Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yes! Finally!


A letter in the I Post that doesn't:

  1. Accuse anybody of anything.
  2. Call anyone a name.
  3. Give misinformation as "fact".
  4. Give a fake name and address to play political games.
  5. Come across as snippy, catty, snarky, sarcastic, mean, insensitive, "vitriolic", "abusive" , "threatening", illogical, insane, vindictive, megalomaniacal, superior, or bitter.
  6. Give a "solution" and say that "this is the only solution".
  7. Mention "small group of people".

What's that tingly feeling I have right now......why.....I believe it could be "hope"! Yay! was just my foot that fell asleep. Darnit!

You might think it's hypocritical of me to want people to be considerate and civil, considering that I'm pretty snarky on this blog. But, it's a blog. MY blog.

I don't "FORCE" you to come here to read it, but you doooOOOOoooooo. I know who visits, and what pages they read etc.

I don't "pretend" to be anything. I don't claim anything other than sharing FOI documents with you, along with MY opinions, and video/letters/articles.

I'm anonymous. Cowardly, sneaky.....whatever you want to call it....and not really giving a rip.....I'm anonymous for a reason. Why? That's a "nunya" question. Nunya damn business.

I'm not your elected representative.

I don't write letters to the editor to any paper - although I do comment online to articles now and then.

I don't e-mail anyone other than friends.

I don't send out mailers or letters to people. I don't hold press conferences. I don't call you at home and question you.

I don't force my opinions on you at all. You're free to come and go or not come and go as you please.

But that does not mean I'm going to stop being "me" on my blog. It's my blog.

I can be sarcastic, and snarky.....on my blog. I hardly think that I'm "vitriolic", although some would disagree.....and quite frankly I don't give a rip about that either. :)

I do try to be as polite as I can when dealing with people through letters or speaking publicly to them.....even online.

But on MY blog - I do what I want.

Please.....never forget that!

Anywho......THANK YOU Mike Spang, for submitting a very nice letter.

I just want to clarify, that 13,000 seniors DO NOT visit Pinegrove.

There are, (according to the 2000 census), roughly 13,000 seniors that reside in Irondequoit. At St. Ann's, or other Senior Living Centers that provide services similar to Pinegrove "in house", in their own homes, in apartments etc. Many go away during the winter months to other "homes".

According to the Comprehensive Master Plan regarding Recreation, Parks, and Trails - a focus group in coordination with the consultants (I believe Clark, Patterson, Lee) took a good look at all of these things at their November 2008 meeting.

Here is a link to the Meeting Summary.

On Page 2 of that summary, it talks about the Senior Center and the conditions.

"The center serves approximately 45-60 people per day."

(To view the other 6 pages of the Comprehensive Master Plan Meeting for Recreation, Parks, and Trails....please click on "read more below the fold" at the bottom of the blog.)

I wanted to point that out because I feel it's a little "misleading" to people if you say that "Pinegrove continues to serve the senior population (approximately 13,000...." when the center truly only "serves" about 40-60 seniors daily.

"As the five-year plan unfolds, we will be looking for the end result to be inclusive for all ages within our population."

Very nice letter from Webster resident Mike Spang, and I agree with this quote but would like to add that I hope that the "during" part - BEFORE the "end result" - will be inclusive of EVERYONE giving their input and EVERYONE'S opinions be taken seriously with consideration for EVERYONE, not just a select few making the decisions.
A vote on the "end result" would be nice too.

I just read some of the comments at the end of the guest essay, and there's one that makes a very good point......


HOLD ON HERE......let's check the tapes ....was that not Gail Bello coming out of her coma at a recent meeting indicating that 'we have a date in JUne for Home Depot to come out to Pinegrove'......she spoke the words... fed to her of course by MS Heyman.....was that not her jumping out of her skin yelling at Mr Ament indicating that 'i am not a liar, Mike Spang and I sat down with home depot ourselv es and secured a date'............listen Mrs Bello, this is not your kindergarten class at Helendale you are dealing with............when does this board have to be held accountable? when do the lies and the misleading tricks stop? every single one of those board members should be is worse than the other and it's got to stop.............I am so tired of the ongoing and shameful government in this town.....the fact that my taxes are being paid for salaries of these folks....Mr. Spang will be retiring with a great big smile on his face and a nice retirement package no doubt....escaping his accountablility in all of this...and instead of yawning during the whole meeting at town hall, he can yawn from his easy chair at home watching the circus on tv. Beware of trusting anyone...even those currently sitting on the board are going behind each others backs....secret meetings among 'the enemy' is really sad. I hope that we can get a bunch of residents to raise holy hell by starting a petition, forcing the hand to get his makeover started for our poor seniors. Anyone interested in helping?"

I do remember Ms. Bello stating at the meeting....well.....she did raise her voice a bunch, and got all angry and stuff, but.....she did state that in JUNE Home Depot would be out to Pinegrove.

Good point! I don't know why it's going to take until "fall" (read: November elections) for all of the repairs to be done at Pinegrove. I guess you'd have to ask the Supervisor and Board why it will take that long to put in a HVAC and paint the joint. Ask them why they could have the landlords at King$ Pork install a new "at current capacity" HVAC, and then the Town would paint, carpet, install alarms and all that stuff they were going to do in SIXTY DAYS FROM THE VOTE - but it'll take 9 months to do this at Pinegrove (March - November)?