Monday, March 1, 2010

Only Plebeians Pay Taxes On Time

A while ago I had written a blog about this neat online tool that the County offers to pay/view your taxes. In the blog I looked up Medley mean Lakeridge Centre, and I could view tax histories for town, county, and school district payments.

It looks like, on top of owing the Town of Irondequoit $500,000 (plus other payments that are due per the PILOT I don't know if he's paid them yet) - he is also late on paying his taxes that were due by February 10th, 2010 - and now he is accruing penalties/interest.

Check it out.

Click on the parcel ID# links below, and at the bottom of each page click on "payment history" - you will see that there are no tax payments yet for 2010. Or, click on "tax history" - you will see that there are penalty/interest amounts.


Tax payments for 2010 are late for every single parcel ID#. Every single parcel has penalties/interest charged to it.

Did you pay your taxes on time? I know I did.

This developer has to pay LESS taxes with the PILOT deal, and Empire Zone breaks etc., yet he still can't pay on time.

Great. Hooray to everyone who was "positive" and in favor of "progress" on this deal - it seems to be working out quite well for y'all - I'm going to keep being negative on this type of "progress", because, quite frankly, it stinks.

I'm reviewing the STB Public Hearing comments from the meeting on 3/9/09

"Mary Ellen Jones resident for over 50 years loves this Town She is thrilled with something positive She told group to have confidence in people who have studied this deal She watched Mall be born and die She has no doubt that any other town would be happy to welcome this development She thanked the Town Board for making this possible"

"Councilwoman Aldersley added that with the current economical condition jobs being lost
Irondequoit is very fortunate to have project of this magnitude She feels the PILOT is a
remarkable agreement with safeguards for Town included She is excited about project and hopes
it will be successful"

At the end of the STB, Heyman, Evans, Bello, Perticone, and Aldersley all voted "AYE".

Oh yeah...thanks so much for making this possible! lmao

3/3/10 MPN article about missing 1st payment.
"the county and school district are getting impatient." - Love that. Impatient? Really? Gee-you should have thought about that before you signed YOUR NAMES to the bottom of the PILOT deal. I remember how you (County/Town/SD) touted this project, sang his praises, asked us to be "positive" and "supportive", and continually told us that the 'new' PILOT would "protect us". All the milestones in the world can't make somebody pay, and all that the milestones do is add on more debt if he doesn't pay on time - financial penalties - that's all it is. If he can't pay the original payment, what good is adding on financial penalties? He can't/won't pay it obviously.

As for "we can't be out there being negative about this". Why not? Some of us tried to warn everyone about this deal and you know what's going to happen? The next developer will come along wanting PILOT deals and you same people will sign your names to the bottom of that deal too - trumpeting how great it is for the community.

Positively ridiculous. There. That's my positive statement for the day. Ya happy?

If he doesn't pony up those taxes - who do you think is going to make up the difference?

Yup. Good ol' you and I. I'll make a note of trying to be more positive about that.

Thanks go out to Ginny for sending me this PDF of the F.O.I. documents about Empire Zone tax credits.

Ginny says: "This is the FOI for the Empire Zone tax credit claimed by anyone in the "Medley" Empire Zone. The amount claimed by Bersin is slightly less than the total they paid in property tax equivalents in 2008 (PILOT payment, special district (e.g. fire dept) fees, etc.) In other words, even when Medley pays their property taxes, they don't really pay them -- we, the citizens of NYS, do, through the EZ program."


Please people, remember this when you vote. From local to Albany and beyond - remember: This is what your representatives agree to do with YOUR tax dollars. Hold them accountable for their decisions on election day!

Meanwhile, as I wait for my State refund because Albany can't control their $#&@*(@ spending..........

Ohhhh Albany - don't fret - the irony of all this is not lost on me.

I will remember come November!



Anonymous said...

Well I wouldnt worry because the new adminstration camapigned that when they got into office they were going to do more than give gently reminders. Mr Congel was going to pay up one way or another or the property would go on the tax rolls. Kudos to you Jax, so far you are the first person to report the story that Congel hasnt yet paid the pilot agreement which was due Feb 10th.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Thanks for commenting!

