Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flush The Toilet And Let 'Em All Go

This video was attached to an article in the D&C and they interview a few citizens on a makeshift soapbox about their opinions on "fixing" New York.

I like the young lady at the 1:32 mark of the video who says: "You kinda gotta flush the toilet and let 'em all go and start over fresh."


I liked her comment at around the 1:17 mark of the video too - where she says "we have the same ol' tired politicians talking about the same ol' tired issues."

Basically - the same ol' same ol' that I've been whining about for almost two years now on here.

Although honestly, I don't believe we should let them all swirl.....we should take a scrubber and some bleach to the potty. Definitely.

I just thought it was great that she could be so honest and tell it like it is, on camera, and I thought it was funny.

It would be a great slogan for a new fringe "movement".

"Flush the toilet and let 'em all go" - the "Tidy-bowl-ers" potty......I mean party. They could hang toilet scrubber brushes and toilet bowl tablets from their hats. Chant "Let them swirl!" and wave "Don't Turd On Me" flags while they march downtown and....ok....I'll stop now. ;)

Anyways, the D&C has some endorsement articles up today.

This article where they stress that voters (mostly) need to support "new blood that can be a catalyst for systemic change."

They endorse Mark Scuderi for the 132nd Assembly District:

Also, as I linked above for the video, this article where they stress that Morelle's constant support of "Assembly Democrat puppeteer Sheldon Silver" is not serving his district well, and hasn't for the past 20 years. Although he brings home the pork - they feel "Morelle has played the political game well and has become the quintessential Albany insider." and "Morelle has proven he's a pro at the Albany game. At this juncture, the people of New York need individuals ready to change the game."

Here is a summary of the D&C's endorsements:

Our summary

State Senate

District 54
Sen. Mike Nozzolio, R (incumbent)
x Ed O'Shea, D

District 55
Sen. James Alesi, R (incumbent)
x Mary Wilmot, D

District 56
Sen. Joe Robach, R (incumbent)
Robin Wilt, D
x No endorsement

District 62
Sen. George Maziarz, R incumbent)
x Amy Hope Witryol, D

State Assembly

District 128
x Assemblyman Robert Oaks, R (incumbent; unopposed)

District 129
x Assemblyman Brian Kolb, R (incumbent; unopposed)

District 130
x David Nachbar, D
Sean Hanna, R
(incumbent Joe Errigo (retired)

District 131
x Ken Kraus, R
Harry Bronson, D
(incumbent Susan John retired)

District 132
Assemblyman Joe Morelle, D (incumbent)
x Mark Scuderi, R

District 133
Assemblyman David Gantt, D (unopposed)
x No endorsement

District 134
x Assemblyman Bill Reilich, R (incumbent; unopposed)

District 135
Assemblyman David Koon, D (incumbent)
Mark Johns, R
x No endorsement

District 139
x Assemblyman Stephen Hawley, R (incumbent)
Christopher Barons, D

x -- our choice


cheri said...

Love the video! Regular everyday people discussing what's wrong and what they think we need to do. :)

I am pleasantly surprised that the D&C endorsed Mark Scuderi today over Joe- 20 year Morelle.

Finally, they are talking about the close ties between puppeteer Sheldon Silver and career entrenched politician Joe Morelle.

They call Joe an Albany Insider and that he's a PRO at playing the game.

WOW, words I thought I'd never see from the D&C.

I hope today's articles make people think before they vote November 2nd.

"The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I'm watching the live stream of the Duffy interview with the D&C Ed Board

"Andrew Cuomo is the only one in this race who can do the job....." blah blah blah......

He's talking about "consolidation" again, which in some instances I do agree with because it will save municipalities a lot of money.

But, I've noticed lately....both Andrew Cuomo and Bob Duffy have been kinda laying the "dysfunction of NYS" blame on the heads of the taxpayers.

What I hear them saying is this:

"Obviously, taxpayers want high taxes because they do not want to consolidate and lose their services."

I think people are mostly scared of losing police or their town governments.

Yes, citizens do have to consider consolidation as a way to save money....but the leaders are the ones who are responsible for rising pensions, high contracts etc.,......the taxpayers don't negotiate those contracts. They have NO say in the contracts at all. They don't vote on the contracts.

You can blame the taxpayers for electing people who gave away their taxes in droves....but don't lay the blame for bloated governments solely on the residents of a town for not consolidating their water/sewer/fire districts.

How about calming the fears of people by explaining, in detail, exactly what would happen if they did vote to consolidate certain districts or dissolving their villages etc.

People are influenced by the "fear factor" of consolidation by those who wish to keep their lucrative jobs within that government....."your house will catch fire and nobody will respond in time if you consolidate"...."your house will get broken into and the County will not respond as fast as your Town police will."....."you won't have a voice if you consolidate your village with the town".

Educate us. Don't tell us it's OUR fault for the high taxes in NY.

Good grief.

cheri said...

I agree with you Jax!

I guess they have to blame somebody and it's easy to blame us little town folk that like our services. :)

Hey, today was a weird day I didn't get a mailer from Joe Morelle today. What's up with that?

I need to have one in my mail box everyday. My gosh how are people supposed to know who to vote for if they don't receive a cardboard picture of Joe everyday?

IDC is getting a little slacky.

Dear IDC,
I expect my picture of Joe with another sappy message tomorrow.
Please don't disappoint my blue box!