Saturday, January 15, 2011

IDC - Lies For Political Gain


"For parents of school aged children please do make sure that children are safe on their trek to school as side walk plowing seems to be a budget causality, even though we had been promised that there would be no cuts to services by the current Supervisor."

"Cuts seem to have been made that could affect our most defenseless little residents."

"Unplowed sidewalks"

"we try to sort out the effect of a budget that will “keep all services to the community intact”, but clearly do not."

IDC accuses the current Supervisor of cutting services, specifically the side walk plowing. The burden of proof is on the accuser - and they provide NO proof of their accusations - just the usual rhetoric that we've been accustomed to for years.

Here is the 2011 budget for the sidewalk plowing.

Salaries, services and supplies, and employee fringe benefits all increased under the current Supervisor - IDC lied.

From IDC main page: "The one exception was a Republican Committee member, who used the word “Liar” on multiple occasions in reference to the entire Irondequoit Democratic Committee!! This political operative for the second month in a row lambasted this site for publishing information regarding the lack of side walk plowing during December’s snow event." and "Instead of offering irrefutable proof that the sidewalks were plowed on a timely basis by using employee’s time sheets, equipment usage sheets, an invoice from an outside plowing concern or even time stamped digital photos taken around the schools in question, it was insinuated that since sidewalks in this persons area had been plowed it must mean that all sidewalks in Irondequoit had been done prior to schools opening. "

The speaker at Public Input was correct - the IDC lied. Why the resident at public input would have to prove the IDC accusations - I have no idea.

The IDC made the accusations of little children being in harm's way, and the IDC made the accusation that the sidewalks were not plowed - putting numerous little children in danger - but the man at public input has to prove THEIR accusations?
Instead of proving their accusations (which they didn't, and won't, because they have no proof) - they just fling out whatever and feel you should take it as Gospel that they are telling the truth. They weren't. They lied.

Here is the latest blog from the IDC that stirs the political pot with a hefty recipe of lies. it up, Irondequoit! Get your fill!

They lied. Plain and simple - they lied. The person at public input was a Republican - does that make the IDC lies any less of a lie? Nope. They still lied.

Video of TB meeting January 12, 2011 at the 24:39 mark is when the "Republican Operative" starts speaking:

"Good Evening, uh, I'm here to talk about the cell tower, but very briefly um, been a lot of snow overnight, and uh, when I drove to work this morning, after I got out of my neighborhood, I noticed that the um sidewalks were all plowed. Children were walking on the sidewalks. And I brought this up last month, and um, gee the Democrats still have the lie on their website that the Supervisor reneged on her promise and will not be plowing sidewalks. I hope that all the people who had a concern will start calling you and thanking you instead. I think it should be taken off the website, and I ask, specifically, Mrs. Aldersley and Mr. Perticone to go to their party and ask them to take that lie off of the website......"

He then goes on to the "other business" of the cell tower.

He said "lie" twice, never called everyone "LIAR" multiple times, as the IDC claims.

Here's another lie on IDC website:
"Instead of profusely thanking Irondequoit Democrats for bringing the issue to the fore, which precipitated a public apology by the Supervisor for not getting the job done in her December address, the Republican operative chose to take the low road and slandered our entire party using the “L” word."

First, it's not slander if it's true - and the IDC, via their main page of their IDC website, lied about the current Supervisor making cuts to the sidewalk plowing budget. They also lied and said that she made a "public apology" at the December TBM meeting, "for not getting the job done". Um - no, she didn't.

Here's the link to the December 21st, 2010 TBM. Here is the text of her address starting at the 11:33 mark of the video:

Here is what she said about the plowing issues:

"December 2010 may break the record for snowfall, we would like to thank the residents for their patience as the DPW cleared the streets and sidewalks. I want to thank those who contacted us about sidewalks that needed attention, and issues were resolved. Believe me, on a daily basis, we were meeting and trying to work through those issues. Safety of our residents on the roads, as well on the sidewalks is a priority and we appreciate knowing when a problem arises. I wish to remind students, err, our residents of our winter parking ordinance, which states that cars should not park on the roads or on the town right of way from midnight to nine a.m. from November 1st to eighteen…April 15th whether there is snow or no snow. In addition it is important for residents to remind their residential snow plow companies NOT to plow the snow into the streets, or to push the snow onto the sidewalks….and, if someone, um, in October for example, was parking in the street, warnings were given by the IPD to stress this and there are many reasons that the cars cannot be parked on the streets during those months, and if you go to you will see that there is a page on the website explaining the importance of not keeping the cars on the highways during those months."

