Monday, January 24, 2011

IDC - Lies

About 4 blogs down on the main page of the IDC's Committee Website is the accusation that there was: "No public disclosure or conversation regarding the purchase agreement to buy ST Paul Exempt." This one, which was the original blog on the main page. They have since removed the picture of the Supervisor with the recycle beret on - but they still have lies on their website, which is something I would expect from a blog, but not a committee website that represents Democrats in Irondequoit.

So - Cheri sent in a FOIL request last week (Wednesday, Jan. 19th) for the purchase agreement of the Town to buy St. Paul Exempts. See e-mail below:

Here is the response from Barbara Genier today:

"I just received a response from Mr. Spang regarding the Purchase Agreement to buy St. Paul Exempt. He said No such document exists. You can come in and see the response for yourself. It will be in the Clerk’s office."

No such document exists. What does exist, is an agreement between the Town and entities such as the area Churches, Schools, St. Paul Exempts etc. for the Irondequoit Soccer Club to use those fields. That's all it is....there is no payment as far as I know, and there is NO PURCHASE AGREEMENT as the IDC claims. Here is the meeting from April 20th at the 44:19 mark is where it is brought to the table, and at the 45:24 mark is where they mention St. Paul Exempts - nothing about any of the fields costing anything - nothing about purchase agreements, it was just "additional fields to support Irondequoit Soccer Club".

As soon as I receive the actual documents of the FOIL request, I will get them up here.


Initialed by Mike Spang, with the reason being "No such document exists!"

There is no purchase agreement for the Town to buy St. Paul Exempts. So, that is another lie on the IDC main page.

So far, they've lied about the current Supervisor making cuts to the sidewalk plowing budget, and they've lied about Greg Devlin, calling him a Republican Political Operative and saying that he "used the word “Liar” on multiple occasions in reference to the entire Irondequoit Democratic Committee!!", and they've lied about the "public apology by the Supervisor for not getting the job done in her December address", and they've lied about the “An unfinished Master Plan – It was fully paid for....", and they've lied about the Supervisor by saying "Campaign Promise Broken – Deliver a 5 year financial plan to the community" I checked out the campaign "promises" here, and here, and here, and here, and here, there is no mention of a "5 year financial plan", and they've lied about there being a Purchase Agreement for St. Paul Exempts.

Stay tuned for more!


cheri said...

Another LIE! So surprising - NOT! The "L" word. Oh the horror!

Down, shoobie, doo-doo, DOWN IDC, that is where Ray is going to take you.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

They don't care, apparently.

Spreading false information is what they want to do instead of coming up with that "comprehensive sustainable plan of action that will provide financial stability and growth now and for years to come!!"

Like that Master Plan they paid $153 thousand for and it was never finished, as promised, by October 2009.

Ho-hum. BAU.

kcomella said...

Classic behavior, and to no surprise ... I often wonder if their right hands are aware of what their left hands are doing - that once (somewhat) informative web-blog, has clearly landed in the toilet ... has clearly lost all credibility.

With all the recent lies, spins, and mis-information posted; I can't help but wonder - what really IS factual on the IDC site ... anything?