Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love, Love, Love

I'm feelin' it.......are you?

I love letters.

Letters that show how deeply we care for other people, even ones that we don't agree with.

Take for instance, this letter from March:

Can you feel the love, and sense of "community" in this letter?

Can you imagine this letter writer caring about your opinions, sharing with you, and letting you share with them?

Can you imagine collaborating on a project with this person, and would doing so give you a sense of community, and a feeling that your opinions were seriously considered and respected?

Can you?

There's been one part of this letter that has been bugging me for a while-and I don't think that I've ever addressed it.

"That a portion of that grant-funded rent would have returned to the Town in property taxes was conveniently ignored."

It was "ignored" because it's not true.

Do the owners of King$ Pork pay property taxes right now?

Yes, they do.

Do the owners of King$ Pork pay less property taxes when tenants move out?

No, they don't.

Would the owners of King$ Pork pay more property taxes when new tenants move in?

No, they wouldn't.

Would the owners of King$ Pork pay the exact same property taxes with or without the Senior Center as a tenant?

Yes, they would.

No "federal grant rent money" would benefit the Town in property taxes. The only ones who benefit from taxpayer funded rent money is the landlords.

Other things that show how much this person cares about your ideas is the loving way she refers to all of you who voted no, or were against the lease. You just have to know how to "read between the lines" to get that lovin' feelin'!

"Irondequoit nay-sayers hurt town's quality of life."

Translation: I really love your difference of opinion! I respect you too!

"Blatantly false information accounted for many "no" votes."

Translation: I know you voted the way you did because it's what you believed, and I thank you for taking the time out to vote - no matter what way you voted. Democracy by a vote of the people is a wonderful thing!

"Boisterous nay-sayers masquerading as government watchdogs are doing nothing but taking a bite out of our quality of life."

Translation: Let's work together on a plan for our community to come together as one - and please feel free to share your concerns and ideas with the rest of us as we all try to work together and educate ourselves about everyone's opinions, and why they have those opinions.

"Their goals are unfathomable, but the consequences of affording them credibility are anything but "charming".

Translation: I really love my Town and everyone in it! Let's get that community spirit going and really try to work WITH one another instead of driving that wedge between us. I deeply care about your opinions, and I'm ready and willing and able to be the catalyst that inspires us all to work together towards the improvements and goals for our Town.

Gosh. After reading that letter I feel like I'm being hugged by a fluffy cloud, with the smell of jasmine and sweet lilacs and cotton candy all swirling around me, while puppies and kittens playfully romp around my feet - and fresh laundry hangs on a line in the backyard while the sun and the gentle breeze kisses them dry.

Isn't this letter writer the same person who wrote the letter that accompanied the proposal that will be discussed at tonight's Town Board meeting?

I really can't wait to find out what the "Absolutely false information being presented as fact" about a consolidated library and a community center are.

I never, ever hear what it is.....you know, specifics....I just keep hearing the same old tired line about the "false information". Never anything to show what was false and why it's false.

I betcha tonight will be the night we really feel the "love" of community from this "small group of people" and their perfect ideas and recommendations. There's nothing to question at all! If you do question anything - you are just a negative ninny who holds town progress hostage and wants to ruin our quality of life! Remember that!

That "other" small group of people.....how they despise the community! Why, I remember when they went out in the winter, during the frigid cold weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas to collect 1,952 signatures on a petition to FORCE the Town to have a vote on the lease. How SELFISH of them to want the residents - ALL RESIDENTS - to have a vote. That really screams "negative" to me!

Now, all you good folks out there who are going to the meeting tonight....you just listen....and feel the love.

Love, love, love.