Thursday, September 9, 2010

Did Congel Pay His Taxes?

I was told (through articles and news reports) that he paid on March 15th - but when I click on the parcel ID #'s for the property included in the P.I.L.O.T. - it says he's still delinquent.

County tax rolls are usually filed around July 1st, so if he did pay in March, I would assume that this would be reflected in the information on the tax portal website. It isn't. It says he's still delinquent.


I'll use the first property as an example.

Link to COMIDA pdf from March 2009 where they approve Medley for a special PILOT.

When you click on the link, you get this page (note today's time stamp and date):

Under "delinquent", there is a green check. To me, that says he hasn't paid yet.

So, I click on "tax history" at the bottom, and it takes me to this page:

Under "Town/County History" for 2010, it shows the amount of $145,858.57 due, with the green check under "delinquent". There are no totals under "School History" for 2010.

Ok, maybe it's in the "Payment History", so I click on that and it takes me to this page:

Nope. Nothing for 2010 - and again, if he did make the tax payment in March, it should be listed on there for 2010, but it isn't. I checked our own property, (we did pay our taxes), and it does represent that on this page along with all of our other tax payments. If Congel paid, why aren't his payments on there?

Then I click on "Pay Delinquent Taxes", and this page comes up:

It says, quite clearly, that the delinquent taxes due for this property are $145,858.57.

That's just the first property listed - all the other ones are the same, with varying amounts - all marked as "delinquent".

Here's my property tax info as another example (I removed my last name, my hubby's name, my street address, and the SWIS Code/Acct #):

Payment history (for town/county) Shows that we paid in 2010:

Tax History Town/County and School district - there is no total due under Town/County History - we paid that already. Our school taxes are due, as you can see by the "amount billed" under School Tax History.

On the main page, it shows "School Taxes Due":

On the bottom there is a blue button (green after you click on it) that says "pay school taxes" (just like on Congel's it says "pay delinquent taxes") and when I click it, there is a total there (just like there's a total for "delinquent taxes" for Congel):

"Well, that's a residential....Medley is Commercial! That's why!!!"

Yeah? Well - let's look at friggin' Wegmans on Titus Ave then:

Wegmans, 525 Titus Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14617 main page - Shows School Taxes Due, says "pay school taxes" on the blue button at the bottom:

Tax History - shows no total due under town/county history, shows a balance due under school tax history:

Payment History - shows they paid town/county 2010:

School Tax Due (For Congel it says "pay delinquent taxes"):

"Well, Wegmans isn't a COMIDA owned property...Medley is!!! That's why!!!"

Yeah? Well, let's look at friggin' Harley School which is "owned" by COMIDA then:

Harley School, 1981 Clover St Rochester, NY 14618 - main page - shows no totals due:

Tax History - shows no totals due, and shows no button at the bottom "pay delinquent taxes" or "pay school taxes" - they are current with their payments:

Payment History - shows payment to the town/county for 2010:

There are no delinquent taxes, so there is no button that says "pay delinquent taxes" or "pay school taxes" for Harley School.

"Well, Congel has a PILOT and he hasn't satisfied his PILOT yet!!! That's why!!!"

Yeah? Well - let's take a look at friggin' Medical Service Providers that have a 15 year PILOT then.

Medical Service Providers 330-350 Monroe Avenue Rochester, New York 14607:

This is a property with a 15 year PILOT, approved in February of 2009.
COMIDA Press Release Link.

Main Page - nothing owed:

Tax History - shows payment in 2010 for Town/County:

Payment History - shows payments made in 2010 for town/county:

"Well, Medley has a special PILOT, he hasn't satisfied all of his milestones yet!!! That's why!!!"

Yeah? Well - let's look at friggin' Harris Corp, which has a similar tax payment structure in their Special PILOT (that hasn't been satisfied yet) approved by COMIDA in April 2010 then:

Harris Corporation 1350 Jefferson Road, Rochester, N.Y. 14623:

Link to COMIDA pdf.

Main Page - shows no total due under town/county - shows a total due under school taxes.

Tax History - Shows 2010 - no totals due for town/county - shows a total billed under school taxes.

Payment History - shows payments in 2010 for town/county.

Pay School Taxes - Shows a total due.

So - there is something to "compare" with - residential, commercial, COMIDA owned property, property with a 15 year PILOT, and a recent property that COMIDA approved for a special PILOT......that all paid their town/county taxes in 2010 and it represents those payments on their tax info.

But for Congel - it shows no payments for 2010 - shows him delinquent for town/county.

