Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Failentine's Day

Show your love by helping others make a profit on this special day!

Propose to your sweetie of a few months at a very public venue!

Get creative! Nothing screams "I love you" like body hair hearts!


cheri said...

OMG the video is sad. Those poor guys, in public on one knee proposing and the girlfriend's can't run away fast enough. I would think if they were trying something like that they would be more positive about the outcome. YIKES!

Love the Crabs for Valentine's Day on the pet shop window.

The body hair hearts - BARF! Hahahahaha

As always Jax, very unique and you made me laugh!

Happy Failentine's Day!

kcomella said...

Please mark this date as I have NO words that could even come close to describing what I am feeling after viewing "heart chest hair" (err, or the absence of).

No words! [I am flat on the floor under my desk]

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Don't even think about it ladies.....the middle "body hair heart" guy is all mine.

Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day!