I was worried a long time ago about this project's tax abatement deals.

Perhaps, if the public was allowed to view the PILOT deal BEFORE it was in it's final form......we wouldn't be at this point now.

Yeah...we're protected.

Anybody have any suggestions on what can be done other than "gentle reminders"?

My ideas would probably land me in good.

cheri said...

Boy, this new administration sure does have their work cut out for them.

Depleted fund balance and dealing with a Huge PILOT that should have NEVER happened!

I wish we could hold every single board member that voted YES on the Rushed deal accountable.

Remember the rush because they were going to break ground right away? The public was shut out because the politician's always know what's best. Ha. ;)

kcomella said...

Ah, and back to us *common* folk for a minute -

For those of us *middle class* that go to take out a mortgage now ... and, *happen* to also be current landlords (owner occupied or not) - the times have sure changed.

... from what I understand -

In the event one goes to apply for a new mortgage (primary) - and, they happen to have additional income/rental property ... to even begin the process - they are required to now to have a 6 mth. (yes, I wrote six months) reserve (secured) in principal, taxes, and interest within savings, or built into their 401K.

Thank you so much, Fannie & Freddie

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Kate -

All that the plebeians have to do is put "LLC" after their name. Promise to do this and that with your property, make up some pretty color drawings on poster board and put it on an easel in front of the local politicians.

Voila! You will now have a deal to pay LESS taxes to the three taxing districts AND - you won't have to pay any penalties or taxes at all if you don't want to.

See how easy it is?

Cheri -

I remember Ginny being very concerned over the limited amount of time between when the PILOT was available for review (Released for public review Thursday 3/5/09) to when it was approved (Monday 3/9/09). There was NOT ample time to have the public read and discuss this important document.

Here's the e-mail that Ginny sent to the board to implore them to table it to give the public more time to digest all the information.

Here's the e-mail that Stephanie sent to Ginny telling her that 5 days (thursday to monday) is ample time for the public to review it, that she is quite satisfied with the PILOT, and she has received no negative input from anyone regarding the PILOT.


"They want to get their shovels into the ground and create jobs."


Ginny said...

Good catch, "Foils"! I had been hoping for a follow up story on whether Congel had paid yet this year, but I didn't think to look at the current property tax records. You're a smart one :-)

Reading that exchange again with Aldersley makes me frustrated all over again.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Yay Ginny!

YOU are the smart one - you had this nailed from the beginning, and pointed out so many valid concerns, I can't even count them all. Unfortunately, there wasn't much we could do about it - it was "done" before the public even heard about it.

All we can do now is go "See? We TOLD you!".....and it won't do a damned thing to reform/correct/do away with these types of deals.

"Reading that exchange again with Aldersley makes me frustrated all over again."

I hear ya. Just listening to her sometimes at board meetings is enough to drive a sane person bat-$#!t crazy - can't imagine trying to reason with her through e-mails.

I mean that sincerely.

Thank you Ginny, for trying to point out the valid concerns you had, and for continually questioning the decisions. If more people are aware of what goes on, hopefully they will speak out about it and maybe some true reform can happen.

A girl can dream, can't she? lol

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Ginny -

Thinking about those Empire Tax credits.....since Congel (Bersin Properties) is late paying his taxes....and since the EZ tax credits are NYS citizens paying the majority of his taxes.....essentially, WE (NYS citizens) are delinquent on paying our taxes.

So - WE - will be penalized/charged interest on our delinquent payments......right?

I think I'm going to vomit.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the tax implications the give away zoning district that was set up should be repealed too.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 3:56 -

You mean the special T.R.R. (Tourism Resort Redevelopment) zoning?

I agree!

Any development that goes on within the property is exempt from any zoning requirements that the other developments in town have to follow.

Ginny had a great site up Medley Centre Information for a long time that points out all of the concerns - and even provides a time line for reference, which is very helpful.

Ginny highlights some valid concerns about rezoning the property to T.R.R. district in #2 of the link above.