COMIDA could have paid the town and sd.....but I don't think Congel paid the taxes on the 15th because it shows him as delinquent. If he paid (like all the other examples that I showed you) it would show that he made a payment in 2010....but the tax website shows NO PAYMENT for town/county for 2010, shows he is delinquent, and shows a page that says "pay delinquent taxes".

All three entities involved with the PILOT said that he paid what was owed on March 15th. If he did, why does it show him as delinquent still?!?!

Link to March blog where all three entities said he paid, and Morelle said he wouldn't advocate for State Aid for the project unless he saw a lot more activity from the developer.

Did he secure financing yet? Bet he didn't.

Back in mid April, there were articles and news reports all saying that Congel was trying to or is going to secure financing. Some even talked about him "re-arranging" the inside at the entrance in July or August to be able to be open by Black Friday and holiday shopping time. Link to the blog that shows all the articles and a news report.

Has he done that yet? Bet he didn't.

At what point do we hold this man accountable?

By "we", I mean the elected leaders who agreed to and signed this deal. I certainly didn't want it.

At what point will our elected leaders look at PILOT deals and say "Ya know what? I think we should have a set of uniform standards for crafting PILOT deals. This kind of abuse is unacceptable! When each developer gets to negotiate their own PILOT deals, it really does open up the program to a whole lotta abuse."

What frosts my cake even more, is COMIDA - who thinks that it's ok to NOT PAY their $86,000 in taxes because it's a "waste of money" that "could go to other projects" Medley/Lakeridge Centre?

(deep breath....long run-on sentence ahead)

You know - that huge $260 million dollar project that everyone touted as so beneficial to the community, and how they want to get their shovels in the ground to create all these jobs and bring in businesses unique to the area and tourists from Toronto will want to visit and spend their money and doctors/business people will want to live in the condos there and you can "live, work, play" right there at RT. 104 and E. Ridge Rd. and we'll have a movie theater and restaurants and stores and condos and hotels and all of this will help Irondequoit prosper......

Epic fail.

Regardless of the project languishing in inactivity for well over a year now after the PILOT deal was signed - did he or didn't he pay his taxes?

That's all I really want to know - is he delinquent in paying his taxes for all the above parcel ID #'s included in the PILOT deal? I am confused by the information provided by the Monroe County Tax Portal as it shows him as delinquent - even though everyone said he paid in March.

If anyone can clear this up for me, I would appreciate it.

**If you would like to check your own property taxes:
- click on the above link for "Monroe County Tax Portal".
- Read the disclaimer and then click "I Agree".
- Click on the house picture above "Search Residential Properties".
- Click on the calculator above "Pay/View Taxes".
- Enter your address (OR your parcel id # (not both) if you know it) in the appropriate boxes.
- Select your Municipality from the drop down menu.
- Click on the magnifying glass above "search for property".

You should then be directed to the page with all the tax information on it.

You can also see a more detailed report on your property by clicking on "See Detailed Report" (next to the calculator with "Pay/View Taxes".
Fill in the same information as above and click on "search for property" - and it will take you to a page with a picture of your property and a description of lot size and features in the house.

You can also view your property on a GIS map, compare assessment data, and compare sales. You can also do these searches on non-residential properties as well. I think it's a pretty neat tool.

Of course, it makes it easy to pay your taxes online too. I wonder if Congel knows about this feature?

He might not, since he's too busy donating his money to:


Maffei Link to Open Secrets:

(Bersin, Destiny, and Pyramid - all Congel companies.)


SCHOOL DISTRICT - Kate called John Abbott and inquired about the PILOT payment to the school district. Did they receive it? "Yes" said Mr. Abbott, "We received payment from COMIDA."

Mr. Abbott sent an e-mail to Kate with an attachment that shows the payment, amount, and date. Kate also has a call in to Town Comptroller Annie Sealy about the PILOT payment to the town and if it was made. Since this deals with a PILOT payment, the Comptroller handles the payment instead of the usual Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes - so we are just awaiting a call back from her for an explanation and/or any documents to support that the payment was made to the town.

Just want to thank Mr. Abbott for being helpful and answering any questions about this - and for sending along the documents to "prove" that the money was received.

Below is the e-mail from Mr. Abbott to Kate, and the documents regarding the PILOT payment to the School District.

EICSD Medley Centre PILOT Payment-3-24-10

That clears up the School District part of it - although they didn't technically receive the money until March 24th, and they deposited it on March 25th, it proves that the SD was paid....which is probably why there were no totals under "school tax history" - but it does not explain why the Town/County tax history shows delinquent amounts and the "payment history" shows no payments for 2010 for Town/County.

Hopefully we will find that out soon.