I don't see a "public apology" in there anywhere, and from what she said, issues were did the "job not get done" if they were meeting daily and issues were taken care of? I've seen many times where private plowing companies push the snow over sidewalks and into streets - how do we know that this wasn't the issue? How do we know that it wasn't "Democrat political operatives" following the directions of the IDC blog to call Town Hall repeatedly to report imaginary problems? We don't. We just have the IDC's word, and since they have been proven to be liars (via their public IDC website's main page....not a blog....their IDC website), how can we believe what they say? We can't.

It's not good to lie over and over again IDC. It doesn't make you look credible or that you are working for the best interests of the residents. It really makes you look petty, and bitter.

You want to talk about inappropriate diatribes? Look no further than the above blogs on the IDC. WTF does Richard #$&@(* Nixon have to do with side walk plowing in Irondequoit?

So sad. Same ol' same ol' again and again. Remember these lies?

Honest to goodness they must think that all of you in Irondequoit are ignorant boobs - "Believe us when we tell you that the sidewalks were not plowed.....but don't believe anyone else who says they were plowed. They should provide proof that what we said wasn't true, even though we provided NO PROOF that it was true."

Good grief!

Here's the other blog where they make fun of MJD for wearing her recycle beret at a TB Meeting:

I'll address the rhetoric at the end:

“It’s been a year and no movement or true public disclosure of supposed discussions of the Medley issue. Campaign promise broken!! So much for "more than gentle reminders".

Actually, there was never any true public disclosure of any discussions of the Medley issue since it was originally proposed. The PILOT deal hammered out with the last administration never put in any protections for the “issues” happening now. If everyone had done their homework on this developer, they would have realized that this story has played out in other developments this family was involved in…..eerily similar in each instance….and maybe they would have been more cautious in giving this developer PILOT Tax breaks until the year 2045.

“An unfinished Master Plan – It was fully paid for and we are deriving no benefit from it. No real disclosure as to the perceived issue with either what was wrong with it or who is working to have it redone!!”

It was supposed to be final in October of 2009 – but just gloss over that fact.

“Although promised – no update on the ice rink issue”

Pretty sure I remember her mentioning at a meeting that it wouldn’t be done until a suitable area had been found. I don’t think a suitable area has been found yet – plus the whole financial situation making it pretty much impossible to build or do anything for a few years.

“No public disclosure or conversation regarding the purchase agreement to buy ST Paul Exempt.”

Proof of that purchase agreement? That would be nice.

“How many months does it take to resolve a cell tower issue?”

The board tabled it until Verizon got their “studies/reports” to the board. The board had to table it the last time because, as MJD stated, she felt there was not enough time for the board to review those reports in order for them to make a decision. The reports handed in at the January meeting and what they reviewed in executive session, were not conducive to answering a few board members questions – it was brought up at the January TBM – I believe Ms. Essley was the one who stated that she was insulted by the report that Verizon gave them because of the comparisons they used – she felt it did not relate to the neighborhood in Irondequoit.

“Why preclude wind towers with no application in the Town to build any? (One nearby Town is paying zero property tax -- THAT'S RIGHT ZERO,ZILCH, NADA -- because wind towers were placed in their community providing enough revenue to eliminate the need for Property taxes!!!)”

What town is that? Is it in their fresh water lake, disturbing the soil in the lake and disturbing the pollution that it has buried for decades? Or, is it on their land? Just wondering what the similarities/differences are between the two towns.

“Campaign Promise Broken – Deliver a 5 year financial plan to the community.”

I looked through the “campaign promises” and here’s what I found:
MJD Letter introducing herself and what she stands for if she’s Supervisor. Page 1.
Page 2.
Mailer Front.
Mailer Back.
Ad in the IPost.
Election Preview in IPost. Page 1.
Nothing in there about a 5 year financial plan to the community.

“Rebuild Irondequoit one neighborhood at a time" – which one did you start with? How many businesses have left Town in the last year? How many feet of vacant commercial property have been filled in the last year? How was the loss to the tax roles of Kings Park addressed? Were any of those issues in neighborhoods that you had intended to start with?”

