Friday, February 25, 2011

"Much Ado About Nothing"

That's what Bovenzi said about the inter fund transfers - it was "Much Ado About Nothing".

Never mind that these inter fund transfers are costing the taxpayers in the special districts more just could "have been handled better."

Never mind that the "co mingling" of funds in one bank account is AGAINST THE LAW and is PROHIBITED John......just say "Bah - you're getting upset over nothing."

Here's a snippet from the article:
"A spokesman for the state Comptroller's Office said board approval is required for inter-fund transfers. John Bovenzi, Irondequoit's comptroller at the time, said he was unaware of that requirement, and said all funds were paid back by the end of each fiscal year."

Bovenzi was unaware of the finance laws - The CFO (Heyman at the time) must have been unaware too.

All inter fund transfers must be approved by the board. Bovenzi, Heyman, Board Members, and Counsel for the Town (Malgieri) should have known this.

I wonder if Heyman is aware that she set unrealistic budgets....and then had to dip into the funds - not for emergencies all the time - but to balance the unrealistic budgets that they approved.

I'm pretty sure they all knew about that. I did. I wrote about it in a blog in 2009, where I specifically said:
"The fund balance is supposed to be for "emergencies" - kinda like your own personal savings account, it's there in case something out of the ordinary occurs, and you need "emergency funds". That's what an unreserved fund balance is for.

It's supposed to be for that....but when you have fiscally irresponsible people in charge, sometimes you have to raid the savings account to pay the bills, because you didn't budget accordingly, or you took out too many loans, or you have bad money management skills, or maybe you just think your "bank account" (read: taxpayers) is a never ending trough to feed from."

You did not budget accordingly - and you had to raid the funds from other taxing districts and other departments to SUPPORT A BUDGET YOU APPROVED!!!!

Fer cryin' out loud - If the stupid FOIL blog can figure it out, I have a hard time believing that nobody else in town government could!!!!

Bovenzi - full of shit. Full of it. MJD came in January 2010....then in February 2010 she's announcing in the I-Post that Bovenzi will be retiring at the end of March. Link to story.

Geez, John, you sure high tailed it out of there soon after MJD took office. I wonder why?!?!

The thing that gets me - I do remember a meeting where Richard Barone brought up the inter fund transfers....and I'm pretty sure it was Stephanie who said that they "knew about it" because it was a line item in the budget.

Yeah, it was. A lump sum total of all inter fund transfers that don't give you an accurate picture of the finances. You are supposed to approve all inter fund transfers separately - not in one lump sum line item in the budget.

Also, I'm pretty sure they all knew about the fund balance being drained - not only for "unexpected emergencies" - but to balance their unrealistic budgets.

From the audit: "Due to these inter fund advances, several funds, including the highway, library, lighting and sewer funds, were left with little or no cash reported at December 31, 2009. While these funds reported healthy fund balances, the cash advances to the general fund made up a significant portion of those fund balances. Given the general fund’s cash position at that time, it is unlikely that the general fund will have sufficient funds to repay the other funds in the near future."

HARM TO THE TAXPAYERS? "As a result, the Town cannot use the resources of those funds to responsibly reduce or control tax and special assessment rates. In addition, because the special district funds are supported by different tax bases than the general fund, the affected taxpayers are paying more than necessary to fund special district operations."

Be appalled. Be very appalled!


Anonymous said...

if the problem was a problem why didn't the town audit expose it. Bovenzi said it was all paid back at the end of year adjustments. If that is true then there is no problem. year after year the auditor never mentions it. board members always vote to straighten out the books at years end so they must have known books were juggled during the year. bovenzi said that every penny is accounted for and there to see. just becasue dinapoli throws this in as a cover for his party pals does not mean its a big problem.

cheri said...

So Aldersley and Perticone claim to have known nothing. Heyman claims they did know. Bovenzi says - No problem.

I don't believe much of what Heyman says about anything. I do have a hard time believing that John and Stephanie didn't know anything though.

We were talking about it on FOILS and Barone was doing public input. Why were John and Stephanie swallowing what Bovenzi was telling them about the fund balance? It was their business to dig and find out more information.

In my opinion, this is part of the problem with one party boards. Nobody wants to rock the boat.

