Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Attention To Detail & Important Issues

The Irondequoit Democratic Committee has a blog where important issues are discussed.

The latest is about Newport.

Attention to detail: 45 Town Houses and 27 Condominiums, eh?

Important issues: Bush wiped his hand on Clinton's shirt in Haiti.

(Just so you get the right information and not the wrong information - it's 45 condominiums and 9 townhouses.)


cheri said...

"Attention to Detail & Important Issues?????"

I think they really meant to say, "Attention to GRAMMAR and NOT much else!"

45 Town Houses and 27 Condominiums?????

Hey you never know Jax maybe that 17 page resolution the planning board voted on popped in another 18 condos. ;)

It's supposed to be 45 condos and 9 townhouses! The plan has NOTHING to do about DENSITY though it's all about the grammar.

Let the Democrats take full credit for the Newport Development. The process STUNK!

I'm sure RSM will gratefully be giving campaign donations when and if certain planning board members run for anything next year. ;)

That's the name of the game isn't it!? :)

Anonymous said...

LOL. It looks to me like George was caressing Bill. George had his own shirt and pants for wiping.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Cheri -

"Let the Democrats take full credit for the Newport Development."

....and the depleted fund balances, the 400k bond to replace heat pumps that have a grant now, the million dollar Newport Road bond....hell, they even took credit for things Schantz did - the lakeside trail, the 590 reconstruction....

lol They can have Newport. The monstrous condos are going to look great.

Be positive, Cheri! ;)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Oh -

I dunno - it looked like he really did "wipe" his hand on Bill's shirt.

That's a huge issue!!


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I'm sure RSM will gratefully be giving campaign donations when and if certain planning board members run for anything next year. ;)

That's the name of the game isn't it!? :)"

LOL Well - it's pretty obvious.

cheri said...

A few things really make me laugh actually GAG in this IDC synopsis.

It's written how important public input is on the skating rink. Meanwhile 5 Democrats on the Town Board in 2008 voted unanimously yes with NO PUBLIC INPUT between Thanksgiving and Christmas to LEASE KING's PARK!

I guess they forgot about public input on such a HUGE issue.

Who could write this kind of BS? Talk about hypocrites.

No, it's not about politics, only about performance. Cough-Cough - Gag!

Anonymous said...

I would have thought the IDC would have at least corrected the erroneous statements they made by now.