Monday, July 6, 2009

Irondequoit Has One Zip Code?

That is......according to the Focus Group Meetings that involved residents and Consultants, discussing and guiding the Master Plan Process for the Town of Irondequoit.

"Six focus group meetings were conducted between October 16th and November 5th to facilitate detailed discussions about critical issues that will be addressed in the Comprehensive Master Plan. The topics of the focus groups are listed below. Click on the focus group name to view the meeting summary notes."

News to anyone who has ever lived in Irondequoit - you only have one zip code - according to the people who are guiding the Master Plan for the Town.

Comprehensive Master Plan Update, Progress to Date, Community Identity and Appearance, Page 2:

"Although the Town has only one zip code,some people refer to where they live as
East Irondequoit or West Irondequoit - no such actual location or place exists by
either of those names."

Group? Please focus on the following:

Group, these are maps. One map shows the Town and it's boundaries, and in little blue numbers are these 5 digit thingies called zip codes. It might be hard to see these numbers, so I've included another map that shows the zip codes in Irondequoit.

There are FOUR zip codes for Irondequoit.


I can see maybe the Consultants making a mistake like this if they aren't from around here and never look at a map........but this 'focus group' included Town Administration and residents! They should know there is more than one zip code!!!

From Page 1:
"The consultants met with a group of people from the Town that represented business
owners, residents, the Town, neighborhood groups, adjacent municipalities, and the
Steering Committee............"

Should we be concerned that the Town Administration is spreading wait....absolutely false.....wait....hold it......BLATANTLY false information on it's website? Should we be even more concerned that these "Focus Groups" are guiding the Town's Master Plan Process?

Here are the four pages in the Community Identity and Appearance section for the Focus Group Meetings held in October and November of 2008, under the Progress To Date section of the Comprehensive Master Plan process for the Town.