How many businesses started up and moved to the town in the last year? Kings Park had been bleeding business out to other areas for years before even MEH took office. The City stole ESL from Irondequoit recently – why don’t you press your county legislature to look into the role that IDA’s create in luring a business away from one area into another?

“Another campaign promise, "Create a Town for a Lifetime". One filled with code violations, ineffective public service, sidewalks around schools that were unplowed during a December snow event, cuts to services without true public disclosure, a Medley issue that continues to fester, etc., etc.”

Proof of the code violations that rival past years? Proof of ineffective public service? Proof of sidewalks around schools that were unplowed? Proof of cuts to services without true public disclosure? Proof that Medley issue was caused by MJD?

What’s that? None? Nada, zilch, zero?

Yup. Business As Usual.

If you need to contact the IDC to complain about their multiple lies, and disrespect for ALL residents of Irondequoit - here is the information to do so:
Irondequoit Democratic Committee
David A. Seeley, Leader
cell: 474-0787

To assist you in your "Irondequoit Sidewalk Plowing" knowledge, here is the link to the general guidelines for sidewalk plowing - on the Town website.

Just so you can deal in facts, and not innuendo, speculation, gossip - or lies!

General Guidelines for plowing in Irondequoit:

(Note: Maps listed are for odd years. The opposite side of the street would be plowed in even years - I am assuming.)
Town Map of plowing routes - main and secondary color coded:

Southwest quadrant plowing map:

Southeast quadrant plowing map:

Northwest quadrant plowing map:

Northeast quadrant plowing map:

Complaints on Town Of Irondequoit's Facebook Page - there were no complaints on the DPW Facebook page:


cheri said...

First off, I have to say that the IDC is making a HUGE mistake letting what looks like Ray McDonald, (PB member)write for their website.

The reason he was let go from the Irondequoit D&C head blog post was because of the inflammatory mis-information he was spewing. So now it looks like he is writing the same inflammatory mis-information for the Irondequoit Democrats.

Not a smart choice in looking credible. He's going to drag the Democrats down even further than he did last election.

From the IDC web site - "The one exception was a Republican Committee member, who used the word “Liar” on multiple occasions in reference to the entire Irondequoit Democratic Committee!!"

He said "lie" twice NEVER called anyone a LIAR! The speaker's comments were specific to the plowing mis-information that is on the IDC web-site.

Typical behavior and I'm sure there is going to be a whole bunch more of this during campaign season.

If you scroll down further on the IDC web site they have a picture of Supervisor D'Aurizio with the conservation hat on and refer to it as a "lid." Meaning the lid to a trash dispenser. I can't believe the level of maturity on this. Worse than grade school.

How sad it is that there are residents in Irondequoit that would want to keep dragging our town down.

The present TB mixture of Democrats and Republicans is the nicest combination we've had in a very long time. They are all very respectful to eachother and work well together.

Very sad to see that the IDC is so demeaning and derogatory. So glad the writer of the IDC isn't on the Town Board!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I agree - Except for the first TB meeting of last year - I think the rest of the meetings have been great. No rhetoric, just people working together to run the town and represent the citizens of Irondequoit to the best of their ability.

I don't think it's John and/or Stephanie's responsibility to make sure the IDC takes down the lies on their IDC blog - it would be nice if they did it all on their own without being asked to.

I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I also agree that it doesn't make them look good, and if they continue on - I guess they are more interested in speculation and innuendo and lying to the residents instead of providing facts, reasoned discourse, and proof of their accusations.

Ah - well - what can one expect when this has been the S.O.P. since back in the D&C blog days.

Again, if they had anything on the current town board - they would prove it. They don't. Ever.


cheri said...

I'm with you Jax...yawn....

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

lol I know - but - in a way I hope he doesn't stop. It's sure going to come in handy at election time!

How honest and forthright they are - it shows!


kcomella said...

I find it very amusing that after all the years of Greg Devlin doing public input (frequently) ... he is now referred to as a " Republican Political Operative", and not by his name (as he once was by the man behind the curtain)

C'mon Raymond, Greg is your former "good buddy" from years ago ... you can surely remember his name, can't you? (Tsk-tsk!)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

See - before - it didn't matter that Devlin gave public input many, many times over the past few years - but because he called out the IDC on their lies on their website - he is now a "Republican Political Operative", and lol Ray is "champion for the people of Irondequoit" for putting his lies up on a blog on the IDC website.