TOWN - Kate met with MJD and received the two pages below. An e-mail from COMIDA stating that the payment was wired on March 15th, and the financial report from the Town ending 7/31/10. It isn't a canceled check or proof of payment, and in my opinion, this doesn't satisfy my need to see actual proof of the money received. It is nice that anyone can call Town Hall and get answers, or meet with the Supervisor, and I do appreciate the answers given and the time spent explaining - but - I'm going to need a little more proof than this as far as knowing whether the money was actually received by the Town. Something like what Mr. Abbott provided, absolute proof that he received money from COMIDA.


10/28/2010 @ 11pm - Kate called the Town and spoke with the Comptroller who told Kate that she would have to FOIL it . So, she did, on October 1st, and the documents received show that COMIDA did pay the Town what was owed. I'm still waiting on documents that show that COMIDA actually received payment from Congel. All the documents so far show that COMIDA paid the SD and Town - doesn't prove that Congel actually paid, but it does prove that the two entities in the PILOT did receive the money owed as property tax portions they were supposed to be paid.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Wasn't this issue supposed to go unnoticed because the short-attention-span public has forgotten all about the Medley Centre and, since it doesn't matter anymore, anything goes?

cheri said...

So the Con-artist oops.. I mean Con-gel is LATE on his taxes?

Remember how they couldn't wait to get their shovels in the ground?

Remember when they promised us the moon and stars?

I guess the priority is for Congel to grease the politician's not pay his delinquint taxes.

Thanks Jax for the information as always very interesting.

Sad but interesting!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

The thing is - I don't really know if he did or didn't pay.

County website shows delinquent.

In March everyone told us that he paid on the 15th.

My tax info is current, and the County files the final assessment roll around July 1st - so I assume that if Congel was current that it would show that.

Maybe it has something to do with "Tax Sale Lien Sold"....but honestly...I don't know.

I'm just assuming he never paid in March.

I mean, look at all the problems with Destiny in Syracuse. Grand ideas - nothing but delays and problems and lawsuits and giant tax breaks.

Nobody involved in the Medley Pilot had a clue? Nobody?


Unknown said...

While I think this is truly interesting, why dont you just pick up the phone and call the town and ask? I mean if what you are saying here IS true, then that means that all of the parties involved-LIED. Comida, the town and the school district when it was reported that congel paid in the "11th hour." i could be wrong but I find that very hard to believe.
Since you two have had such good luck getting thru to town hall, getting phone calls returned, setting up meetings with the supervisor, etc I am assuming you should have an answer by NOW as to whether this is true or not. IF it is true, our community has bigger problems...

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"While I think this is truly interesting, why dont you just pick up the phone and call the town and ask?"

Why? I already know he didn't pay.

I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes - but I can't use that as proof.

Hence the blog on him being delinquent with the screen shots of the County tax website showing it.

Believe it or not, I really don't care.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Since you two have had such good luck getting thru to town hall, getting phone calls returned, setting up meetings with the supervisor,"

I'm going to say this again, and maybe it'll sink in your head this time.

I've been to two or three board meetings last year. That's it.

I called town hall ONCE, and that was just to prove that a human answered when I called because everyone was saying they never get a human when they call Town Hall - then I called three or four other town halls.

I don't get phone calls returned, because I don't call there.

And, last but not least, I do not 'set up' meetings with the supervisor. I've never met her.

Please stop lying.

Unknown said...

foils said" foiling_for_irondequoit said...
The thing is - I don't really know if he did or didn't pay."

then foils said "Why? I already know he didn't pay.
I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes - but I can't use that as proof."

So which is it, you know he paid, or you dont know he paid???

foils said ", last but not least, I do not 'set up' meetings with the supervisor. I've never met her.
Please stop lying"

I dont lie. I said "Since you TWO have had such good luck getting thru to town hall, getting phone calls returned, setting up meetings with the supervisor, etc" Now perhaps it was more Cheri than you but I do believe the last blog topic has many references where you TWO repeatedly mentioned how easy it is to get thru to town hall. Maybe it was cheri but one of you said something to the effect of how they have had no problems getting answers and how I should set up a mtg with MJD because one of you knew she would be more than happy to meet with me.
My point was since at FIRST you said you didnt really know if it was true or not, I suggested one of you call the town cuz you know its so easy to get an answer from them. I actually would have thought you would have done that BEFORE this blog but as you state on a regular basis, it is YOUR blog, its up to you to determine how factual you want it to be.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"So which is it, you know he paid, or you dont know he paid???"

I guess it's "I don't really know if he paid". I trust my friend's info....but I don't expect you to. I can only go by the County tax website....and while that, to me, is proof that he didn't pay....I don't really know for sure. I can only go by the website info.