Hey, where is Debbie Evans and Gail Bello's comments? Would have loved to see them interviewed for the article, since they should have been MORE accountable then John and Stephanie. Debbie and Gail were on the Town Board for the ENTIRE period of the audit. John and Stephanie were on for half.

The article claims that Overspending and Dipping to heavily into the fund balance was a big part of this. Like we have been saying for a couple of years.

Endless attorneys, consultants, engineers, assistants and even a political operative employed etc.

Could you imagine if Evans and Bello were re-elected? This stuff would still be going on. Our financial situation is bad enough but boy did we dodge a bullet with the 3 of them getting voted OUT!

How about if we were in a lease right now with King's Park?

The former TB was even contemplating bonding 1 million for Newport Road.

Then there is Bovenzi who ran and retired shortly after Mary Joyce was elected. No wonder...

Heyman's Legacy = The Dysfunction-Corruption and Incompetence that keeps on Giving!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Why didn't the town audit expose it?

Good question.

Bovenzi can say it was all paid back at the end of the year all he wants.....the laws state that all fund transfers need authorization (by resolution) of the board.

"juggling books" at the end of the year is not following the LAWS of NYS. Look at them:

NYS Laws for Towns.

"just becasue dinapoli throws this in as a cover for his party pals does not mean its a big problem."

What are you talking about? DiNapoli is a Democrat - there's no "cover" about's in the NYS LAWS!!!

They all should have known - I guess LAWS only apply to some people, eh?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

The audit also references General Municipal Law GML and Local Finance Law LFN.

There is also an explanation in the audit itself on why the town audit didn't "expose" the problems:

Link to audit bottom of page 10 to page 11.

"Of notable concern, these ongoing inter fund advances are not recorded and are not approved by the Board. Most of these advances occurred because the Town used common bank accounts for all of its operating and capital projects funds. The Town Accountant disbursed funds from the commingled bank accounts throughout the year to pay expenditures for funds that lacked sufficient cash without recording these inter fund advances. Instead, she recorded the expenditures as she normally would, which resulted in negative cash balances in the general ledger accounts. For example, as of December 31, 2009, the general fund’s moneymarket bank balance in the computerized accounting records hada negative balance of more than $2.2 million. Town officials did not periodically share general ledger cash account or bank account balance information with the Supervisor or Town Board to apprise them of the general fund’s financial condition or other funds’ cash flow status.

At year-end, the Town’s external auditor calculated and recorded inter fund payables to eliminate individual funds’ negative cash balances. However, the Town Accountant did not record the related entries in the Town’s accounting system; instead, she continued to carry negative cash balances and inaccurate interfund receivables in the accounting records. Because these advances made throughout each year were only recorded at year-end for reporting purposes, the Town Board did not pre-approve them."

cheri said...

I already mentioned this on the other blog but I have to say it again.

I am so thankful that the NYS Comptroller is a Democrat because he is being critical of Democrats. If he was a Republican so many would think there was no merit or truth to this audit.

As it is Anonymous on this blog is trying to chalk it up to that....

Who are DiNapoli's party pals? Joe Morelle!?

Good old Joe, who wouldn't listen to anyone either regarding Mary Ellen Heyman.

The Town of Irondequoit was Mary Ellen'ed! It feels great doesn't it? Some people can LIE right to your face over and over.

The members of the Town Board, former and present, know that better than anyone right now.

I am also so thankful that Mary Joyce D'Aurizio was elected! From the very beginning she saw the problems and made immediate changes.

She also STOPPED the OVER spending! Yes, things are tight but she found 1 million to cut. She's NOT even pointing her finger and blaming who should be blamed in all of this.

The Town is in a precarious state, something that FOILS has been blogging about for quite sometime. We are BROKE there is NO MONEY and the OVER spending and mis-management of funds is going to take a few years to recoup and get on solid footing again. We are on the right track now but it takes time.

I wish somebody would tell the Library Board this....

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

..........and the Police Department, and the School Districts......

Think of the thousands that could have gone to the libraries if the PD didn't charge 4 hours overtime to attend an hour September 11th flag raising ceremony.

How many the SD cut so the rest of the Town could prosper?

How many thousands could have gone to the libraries if it wasn't spent on that 1st Pinegrove Property report?

How many thousands could have gone to the libraries if it wasn't spent on Tim Poley?

