Monday, April 12, 2010

Marginalization & Definition Of: Housewife

I wasn't going to dedicate any time to my new label, other than the "funny ha-ha stuff" I've put on the blog already regarding "housewives" - but, after reading Oh, Irondequoit's blog about it,

I thought I would give my house-wifey opinion on it as well.

First of all, I did find it funny - the fact that I haven't been mentioned on IQW at all until I put up the invite to Joe's B-Day bash. I have my suspicions on why that particular blog struck a nerve, but it's just my own subjective thoughts, so I'll keep them to myself.

I also found it funny that a grown man (I believe there are a couple of guys from the IDC running that blog, but again....just hear-say and I can't substantiate it, and it really doesn't matter "who" they are anyways because they are entitled to their opinion too) would stoop to the antiquated "insult" of the "miserable housewife" label.

Not because there is anything wrong with being miserable, or a housewife, or both at the same time - but that a fellow Dem would throw the "housewife" card.

A Democrat who is supposed to champion diversity, progressive values, and protect the taxpayer would get so upset about my opinions (on a Democrat) that they would set themselves back 60 years to a place that I thought only the most conservative, backwoods, redneck idiot would go to......THAT is what pisses me off.

We don't need "leaders" like you, and you do state that you were "involved" in politics in the past....and I do hope you aren't involved now (although I do believe you are fully immersed in politics to this day, and a bright future ahead as a typical puppet) because "thinkers" like you are everywhere. There's nothing new with you. It really is the same-old, same-old.

You don't like when I pick on Joe - I get it. I don't care that you don't like that I pick on Joe, and I'm just warning you - I'm going to pick on him again. Probably Wednesday. And any other day I feel like it.

I've put up with being called a b****, a c***, and many other colorful things since I started putting MY OPINIONS on here. I'm not doing anything that anyone else isn't doing. There are many Dem blogs that focus on mean-spirited rabble and they have been around for years. I don't see you complaining about them, and I also know that many Dems "connected to politics" have posted comments on a very popular anonymous dem blog that isn't very kind to Republicans. (Rumors and innuendo abound.)

And, ya know what? I am a b*** and all those other labels, and, I AM a housewife - in addition to many other things.

Proud? Hell yeah. One of my greatest accomplishments in life. I can raise my children to adulthood, and see them successful and happy. I can look forward to being a grandma so I can be a "house grandma", and help raise them too. I can change the oil in my vehicle myself. I can build a tree-house that has withstood 12 years of abuse. I can hold down a job and help my hubby with his business. I can take care of family and friends in their time of need. I can volunteer. I can plant a pretty garden. I can budget my household. I can dress to the nines. I can wear flip-flops and sweatpants. I can ride my bike with no I can cook the grandest of meals or homemade mac-n-cheese. I can change a diaper while feeding a 2 year old and talk on the phone with your wife convincing her to divorce your misogynistic ass - simultaneously. I can master the art of googling and foiling and giving my opinion on a blog. That's how good of a housewife I am.

I'm never bored. I entertain myself with a variety of things. I'm only miserable in the morning before coffee and a shower. I would say I was "desperate" - for some good representation at the State level - something I believe we are sorely lacking.....and your buddy Joe falls into that dysfunctional state rep category.

I'm sorry if that bothers you, but I'm not going to stop "jealously obsessing" over Joe. Not because he's successful (if that's the word you would like to use), but because he is, and has been, a part of the problem in Albany.

I can be a douchebag on here - for sure - but I don't think I have ever been mean-spirited enough to render someone's opinion on politics to "miserable housewife" status.

That makes you more douche-baggedy than me. :)

For all the times Democrats have chanted to "shine a light on government", and "do your homework", and "get involved", you sure don't represent that in your condemnation of me doing exactly what you want me to do. I suppose you only want me to shine that light at Republicans, right?

I can't do that. I won't do that. If I did, I'd be a typical politician, like you.

As for the AIG thing - I would have gotten to 2009 and the refund sooner or later, and I would have made the correction on the blog and mentioned it in another blog. I try to be accurate, but I do make mistakes. That's why I did appreciate you pointing out the refund - that's what people are supposed to do. Share information and get to the bottom of things.

You also have every right to label me whatever you want. I encourage you to keep it up as your right to free expression. But please don't ever think that you, when marginalizing my opinion as a housewife, are ever going to stop me from giving it.

You're going to have to work a little harder than that to stop me from giving my opinion on anything.



kcomella said...

Soooo, Jax ... just for the sake of keeping score -
In an earlier thread, Cheri mentioned that she washed her clothes with a wash board - do you do that as well?

If so, where might I find one of those boards? I am still dragging my linens to the river ... having a handy board like that would sure come in handy - it would be a true blessing.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I don't use a washboard - as I have been a good housewife whose husband rewarded her with a used 1910 automatic one AND the roller attachment that squeezes all the water out.

Here's a picture of me and my washer.

Here's a picture of my clothes ringer.

Unfortunately, I don't know where to get a wash board - only men know of such things - but I bet you could find them at any of the male owned businesses around the area that sell such things.

I hope you asked permission from your husband first before you decided to get a wash board. Don't you think if he was going to allow you to have one, he would have gotten one for you already?

