Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MORE about King's Park lease from 2007

This is a letter from Hub Properties to Tim Poley, the consultant hired by the Town of Irondequoit to assess the King's Park properties. This letter is from August of 2007, and is something I don't think the residents knew about. When the Town Administration posted this letter on the town website they erased the "RENT" numbers and they erased the "$30 million" purchase price option so that residents would not know the truth.

Does anyone think this Town Administration will be offering the public the truth on their current Lease ?

Regardless, I put it up here as a point of reference, and a background on the history with King's Park. Just some more interesting information for residents to know about, and to remember when more talks about leasing at King's Park takes place - or, when a vote about it comes up on February 24th or somethin'....