Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Skating Rink - Sweden Style

That's the Town of Sweden. Check out what they did, how they "staff" it, and paid for it.... to make their skating rink a reality.

Link to D&C, Our Towns section article.

Very nice, Town of Sweden! Good idea, and good job on making it happen. Over in Irondequoit, they were thinking of doing this same thing - but, it won't happen because Bob Ament is in on it.

Bob, if you really want to donate an ice rink for a community to're going to have to donate it to another community I think. There are plenty out there who would appreciate your generous offer.

Even though certain residents have circumvented the sloth like "government protocol" to donate things to Irondequoit (concrete "dance floor" in front of gazebo, library spruce ups), you can't do that.

I guess me, myself, and I will have to go skate outdoors at the Town of Sweden Community Rink.....and then I can go spend some of my money on lunch, or shopping in your town after I have some fun! You have hot chocolate and music too! Bonus!
