tell me who had the responsibility of releasing the final PILOT to the Irondequoit community before a final vote to approve it?"
Based on the past history of the town when the last 2 pilots were done in privacy on a Saturday am,where no one even knew about the pilot let alone saw the pilot, I would say any and all of the 3 agencies.
Just as all 3 agencies had public hearings on the pilot.

"I wonder what would happen if the Senior Center moved to KP. That was touted as "no increase to the local Irondequoit taxpayer" because CDBG funds would have paid the rent. MJD just said at a previous TB meeting that in a few years CDBG funds would be no more. How would the local taxpayers feel about having to fund that $18k a month rent instead of CDBG covering it?"
We will never know what WOULD have happened if we moved to Kings Park but I do know that it pretty certain we would not have spent $1.6 million (so far) on a building worth what, $250k? ANy real changes to the footprint? Increased activities? anything to justify that?
Also, how MJD know that CDBG funds will not exist in a few years? Her excellent forecasting skills? Please! IF the population goes below 50k the funds will be greatly reduced.Or IF the federal government decides that there will be no CDBG funds
Has MJD spoke to someone who knows this? Doubtful so to make that statement is about as accurate as saying "we willknow the payback plan of Seabreeze Water by the next meeting."
And PS I couldnt agree more that the tax laws need to be changed. Pretty soon all we will have in this town, is pawn shops, rent a centers, a smoke shop, hot dog rest and diners and oh ya, non profit organizations.

Anonymous said...

Have to love Town Administration's double standard when it comes to watching where every nickel and dime goes. It seems they don't mind allowing employees to double dip but MJD has to sign every payment for TP and other custodial products.

Has anyone heard about the DPW Foreman who recently retired, is drawing a healthy State Pension and was recently re-hired part time as "Safety Officer" in the DPW for between 25 and 30K?

Position not in 2012 budget. Job Creation?? Stinks of Cronyism and incompetence.

Anonymous said...

There was never a public hearing on Terms of the (secret) Agreement.
The Agreement diverts tax dollars thru the county treasury to pay the mortgage. The Owner makes the entire determiniation how much money is diverted and when.

The Public Hearings were for the SEQRA DEIS--FEIS reviews of the Zoning Changes to TRR. On page 11 of the Resolution describing the findings statements of SEQRA it states: "The following revenues are conservatively projected assuming the Project is fully built." (note the word ASSUMING)

ERA never found there was a market need and based their premise on a carefully worded "assuming" and "if". They stated they were not attesting to any market need for another mall.

Page 1 of Appendix---Supporting Facts
No 5. "An integral part of the Project is a request by the Applicant for financial assistance from COMIDA, including without limitation, a payment in lieu of tax ( PILOT ) agreement whereby agreed upon real property tax equivilents will be paid and a substantial portion of future PILOT payments will be retained by COMIDA and pledged toward funding construction and other costs associated with the Redevelopment Project. This request requires a deviation from COMIDA's Uniform Tax Exemption Policy and consent of the Town of Irondequoit, the East Irondequoit School District and Monroe County."

Read the part that says "pledged toward funding" (hint--that's the mortgage).
Note the word "deviation". Means it has never been done and only fools in Irondequoit would give up tax revenue for 30 years.

Officials need to stop denying they were diverting tax dollars to pay a contributors mortgage.

tim golan

Anonymous said...

June 21, 2011
Town Board Meeting
“My concern is there is a Bill in the Ways and Means Committee in Albany. Both Assemblyman Morelle and Senator Alesi are aware of this Bill--um-- In terms of the Medley Center".

8 calls to Alesi and Morelle's offices. Every call said there was never any bill.

The Bill was foiled and denied. no board member would surrender the bill number.

Denial was appealed. Counsel falsely claimed authority under Section 176-6 of the Irondequoit Town Code". look it up ! It's blank. Great lawyering.

Anonymous said...

The money spent on the senior center is obscene. CDBG consultant stated: "this would never happen in the private sector".
Roof was more than twice what it had to be.

Anonymous said...

Tim Golan for Town Supervisor!

Anonymous said...

