Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Great News!

Link to story.

See - having only a $315M deficit for fiscal year 2010-2011 is better than a Billion dollar deficit...riiiight?

Then we can look forward to the 2011-2012 fiscal year, where projections indicate a $9 BILLION deficit.

But wait, friends - it gets better - "The estimated budget gap for 2012-13 increased by $1.2 billion to $14.6 billion and the 2013-14 deficit grew by $1.7 billion to $17.2 billion."

"Winners" from last night should be busy studying ways to close this gap of fiscal insanity instead of attending campaign "after parties" celebrating how great their party is for winning.

All I know is, if my budget was a $315.00 (not millions, just dollars) deficit I would be doing without a house, or a car because I couldn't afford it - or I would lose my house and/or my car for non-payment. I would probably be eating ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for years just to stay within budget.

I guess I could always vote myself a raise....or maybe negotiate a contract that gives me automatic raises in salary and benefits every year.

Or, maybe I could consolidate my 2 school districts? Nahhhh.....we don't want to be associated with those people.

I could possibly dissolve our town police department that costs $9M a year, and utilize the Monroe County Sheriff - since we pay taxes for that too. Nahhhhh.....we don't want to do that because we would all die because the MC Sheriff won't show up when we call.

I could consolidate the fire districts or water districts. Nahhhh.....we don't want to do that because our houses will burn down and there won't be any water to put out the fires.

I could drastically reduce the "member items" sent out. Nahhhhh....we don't want to do that because then MY organization won't get that money for purchasing new French Horns or statues in the park or new leotards for my dance troupe.

Don't worry - everything's fine!

Elections are over - we can all go back to watching "Glee" and "Orange county housewives dancing with the american idols on the NJ shore" and just forget about our financial problems as a state, or if our elected officials are really working hard in Albany to cut taxes, create jobs, cut spending...etc.

Talk. Talk. Talk. Will they Walk. Walk. Walk?


cheri said...

Jax, you are too funny!

Love all the things we could do but won't because of the reasons you gave.

Some of the reasons sound crazy but sadly, I really do believe many people think that way.

It's like we are hostage. Keep feeding the monsters over and over-nothing is going to change. The monster just gets hungrier and hungrier and it costs more and more to feed it.

Very disappointed that voter turnout was even less then prior years. I guess voters aren't concerned about the 315M, or the 1.2 billion to $14.6 billion and the 2013-14 deficit grew by $1.7 billion to $17.2billion.

Naaaah, stuff like that really doesn't matter.

What really matters is that my party (whichever one it is) is victorious.

That is all that really matters in life. This is why we are in a mess that I don't see us digging out of anytime soon.

So congratulations Democrats and Republicans we are screwed!

cheri said...

Well, well, well! Now Congel isn't paying the plowing guy.

I'm so glad that we are so protected with the PILOT that Heyman-Evans-Bello-Aldersley-Perticone, school board and COMIDA signed.

On and on we heard how protected we were and how nothing like what is happening could happen!

Thank you to all involved that signed the PILOT to sell us down the river AGAIN! Once or twice wasn't enough. :(

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I know - can you believe it?

Well, yeah, I think you can.


First, he doesn't pay his taxes on time, lets the property go to shit, doesn't pay Passero about $400k and they have to file a mechanic's lien against him.....and now he can't pay the poor plow guy from LAST winter.

How many years does Irondequoit have to "be patient" with this clown?