She pointed all of this out, and nobody "in authority" listened to her, or even gave her concerns the time of day.

I'll quote one of my favorite "Tool" songs - Aenima - "The only way to fix it is to flush it all away."

Meaning - the only way we'll get reform is if we elect reform minded individuals, and not party loyal puppets (either party) to get the job done.

If we keep electing the same - we'll keep getting the same.

It's time for a coup! :)

Ginny said...

OMG. I haven't looked at that Medley site in many months. I remember the Ginny then -- so hopeful that if I just made a reasonable statement of the facts, people would see that we needed a more thorough discussion of the issues before going forward with this decision.

Ah well. I guess I was young, then...

I do think that the current board has a number of things they can do. Number one: Make it official Town policy that the Town Board be more deliberate and cautious before entering into such agreements. At least require a minimum of 45 days between when the proposed terms of any PILOT agreement are made public and when the Town Board considers the agreement.

Someone (anyone?) should be gettin the town board to work on this now. I am certain that we'll be hearing about a PILOT for Lighthouse Point at some point in the not-to-distant future.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"At least require a minimum of 45 days between when the proposed terms of any PILOT agreement are made public and when the Town Board considers the agreement."

Excellent idea! I will let someone (anyone?) know about this suggestion, and thank you for offering it!

kcomella said...

FOIL's -

... Ok, now you have me laughing -

All that the plebeians have to do is put "LLC" after their name. Promise to do this and that with your property, make up some pretty color drawings on poster board and put it on an easel in front of the local politicians.

I will put this as politely as I possibly can ...

Although I have never been a huge fan of painting by number - I would sooner follow the *yellow* brick road in #'s, opposed to ... ah, say, a ... "reflex blue" ... topped off with a shoving "beige-white, #465 ... or maybe a #4515" - as long as I am not strung up in that, & paraded around town ... I'm good - the chance would be slim to none on me even entertaining the thought of throwing myself at the mercy of the *court* ... in addition to surrendering my first born to make it happen.

And as always, this is only mho - in pale stone ... or brick.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Are you using the pantone system?

I'm concerned about road glare...I it a white-white? Or an off white? #465 is beige-white, and I believe if you use a semi-gloss it would cut down on that road glare. We don't need people careening into oncoming traffic due to the glare from your sign.

As long as you attach it to your mortar on your pale stone or should be fine. I don't think FEMA will declare it almost a natural disaster....but, it could fall into the bay if you don't attach it securely.

kcomella said...

Are you using the pantone system?


Of course, I am! ... I wouldn't DARE leave home without it, dear ... for fear that I would be exploited in a public forum, and risk the potential of getting YouTube'd? ... never! (the horror!)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


I don't feel comfortable moving forward with your sign unless you give me the guarantee that you will attach it securely to your mortar.

It's like playing russian roulette, ya know? I don't feel comfortable telling people that they'll have to tiptoe around your sign.

I would strongly recommend that you proceed expeditiously in securing your sign to the mortar.

Wait, scratch that....I would strongly recommend that you proceed in a timely

How about as soon as possible?

Please proceed as soon as possible in securing your sign to the mortar.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I just read the article in MPN about Congel being late on his very first PILOT payment (taxes due).

First of all, are you friggin' kidding me with the "county and school district are impatient" junk?
THEY were in on this rip mean deal. THEY APPROVED IT!

The next developer will come along and ask for PILOT deals and these same people will approve that deal too.


I am so pissed right now....

kcomella said...

Jax -

Sorry, the closest that I commit to is a *pantene* treatment ... as it's all about hair for me - a girl has priorities, ya know!

Can that work for you ... if I beg, and share my first born? ... ok, I'll throw in the husband too ... with all his non-reflective coloring, in numbers! :)

cheri said...

Jax said -
"How tall is your sign?"

Well it depends. Is it in the TRR zoning district? If so it can be pretty tall, up to 100 feet. ;)
Would you like that with or without a PILOT?

"Expeditiously" - To funny and I sincerely mean that.