Monday, November 1, 2010

So Funny

This is what I get so annoyed with - party loyalists who rail against another person for supposedly doing something, and then blatantly ignore when their own do it.

This article in the D&C titled "New Leadership Must Take The Reins In Albany" - the same day the D&C endorsed Mark Scuderi for the 132nd over Morelle.

A commenter on there said that Mark Scuderi signs were all over blocking views and near curbs in the right of way and to call and complain because it's illegal, and if he can't follow laws about signs then how can we trust him to represent - Cheri commented that she was working on the campaign and had no calls of complaints - what e-mail did you send your complaint to? The commenter never said. Cheri asks where the illegal signs are located so she could go pick them up so they aren't a nuisance. No answer. No pictures. No proof. Just some anonymous person on the internet saying things that probably weren't true - and even if it was true.....we have this.......

Ladies and Gentlemen:

As you can see, Joe Morelle can't follow the laws about how many signs can be on a property (MCDC HQ besides...), and where they can be on a property.

I guess we can't trust him to be able to follow the laws as an assemblyman, riiiiiiiight?

I mean, that was implied about Mark Scuderi - so - using that logic - Joe can't possibly govern responsibly.

Right? Riiiiiiiiiiight?

Here's the link to the 24 hour filing notice for campaigns. (Takes a while to load, so be patient.) According to the NYSBOE:
24-Hour Notice:

A 24 Hour Notice is required for any contribution or loan received which exceeds $1,000 whose transaction date falls between the cut off date of the 11 Day Pre Election Report and the date of the Election. NOTE: This requirement applies to all Primary, General and Special Elections. You still must include these transactions on the post election filing.

If the link doesn't work (sometimes that happens) go to the NYSBOE homepage, and in the left column, hover your cursor over "Campaign Finance" - from the drop down menu select "Disclosure Reports", and then click on "View 24 Hour Notices Filed - Sorted by Name" or "by Date" and view all the last minute donations over $1,000 to candidates.

Mayor Bloomberg of NYC was kind enough to give Joe Morelle $3,800 on November 1st - the day before the election! How nice!


cheri said...

Love the pictures Jackie. There were probably 100 or more signs at this location over the weekend! All in the right of way. Since it was in front of MCDC you would think they would know the rules regarding political sign placement!?

Kind of like when Councilwoman (at the time) Evans was on ICAT telling everyone how you can't have ANYTHING in a right of way. The explanation of why DPW was driving around town selecting signs to pull.

We were campaigning on Debbie's street and isn't there one of their cars parked right in the right of way. We did get a pic for proof.

Do as I say, not as I do. Priceless!

Hope there are TONS of people at the polls today! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


It looked like a landing strip. But, you is a public safety issue. If they don't care about public safety....then....they must not care about the public, right?

That's the logic.

Voter turnout was lower than in the past - I think by only a couple percentage points.

Did you look at the 24 hour notice? Michael Bloomberg cares about the 132nd district so much that he gave $3,800 to Morelle (about 25 down on the list)....awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Thanks, Bloomie!