Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Governor Paterson

Please resign.

Thank you.



P.S. Please take a few with you on your way out. Thanks in advance!


cheri said...


You are so funny! :)

Sincerely, Cheri

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Don't forget "negative, against progress, and biased". :)

Sincerely, Jax

cheri said...


I'm happy to be in your company!

Are you channeling ME Jones? Sounds like her public input - the negative, against progress people, that's us.

Anyone that doesn't agree with ME Jones is just negative. :( No other opinions allowed!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure your wish will come true.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 6:50 -

What I wish, is that these types of things that have happened in the past few days didn't ever happen.

It really sucks, and doesn't do anyone any good - not the politicians who have "ethics issues", their families, their friends, their fellow politicians - and it just makes the public even more wary of "government".

There are good people out there, and government isn't all bad, but these types of incidents don't help anything at all, it just feeds into the perception that all government and all politicians are crooks and liars.

I think it's a process....most of them start out with good intentions and do good things, and the corruption happens along the way.

Unfortunately. For us and for them and their families.

I don't think I want to read the news tomorrow - I'm afraid someone else will be resigning - geez. It's been a wicked few days.