Friday, April 9, 2010

Why Can't C.O.M.I.D.A. Pay THEIR Taxes....

......but we have to pay ours?

Link to RBJ.

NYS Officials have decided not to collect $5 million in taxes from IDA's across the state.

Yet, these same IDA's claim they do so much good for the community by handing out tax "incentives" to developers and businesses all in the name of creating jobs and economic development.

Do you feel that they have followed through on those promises?

C.O.M.I.D.A. claims that paying out $86,000 in taxes is a waste of money because it could go towards other programs.

Ya know, like 30 year P.I.L.O.T. deals to developers like Congel who are developing epic economic development, and creating hundreds of jobs for our

Well, not really, but....he has ideas and promises about economic development and job creation in our area.

That's a good enough reason to hand out millions in exemptions, dontcha think?

Here are the articles about it in the RBJ.
State Suspends Collection of Taxes From IDAs

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