Saturday, August 27, 2011

You Can Be Political At Public Input

According to the Town Code for Public Input - there is nothing in there about "not being political" in your comments at Public Input. There is also nothing in there about commenting only on what is on the agenda.

You can talk politics, be political, and talk about anything you want. You cannot personally attack any member of the board, staff, department head, or resident.

Be respectful - always.
Town Code for Public Input


Anonymous said...


cheri said...

Interesting that A8 says that public input is supposed to be from 7:00 to 7:30. That never happens. Most of that slot is used up by the Supervisor's remarks, Conservation and presentations of proclaimations etc.

So technically, they should go back to public input after the public hearing like they usually do. It really isn't fair to use up most of the time between 7-7:35, go to public hearing and then have the public input at the conclusion of the meeting like they did a couple of months ago.

One of the board members did mention that per the rules, they should do input at the very end. They failed to mention that much of the input time was used up by other stuff between 7-7:30. So if we are following rules we should follow ALL of them.

No rules in there at all about not speaking politically. I guess that is a NEW Supervisor D'Aurizio/Perticone rule! Just in time for election season.

How convenient...

Anonymous said...

I wonder what their atty is getting paid for...
also, anyone notice right before exec session Paul M says he wants to speak about Medley, he is stalled until after exec session but when they come back from exec session there is no mention of medley?

Anonymous said...

Another by-product of the cross endorsement.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Interesting that A8 says that public input is supposed to be from 7:00 to 7:30. That never happens. Most of that slot is used up by the Supervisor's remarks, Conservation and presentations of proclaimations etc."

Isn't that the intention? I mean, MEH used to try to do that once in a while....and since Aldersley knows the game as well.....and MJD said Aldersley is her mentor....I imagine Aldersley is coaching her in the fine art of "how to avoid a half hour of public input".

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

anonymous @3:19-

I didn't notice that - but good observation on your part!

I suppose it's all part of the "control the conversation" and "stop certain people from being negative and spreading misinformation".

You she was told to do by the library gals. Linky linky.

cheri said...

OMG - went to the linky-linky. Forgot about Miriam wanting to "control the conversation."

What also made me laugh in the linky was Aldersley speaking about how people voted against the King's Park referendum because of mis-information. She was the one that was spreading mis-information with her 5 foot claim. These people have short memories.

You are right about Supervisor's trying to waste time between 7 and 7:35. It's like watching a long commercial full of proclaimations, conservation and remarks. Our elected officials can't handle 3 minutes a month from a handful of people!? Especially since they ran on open government and MORE public input.

Jax, do you remember where it was advertised about the new administration being for more public input? I remember reading it and them running on that but I don't remember where I saw it. Any idea?

Anonymous said...

I just said to someone I wish I could find it too. I know one of their post ads discussed more open government and I believe (but am not certain) that in the post questionairre is where they stated they wouldnt limit public input to 3 minutes, they would encourage more open government, etc. Something MUST happen when you get in that chair...sigh.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well, there were a lot of campaign promises made.

Here's MJD's radio ad.

A letter she sent out that had another page attached.

Their campaign mailer.

The Full page ad in the I-Post.

The Q&A in I-Post for Supervisor, and another for Essley, and another for Marasco.

That's all I could find for now. I have it under the label "election '09".

cheri said...

Jax, thank you for the information. I'm still looking for where they said they wouldn't limit public input to 3 minutes. I remember it being said during election season.

Anonymous, something must happen when you are in that chair over a year. I'm so disappointed by recent goings on...

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


These are just rumors I have heard in the past, but I believe they have a grain of truth to them.

One rumor I heard is that MJD was popping off on how she has more support from the Democrats than she has from the Republicans - and it was at the Irondequoit Republican meeting they had shortly after the cross endorsement was announced.

The other one was that Aldersley made the comment at one of the Irondequoit Democrat meetings that "Mary Joyce is in the wrong party."

Will we see a change of party after the election for a certain someone?

I wouldn't doubt it. She's doing everything they tell her to do. A good little puppet, just like the last one.

Oh joy.

Anonymous said...

if one assumes MJD is a good little puppet for the dems then why would she not be a good little puppet for the repubs? Would reilich be the one that advised her to get $125 from all the dept heads at town hall? Did she come up with that one on her own?
what kind of whip must the dems crack that its felt only from them?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well - she did say publicly that Aldersley is her mentor, and she is trying to "control the conversations" and "not let certain people" speak.

That's what I was referring to.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I just read an article in the paper about the Greece Democrats launching their campaign AT the Greece Town Hall.

They officially kicked off their election campaigns there.....that's pretty political.

Here's the link to the story. Link.

So, in Greece the Democrats can kick off their campaign at the Town Hall - but in Irondequoit you can't speak about political things at public input.

How very strange that is.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

How come John Perticone and Mary Joyce D'Aurizio didn't stop this political stuff that occurred on Town Hall property?

It was very political - and you know how they feel about that!


Anonymous said...

well she will probably let them speak if they are polite, dont have anything to say about politics, agree with them, etc.

Anonymous said...

absolutely correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't the thing about not being political aimed at robert ament, since he is specifically running as a candidate. i thought that if you weren't running for anything and were in general talking and it "became political" that was one thing, but to use the public input at a meeting as a soapbox for your campaign seems skeezy. it just seems like an inappropriate forum. yes? no?

i would feel that way regardless of who it was speaking, however the fact that it was ament trying to use another opportunity to be mean-spirited and unnecessarily aggressive made it even more upsetting. i don't understand why he has to be such a jerk all the time.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I was talking about Bob Moore and Richard Barone's input. MJD accused Moore of being political, and MJD and Perticone accused Barone (who is not a candidate) of being political.

Here's the link to the blog.

ALL of the board members up there now went up to input as candidates and used that podium as their political soapbox.

If it was ok then, it should be ok now.

As far as Ament being "a jerk"....MJD sure didn't mind when Ament was helping her get elected....he was that way then.....why is it a problem now?