Thursday, October 28, 2010

I-Post Election Goodies

Lots of letters and ads in today's I-Post. There were no letters supporting Joe Morelle, and the paid ads were a report card on Dan Maffei, and another about two incumbents and the mess in NY - both paid for by Irondequoit Citizens for Better Government inc., a non-profit organization registered with NY State: Board members are Mary Finucane, Vince Patane, Marie Moscato-Foxton, and Richard Barone.

Maffei Report Card:

The mess in NY - Alesi (14 years) and Morelle (20 years) - two career politicians who have voted to increase spending which kept our taxes high:

Letters in today's I-Post:

Links to online letters here, here, here, and here.

Oh. My. Goodness.

"Blue collar, high-school graduate families are replacing the professional families.....For them, a smart young hot-shot with a magnetic personality who works his way up the ladder on intelligence and personal appeal (that would be Joe) represents everything they will never be. They all had, and some still have, the option to make successes of themselves, but instead of going to school to learn skills that are valuable to society, they would rather spend their time grousing about "rich people" and attributing anyone else's personal success to backroom deals."

Joe Morelle supporter - Thinks that blue collar, high-school graduate families are jealous of Joe Morelle because he's successful and they aren't. They will never be. They are un-educated, un-skilled, and not valuable to society.

Another Morelle supporter:

Hmm - I wonder why they didn't mention Ralph Pasquale? I think we all know why.

Wow. Just Wow.


Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Nothing like insulting a whole class of people to get your point across.

"Blue collar, high-school graduate families are replacing the professional families in our dated stock of one-bathroom, one-car garage houses. For them, a smart young hot-shot with a magnetic personality who works his way up the ladder on intelligence and personal appeal (that would be Joe) represents everything they will never be. They all had, and some still have, the option to make successes of themselves, but instead of going to school to learn skills that are valuable to society, they would rather spend their time grousing about "rich people" and attributing anyone else's personal success to backroom deals. I don't know when it happened that our society lost its ability to admire success and took up the dark sport of tearing it down. We'll really go places fast with that vicious mentality at the core of every vote."

Nice. Who wrote that? Not the Oh I know. That sounded like an elitist. A vicious, "hate Republicans and only vote for Democrats" rant to stick up for their Dem buddy.

Yeah. Joe is successful and is the only human being who cares about humanity.

Oh! The humanity.

cheri said...

Elitist with a capital E. So we are supposed to all sit around and admire Morelle. Doesn't matter if you disagree with him or if he's spending money like a drunken sailor. Suck it up people and ADMIRE him.

Who wrote this? Somebody that works for Joe?

We have the highest property tax in the NATION! Unemployment is at 9.6%.

No- No we aren't supposed to bring up topics, only admiration for the 20 year career politician.

I think it would only be proper if we start bowing in his presence.

This mentality is what has gotten us into the mess we are in.

This writer in my opinion has a lot to learn about life and personal success.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I'm still honestly amazed that the writer felt the need to label a whole class of people as "uneducated, unskilled, and not valuable to society".

Tear down Scuderi all ya want - he's fair game, as he is running for elected office.....but geez.....tearing down "blue collar, high-school graduate families" like that isn't my idea of anyone I would EVER want in office.

Joe supporter? Nice. Would LOVE to have that in my camp.


cheri said...

I thought the same thing Jax.

To bad this person didn't write this in a letter to the editor. It's dripping with arrogance. Let everyone see this Joe supporter.

I'm glad this writer doesn't support Mark. Wouldn't want him/her in Mark's camp.
No thanks!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Let's just say hypothetically that Mark is elected as the next Assemblyman for the 132nd -

Since you, Cheri, have admitted to working on Mark's campaign in other blogs/comments sections -

Has Mark ever even hinted at throwing out "welfare" people on the street, or stop their rent and food payments? Will he "cut, cut, cut" all of their benefits?

I don't remember reading that anywhere, or on his website, or facebook, or in the D&C endorsement and Q&'m a little confused.

Will Mark not promote human dignity in our government?

I don't remember reading that anywhere either.

Mark's not a human being who puts human survival first?

Wow. I didn't realize that either.

The things you can find out on the internet.

Me go take my bloo kollerr, unejukated, unskilled hed and bang on wall cuz me got to vote for joe.
Joe - gud. Mark - bad. Got it.

cheri said...

Jax said - "Has Mark ever even hinted at throwing out "welfare" people on the street, or stop their rent and food payments? Will he "cut, cut, cut" all of their benefits?"

NEVER! Mark cares about everyone young, old, disabled etc. All I can say is that the person who wrote that blog doesn't know Mark from a bag of beans and they don't want to get to know Mark, because he isn't a Democrat!

Funny that we had blue collar- high school graduates on our town board, that were Democrats and that was ok.

Joe Morelle doesn't represent ANYTHING that I want to become. Success is not measured in how much you make or how much power you have.

Personal success is about much more than that. The STUFF in life that REALLY matters.