West Irondequoit School District and East Irondequoit School District both announced they are not spending enough money and are requesting another tax increase over and above the State 2% tax cap.

EICSD wants to reduce teaching staff while maintaining abusive salaries for people who gave the town medley and 28% regents results. $60 million for plastic grass and a bloated bus business.

Anonymous said...

We get that you do not support ANYTHING being done in our community but you DO realize there WAS a vote and the East Irondequoit residents voted to approve the "plastic grass". They voted and re-elected their school board members who gave them medley and continue to support them even with the regents results. Your continued angst and (lacking) ability to enrage (or even engage) voters ie "abusive salaries" falls on deaf ears. Did it ever occur to you the residents are happy?

Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone who believes a business mismanager is worth nearly $200,000 a year. Few believe taxes need to be raised because there is not enough spending.
Town and School Boards did not tell the truth on medley. Residents do not believe town taxes should go to pay the mortgage on Medley. Not one knew that was the deal the Town Board approved and not one likes it.


The reason academic results are poor is because of leaders and teaching methods. It's not the kids. In discussing "teaching" and regents results with a high level official, we agreed we could take any average district kid and put them in a plain old room and we could teach them to the point of B+ easily.
(I did teach and I did get excellent results that were not a function of money. It took caring, knowledge and ability)

EICSD Board covered up for a school head who was violating trust, ethics and passing kids for personal gain. He was abusing the lives of kids and families while District Leaders did nothing, then the board gave him a raise. There is no shortage of cover up in the district.

Anonymous said...

Tim Golan for School Board!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Discovery:


Good work Discovery---in just a few months your work has shamed the local school boards.

"we do a great disservice to our children, our nation and our future by continuing to fund the current foggy, miasmic, fetid swamp of public education......Public education? Hah! It may be public but it by no means is education. It is too deeply in the wrong, too diseased, too inbred to bring back to life. I say abort the whole experiment and start fresh. Why not? What could be worse than the three ring bloated cabals; the corpulent, wheezing machines that, collectively, haul themselves to work daily in an effort that only results in placing the needs of the many sycophantic toadies above the health and welfare of the kids? Erase the chalkboard, reset the blocks, turn the stopwatch back to 0. Let's try this again." (Pittsford Resident comment)

Anonymous said...

"I don't know anyone who believes a business mismanager is worth nearly $200,000 a year. Few believe taxes need to be raised because there is not enough spending.
Town and School Boards did not tell the truth on medley. Residents do not believe town taxes should go to pay the mortgage on Medley. Not one knew that was the deal the Town Board approved and not one likes it."

Again Tim, IF everyone believes what you say there would be outrage at school board meetings. THere would be letters to the editor, people would protest and most importantly, we have this thing in our town called VOTES and guess what, the budget passes, the school board members get re-elected and no one ias asking for the heads of the school district. One of us is living in lalaland, did I miss the reports?

Oh, and PS where, when and WHAT did you teach (besides tennis)

Anonymous said...

EICSD was against Discovery.
Discovery teaches kids to read.
Unlike the EICSD that covered up for brucie for years.
What kind of a board and what kind of resident would be supportive of abuse?
taught Algebra with great success.

28% passing Math B is a reported statistic for EICSD
Regents reported in 2010 were the worst in the county suburbs.

Anonymous said...

Just what facts do these anonymous people believe are untrue?
They will not identify themselves as they cover up for the district.
Brucie abused trust and the board was silent for years.
28% passed Math B regents. That year the passing was under 40% because the state curves the test results. Notice regents are not listed as 65% passing. They list it as 65 is passing. EICSD did so poorly that only 28% were able to get 38% correct. Abysmal.

The district is not all bad but those who sit and support the abuse and the horrific results while spending is out of control should tell the world they believe abuse is OK.

The District provided false information on the Mall. Where is the Mall? Board Members claimed "the residents are protected this time".
Not one of the Town Board Members who railroaded it thru will come forward and explain how the taxpayers are protected or explain why cash contributions were taken before the vote.