He probably wants you to drag your linens to the river as it keeps you out of trouble! How uppity of you to think you can just expect him to provide you with a washboard.

Know your place, woman!

Anonymous said...

Are you quite sure that post was written by a man? I think it sounds like another woman, one who resents your freedom to play tennis and have tea while she's required to be at work.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Don't forget about when I eat bon bons and watch soap operas all day.

I have to work too, so I don't know what they'd be resentful about.

Maybe it's my sparkling personality?

cheri said...

You should ask your husband if you can borrow my washboard. Oh wait, first I have to ask my husband if I can let you borrow it. I'll get back to you.

No handlebars? What kind of bike is this? Do you have the handle bars but just don't use them? Did you ask permission from your husband to do that?

Did you hear there was another robo-call against Joe Morelle?

Must be a gang of housewives with Joe envy. ;)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...



lol It's a song by the Flobots. I was on a roll with the "I can" stuff, and that song popped into my head.

"Did you hear there was another robo-call against Joe Morelle?

Must be a gang of housewives with Joe envy. ;)"

It was me. I paid for the robocalls by selling cookies and cupcakes at a bake sale - of course, only after I was done with my chores and received permission from my husband.


cheri said...

So it's a song - No Handlebars! Ha. Never heard of the Flobots I don't get out of the house much you know. ;)

So glad we know who is doing the robo-calls now. Mystery solved. :)

kcomella said...

Forget the washboard, I'm asking for a vacuum.

... I want to start spending all my dull days hoovering around the house.

It's the latest rage for the newly arrived, domestic goddesses ... and I may need two.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Nice hoovering!

Well...I'm off for tennis and tea until later in the afternoon.

Be good house fraus while I'm gone.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Did you see the misogynist's new blog? He links to cartoons that I never even had on here. lol

I have a label, "cartoons" and there are two blogs on it with cartoons - none of which are the ones that the misogynist linked.

Here's the blog with three linked cartoons at the bottom.

Here's the blog with two cartoons at the end.

Quite the character, I'd say.

Oh well, if they only way they can make themselves feel better is to rage against me....then....ok.

I really don't think I'm THAT important - but, apparently, I am in their world.

cheri said...

Boy Jax, have you ruffled some feathers. LowIQ (borrowed the name from Oh Irondequoit-just love it) must really be threatened by the FOIL site. They have resorted to LYING about what was posted.

I love that you really got to them. Puts a smile on my face. Whoever LowIQ supports in the next election is in BIG trouble. Just look at how much Irondequoit Blogger helped the Democrats in the last election.

Priceless! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Do you remember me ever "justifying" anything Bob supposedly did?

I know he was a little disrespectful in some of the e-mails, but I don't ever recall him "bullying" or being "abusive" to the point of it being "criminal" there video? I have only seen e-mails.

AND I DO recall that I DID "call out" any "rude" people on this blog, and I meant for everyone to be considerate and civil.

And again - I am a registered Democrat, and I believe in Democratic principles, but I don't believe in bad Democrats.

You can't cry about dirty Republicans and then act like them.

Sarah Palin? lmao Puh-leeeez. That made me laugh so hard my eyes watered.

Anonymous said...

The Classic Frau

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 9:36,

LMAO! I LOVE Young Frankenstein (It's FrankenSTEEN!)!

One of my favorite movies....and Frau Blucher is THE classic Frau.

"Some varm meelk...perhaps?"

lol Cloris Leachman - nobody else could have played Frau Blucher but her!

Anonymous said...


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymout @ 9:48 -

I liked that song too...I was 8...I can remember singing that one, and "Leave me alone" to my brother in the back of the family station wagon.

lol At the top of my little lungs!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


T is nowhere near the the heck did I do that one?

I meant "Anonymous"

Anonymous said...

And I thought all women knew how to type. Just kidding.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 10:07

lol Apparently not....

My excuse is that I was distracted by the Stanley Cup playoffs - Sabres just won against the Bruins, and I was switching back and forth between that game/post game interviews and the Washington/Montreal game (Montreal won in O.T.).

cheri said...

I don't remember you justifying anything. LowIQ wants to paint you into being some big Republican monster which is hilarious!

They don't want to admit that the foil site is credible and trying to keep an eye on government. They are grasping.

LowIQ can only pick on Republicans and Conservatives. Like those are the only bad guys in government. This mentality is part of what has gotten our country in the trouble it is in.

Low IQ would rather have a bad Democrat than a good Republican anyday. On the flipside there are people that would rather have a bad Republican than a good Democrat in power. Wake up people!

Anonymous - love the links.

Gorgeous Friday today - tea and tennis anyone? I'll have to ask my husband for permission first. ;)

Have a great day! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Using that logic, by my "silence" of not featuring a resident's rumored antics about town......I justified it?

So, then, I guess I justify child abuse and pedophilia too because I didn't call out the guy who sex-texted his son's 11 year old friend.

I must justify murder because I did not call out the guy that stabbed someone in the city recently, and that person died.

I guess I justify prostitution because I did not call out the spa owner who was just sentenced for that.

Kids, just say "no" to flawed logic.

-----This P.S.A. brought to you by: The Angry House Frau.