Insanely amusing. Certifiably.

Drove down by Newport yesterday - just for shits and giggles. Miraculously, the road did not cave in and fall into the Bay when I did. Phew! I thought I might have to call Bob Ewing of the DEC to weigh in on the failure of the road!

cheri said...

Good point Kate. Greg has been doing public input as long as I can remember but now magically he's a Republican operative.

I can even remember input that Greg has done that was critical of the Republicans.

Well Ray said he's an operative like he said that Greg called the IDC Liars on multiple occasions. Ha - so credible!

Oh Jax, then there was the whole Newport Road issue that you brought up and we know how credible PB member Ray was then too.

Honest and forthright - Gag - Cough, Cough...

kcomella said...

Me thinks Mr. Nixon has exited the building.

cheri said...

Well looky-looky Nixon did exit the building and he took 2 IDC blogs with him.

The latest one with total mis-information regarding Greg's public input and the blog with Supervisor D'Aurizio (hat pic included) being referred to as garbage have disappeared.

Priceless, really Priceless! FOILS exposes all of the mis-information yesterday morning and by night the blogs went bye-bye.

I'm glad that somebody on the IDC has the decency to pull some of the trash that Ray has been writing.

PB member Ray McDonald thinks he can get away with spreading inflammatory mis-information AGAIN. I guess NOT!! :)

Good Luck IDC because Ray is just going to keep dragging you right down to his level.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

They still have the blog up spreading mis-information on the "budget casualty" of sidewalk plowing of the current supervisor.

The budget for sidewalk plowing, as shown in the actual 2011 budget done by the current Supervisor, is not a casualty. It actually increases under the current supervisor.

Why let facts stand in the way of his political rhetoric?

cheri said...

You are right Jax, the IDC didn't take down that blog with the lies about the Sidewalk Budget Plowing.

What do we expect? Newport Road was "almost" designated a Natural Disaster.

Facts - Shmacts! :)

He's making it up as he goes along.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

As of today - the two blogs that they took off are back up again - with the lies included and still no proof of their accusations - but the one blog is minus the picture of the Supervisor with "the lid". They decided to edit that out I guess.

Still - no proof of their accusations.


cheri said...

Nixon is back. Priceless really. I was giving the IDC credit for taking some of the trash off their site just to have it reappear.

Yes Jax, the "lid" picture is gone and Ray changed his claim - "The one exception was a Republican Committee member, who used the word “Liar” on multiple occasions in reference to the entire Irondequoit Democratic Committee!!"

To - The one exception was a Republican Committee member, who used the "L" word on multiple occasions in reference to the entire Irondequoit Democratic Committee!!

So Ray's "Liar" claim has now become the "L" word. To funny!

Glad the reference (lid) to our Supervisor being garbage is gone. Disgusting that a sitting planning board member would make such a claim.

Still No links to the proof of his claims. Why would the Democrats want to have this persona? It makes them look immature and petty.

Everyone in Town can see how well the Democrats and Republicans are working together on the board. Must really be eating away at you Ray.

The IDC site reads just like the Democrat and Chronicle blog did when Ray McDonald was head. It was trashy, inflammatory mis-information. So he was let go from his volunteer position.

So the Democrats scooped him up to write for them. Nice...

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I really hope they keep it up and don't stop - it doesn't make them look any better than the negative, biased, miserable house wifey snippets blog.

Riiiiiiiiight? lol Too funny.

At least I try to "prove" my accusations - I don't just say something without having something to back it up with.

Oh, also, the blog claims that MJD made an apology at the December meeting for "not getting the job done". LMAO I looked at the video, recorded her address, and NOWHERE in that address is there an apology, AND she said that they met every day to deal with and resolve the issues. (I added this to the main page of the blog.)

Looks like she got the job done.

But....that doesn't stop the IDC from lying about it on their website.

Again, I hope (fingers crossed) that they keep it up.

I would not put up with a blog like mine or a blog like theirs on a Committee website. Never.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I love this comment on that blog:

"Stay tuned as Democrats do have, and will unviel soon, a comprehensive sustainable plan of action that will provide financial stability and growth now and for years to come!!"

Wow. I wonder if it's like the Master Plan that was supposed to be finished in October of 2009.