The Robotics Program is a great program. I wrote district officials years before it was started recommending they become involved.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight, everything good that comes out of the district is something you recommended years ago and the rest is abuse? Damn, you are good; what do you do again for a living? Cuz hot damn YOU should run for something whether it be town supervisor, board, school board something because YOU are the MAN! Wow, I am humbled to be in your wordly presence.
Anyone who believes what YOU say is in the right but those who support what is currently happening in East Iron schools MUST "believe abuse is ok?" Do I have that right?
AND furthermore, you would have us believe that you read the pilot cover to cover, you clain that all of the reps who signed it are lying but you and you dont know what the protections are? Who is lying now?
Ask this current board what the protections are, they know...they are there but they are not utilizing them.
THIS administration campaigned that they would make sure that Congel would be held accountable and that the time for :gentle reminders" is over, correct? Soooo, why havent they? Why havent they done what they said they would? He (congel) hasnt lived up to the milestones that protect the residents, hell he hasnt even torn down the empty house on the property yet. THEY have the CHOICE to end the pilot but are choosing not to....thats on them, and yet here you continue to ramble on and on and .....

Anonymous said...

RUSERIOUS ? This is the same ranting logic seen from Ernie D and FiscalGirl.

The Pilot Agreement is a contract that allows for $300-$500 million tax dollars to be diverted to pay the mortgage by the Lender (Comida). Why did boards agree to channel tax payments thru the County Treasury to pay the mortgage?
All other COMIDA deals have the developer pay the mortgage with the savings of not paying full taxes. The deal does not benefit the Residents of Irondequoit by creating a business atmosphere that would help the tenants (this it the purpose of COMIDA).

The Boards made sure the residents were protected----Residents are protected from getting tax revenue for over 35 years.

Nice Job. You think cancelling the contract is easy? It's not and Daurizio knows it. Any intelligent and caring board would have created a contract that protected the taxpayers by assuring no concessions were granted until after the $260mm investments---not before.


Anonymous said...

Officials granted tax breaks before anything was done! WTF. No private entity or attorney would ever do that in the private sector.

"THEY have the CHOICE to end the pilot but are choosing not to"

That statement demonstrates an absence of knowledge on the contract.
One of the Board signers should explain this "Choice" on how to cancel the contract. Explain how to circumvent the year wait for the milestone penalty payment. This will be a great non-explanation.

"He (congel) hasnt lived up to the milestones that protect the residents, hell he hasnt even torn down the empty house".
Idiot---how do milestones protect residents? Those are words on paper with no protection.
Who would be so irresponsible to sign a deal when one side doesn't have to do anything to get what he wants?

Talk to Ramona and she will explain the Pilot Agreement was written in such a manner that makes cancelling it extremely difficult. Might be nearly impossible.

RUSERIOUS------why would meeting with a School Official in 2006 to explain the Robotics USFIRST program bring such disdainful tone?

Last year I brought people together that resulted in a $90,000 grant to a food cupboard. I suppose that will also bring disdain from locals.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahhahaha, RYOUSERIOUS!!! Canceling the pilot is NOT difficult, you have so many contacts, ask any of them but it does take some huspa! Any one of the entities can have the pilot voided (or depending on whose version you believe 2 entities)
The 1 year milestone was at the beginning of the contract, not whenever he chooses it. He has NOT lived up to his word, do we agree on that? Do you believe he will EVER live up to his responsibilities? I do not. So what the boards are waiting on and banking on is HOPE. I stopped having hope and now it is time to end this nonsense. The worst that would happen is they end the pilot, he doesnt pay the taxes and the property is foreclosed upon and it sits empty, do we agree?
Please. Many other businesses and developers are now getting loans.
Who is Ramona?
There is no disdain for the robotics team, I just laugh that you take credit for them.
No disdain regarding a grant for a food cupboard either, which food cupboard is it, I would like to look it up. I am sure it was mentioned somewhere in a news report since there have been so many stories about how food pantries are hurting. Which food cupboard did you say? Oh ya, you did not. And if YOU are responsible for that YOU say you are then why dont we ever hear about you? Please, you are a figment of your own imagination, talk about instance of grandeur...