How many thousands could have gone to the libraries if it wasn't spent on frivolous investigations on a volunteer planning board member?

How many thousands could have gone to the libraries if it wasn't spent on what....5 assistants to Mary Ellen Heyman?

How many thousands could have gone to the libraries instead of the "seniors first committee" and their multiple mailings of lies?

I could go on and on.....

tgolan said...

cheri ----"you just don't understand how government works".

Weren't those words uttered in your face? Things would be better it you hadn't caused all the problems----things like:

Kings Park expense of about $2 million per year (town document estimate).

Million dollar roads that engineers stated are not failing.

$100,000 Outhouses at town hall.

$500,000 parking lots ----that were to be built outside the 5 foot fairy tale line.

$400,000 bonds for projects that only were done after the cover of fed grant was received.

$20,000 investigating citizens for political purpose.

Apprentice Programs so tax dollars go to special interests who kick back. btw--this scheme eliminated nearly all minority and women businesses from qualifying to compete.

Fees paid to create the worst sceme in town history---Mall Pilot. Town had not one document to demonstrate there was any "need" for a mall; yet signed a deal that allows effective tax dollars to be channeled back to pay the mortgage.

One of the biggest expenses may have been the ink used to write the often cited phrase: "No such Records Exist".

cheri said...

I know Tim Poley alone was almost $100,000. of waste- regarding King's Park.

Surprised to learn that some police officers were getting paid overtime for flag raisings and parades? (Not anymore) I was always under the impression that was volunteer.

LaBella how much did they make off the town? Another study anyone?

The school board attorney friend of Heyman's needed a little extra cash so he investigated me.

The assistants and please don't forget David Seeley, political operative that was employed for a time. Until FOILS plastered his face and resume on the blog. Poof-just like that Joe Morelle took him in and employed him. Awww, brings a tear to the eye....

The Seniors First Committee almost forgot about that made up bunch of BS.

How about that $400,000 bonded for the outdoor toliets, what ever happened to that?

Spring Valley is even mentioned in the audit.....

The endless bucket of money in Irondequoit finally dried up.

cheri said...

Actually tgolan, Mary Ellen Heyman Screamed "you just don't understand how government works" in my face!

It's to bad that she was able to get her Town Board to go right along with her. Is it because they were all Democrats? Is it because they didn't want her to Scream in their face? Or is it because they just went along?

The one and only meeting where I finally saw them break free was the last budget meeting in the Court House. Heyman, Evans and Bello had already lost the election and the meeting was very divided. Perticone, Aldersley, Evans against Heyman and Bello.

I was very happy to see it. Seemed like 3 of them finally saw the light kind of. Of course it took the loss of their majority and the reality of Aldersley and Perticone's reputation to carry on that I think gave them the courage to FINALLY stand up to the INSANITY!

I do think they must all realize it now and I have liked how John and Stephanie don't seem to be playing politics at all. From looking at the Town Board right now they really look like 5 residents (Dems and Repubs) that have the Towns best interest at heart. (I hope)

If all of the dysfunction in the last 4 years is how government works Mary Ellen, I don't want to understand it! :)


Cheri that's a long list.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

LOL Blast from the past.

Don't forget about UB2 or Smiley01 or the dozens of other ones.

Maybe if she was more involved in the day to day operations of the town instead of blogging under a million different aliases for all those years - she would have noticed the fund balances and the "against the law" stuff going on.

Oh well. Live and learn.

cheri said...

RUSERIOUS, are you trying to stir the pot? This couldn't be the real Ruserious, correct?

Yes Jax, maybe that was part of the problem. She had to make a choice - Blogging or being informed about the budget, fund balance etc.

Blogging WON! Lucky us!

Fiscal Conservative said...

Cheri---You were told many times and it appears you still just don't get-

The "Big Picture".

At a meeting yesterday with "ErnieZ" we recalled how the bloggers never understood the "Big Picture".

cheri said...

Now we have good old Fiscal Conservative - Too funny!

Oh yes, I still don't get the "BIG Picture." I guess I never will.

The 'Big Picture' was Heyman's (Ernie Z-FiscalConservative's) overspending, incompetence and micro-managing! Sadly she was able to get a whole bunch of people to go right along with her.

Unbelievable Too! Ha-Ha!