Thursday, April 23, 2009

Letters In I Post Comparison..............

MORE Comparisons?

This time we are going to compare a letter submitted to the I Post versus what is actually in print.

Here is the letter that was "submitted" to the I Post:

I believe the above letter is 397 words.

Here is the letter that was printed in the I Post (between pink lines):

Link To Letters Archive

Was it a "space" issue? Letters submitted must be 400 words or less. The letter submitted was 397 words. The letter printed was only 203 words.

Was it because Mr. Fake Mathew Lewis was mentioned in the submitted letter?

The letter printed doesn't mention Fake Mathew at all, and I can understand that could be embarrassing.....he was a fake. WE know that, not everyone else does though. also doesn't mention Debbie Evans' recent article that was mentioned in the letter that was submitted.

Why is that? She's not least I don't think she is......why cut out that part? doesn't mention Mr. Scuderi by name in the printed version either......he's definitely real........why was that changed to "one person"?

This letter was chopped up considerably, and apparently WITHOUT the letter writer's permission.

Compare the first sentences of the submitted letter to what was actually in print in the I Post:

"Mathew Lewis said that mistakes were made on many sides of the Pinegrove issue.
Mr. Lewis those mistakes were outright mis-information spread by the current
Supervisor and Town Board members prior to a referendum."


"Many writers of recent letters and essays have noted that mistakes were made on many sides of the Pinegrove Senior Center issue. Some were due to misinformation spread prior to the referendum,"

Should the public be aware that "one media outlet" has decided to either censor any negative comments on the current administration................or these letters are "being run by the administration first" before going to print?

The current administration did spread mis-information PRIOR to the vote.........WHY in the world is that changed and omitted from the "in print" letter?

God forbid the public knows the truth on anything.......