Friday, April 9, 2010

Who's A Big Birthday Boy This Month?

Morrelle Dinner Invite

Why, it is our very own Joe Morelle!

For a mere $500, you too can attend this reception and wish Joe a Happy Birthday!

Isn't it nice of the Rochester Building Trades Council (John Perticone is now President! Congratulations!) to host this reception in his honor?

Some gift suggestions:
1. A map with directions to Albany.
2. A "Budgeting for Dummies" book.
3. A pair of safety scissors so he can learn how to cut things.
4. A pen and some paper so he can detail his legislation about Mayoral Control so the public can read it.
5. A more comfortable chair to sit on in his role as the Assembly Insurance Committee's chair -especially when he accepts donations from the plethora of insurance contributors - all that money is pretty heavy - imagine the weight of contributions from insurance giants like AIG - the baggage associated with that money has got to weigh a significant amount!
Update: Irondequoit Watch has pointed out that Joe refunded the AIG donation a year and three months later - Link. I hadn't scoured 2009 yet - so I appreciate the heads up on the refund. But, AIG is only one of the numerous insurance related supporters donating to Joe's campaign.

Check out 2010 donations so far - they can't be too upset with Joe (Chair of the Assembly Insurance Committee) - look at all that money from them!

IQW states as fact that I am a miserable housewife who gravitates towards Bob Ament and I am threatened by Joe Morelle because he is successful, that is why I harass sweet Barb Genier with FOIL requests (actually, it's not me who filed the request, and nobody else but me runs this site, and the Morelle invite was sent to me by a man...but that's besides the point) on what our representatives are charging taxpayers for - instead of whining about Richard Barone, or a supposed Republican mailer, or falsley stating that Marty Piecuch was fired, or pointing out an inconsistency with MJD (but ignoring the same contradiction from Frankel (D) within the same story,) or being upset with Deborah Essley for paying her own way on the NYC trip - that makes her a "princess", and again with the Ament obsession.

Maybe someday, I too will be able to focus my efforts on such important things like Bob Ament and why Deb Essley is a princess - but for now I will stick with the bored, angry, unhappy house frau label that has been bestowed upon me and concentrate on elected officials like Joe Morelle who have made a career out of helping bring NY state to the dysfunction level it is at now.

6. Some bank for his business, MMI Technologies Inc. - according to the Albany Times Union report, MMI did not have any income last year. How does he pay his employees?

Feel free to add to this list in the comments section!


cheri said...

Well Jax, I guess you are getting to Joe Morelle because his people are defending him.

More publicity for the FOIL site- how wonderful!

Crabby, angry, bored? Couldn't be further from the truth. Having the Heyman crew out of Town Hall is so refreshing I can't stop smiling!

As far as bugging Barb our town clerk all of the time, I haven't foiled in months.

I guess when people really start paying attention to career politician's and how little they have accomplished but how much they have managed to SPEND it's eye opening.

Take a look at Morelle's expenditures. How many dinner-lunches-trips can one guy go on?


Time for some incumbent's to go and they know it! Just shine some light on them and they spaz out.

I can smell the nervousness in the air! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I think I will get Joe, Ray, and Dave a tube of cortisone cream for the skin I apparently got under.

Look - Joe is working hard in Albany working on legislation to create jobs and cut taxes - he just can't tell you what it is. He's also busy working up legislation for mayoral control - but he can't show you that yet either.

Joe is a successful, hard working politician who looks out for his constituents!

Now, go make some cupcakes or something. Don't you have laundry to do or kids to take care of? Sheesh.