"last blog topic has many references where you TWO repeatedly mentioned how easy it is to get thru to town hall."

I mentioned that I called there once. To prove that a human answered when I called. Then I called other town halls and relayed whether I got a human or not.

Tell me the time stamps where I repeatedly mentioned how easy it was to get through to town hall.

Or where I say I have meetings with the Supervisor.

You won't be able to, because I never did.

If I'm not all means.....prove me wrong.

Unknown said...

I believe I said "you two" kept mentioning the ease of which you communicate with town hall. I took your advice and went back to the blag with your vacation. Got about 1/3 of the way thru the responses and while you are correct it IS mostly cheri, there are several references...
8/6/2010 @931AM
8/12/2010@1221pm "i also know if you call town hall and ask MJD for a mtg you will get one...approachable...Ive gone in twice already to discuss my concerns"

As I said I only went thru about the first 1/3 of the responses...

Unknown said...

Im surprised someone like Dave Andreatta isnt on this hot story then. Because again, that would mean that not only did this administration lie but so did the EICSD and COMIDA. As a resident I would be really concerned if this is true.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Are any of those from me?


8/6 @ 9:31 - Cheri
8/11 @ 7:27 - Cheri
8/12 @ 12:21 - Cheri
8/13 - no time stamp
8/14 - no time stamp
8/14 - no times stamp - but I did comment on those days and not a one of them mention me calling town hall or getting information from town hall or having meetings at town hall with the supervisor.

Again, I called ONCE - on 8/16 at around 2 pm. - in response to the repeated accusations of not reaching a human at town hall.

That's it. Just once.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well, nobody but us three reads this blog, so....I doubt it.

Plus, it's not factual and all....reporters like to deal in facts.

It's just a blog full of misinformation and snippets of what I choose to put on here.

Who would take this blog seriously?

Unknown said...

I guess we can keep playing this dance but again I said the TWO of you. Cheri is part of the TWO of you...sheesh.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Cheri is part of the TWO of you...sheesh."


So - when Cheri says something, then that means that I said it?


Ok - whatever you say, dear.

I never said the things you accused me of saying. If Cheri said it....then take it up with Cheri. Don't put words in my mouth.

"ONE" person said those things....which wasn't me. The "TWO" of us never said those things. "ONE" of us did.


Anonymous said...

Nothing about this blog is a lie!

Everything I have seen here is based on research and interpretation of the facts that the research uncovers. I'm impressed and grateful for the skill and intellectual curiosity behind the blog.

The FACT is that both Joe Morelle and Dan Quayle Maffei (I left it because it's funny) - anyway, it is a fact that both of them took thousands of dollars from Congel. It is also a fact that Congel shows up as having unpaid real estate taxes in Monroe County. Congel had a "payment in lieu of taxes" arrangement.

To some people, it is confusing or titillating. For some people, it needs explanation. For all taxpayers, it needs to be known.

I imagine that anyone sniffing around politician butts, trying to curry favor with them and maybe get on a ballot sometime, would have a different interpretation of those facts.

But, not interpreting them in favor of the people involved is not lying.

cheri said...

Looks like I'm late to the party.

Yes, I am the one that said that I haven't had communication problems at Town Hall. I have been able to speak to a human when I call Town Hall and I also did say that I'm sure MJD would meet with anyone that wanted to meet.

It wasn't us TWO it was me ONE!

That's ok Jonathon we are used to you putting words in our mouth, your snippets and misinformation. :)

I hope an article does get written on this subject. What disgusts me is that Congel has money for politician's but not his taxes!? I also don't get how all entities involved said the taxes were paid and they weren't.

Seems like somebody has some splaining to do. :)

Unknown said...

Jax said "I called town hall ONCE, and that was just to prove that a human answered when I called"
So you DID call town hall.
And Cheri has called multiple times and had at least 2 meetings.
So when I said between the TWO of you, it seemed appropriate.
I didnt say anyone lied.
Jax, I love the new title of your blog its perfect!! ;o)
And back to anonymous, speaking of snippets, if you go to the site where it shows donations made from Congel (Scott) and his other family members you will see that 9 out of 10 contributions made by the Congels were to Republicans. Including Maggie Brooks and Monroe County Republican Committee.
**Its not a big deal, developers make contributions all the time to BOTH parties. But if you only read the snippets here you would think something fishy is going on (as is implied)and its pretty much to democrats.
But again, getting back to topic, IF Congel DIDNT pay his taxes, I sure hope that someone looks into this. Perhaps Cheri can request another meeting? :o)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"So when I said between the TWO of you, it seemed appropriate."

I did call Town Hall - but that's not what you said:

"Since you two have had such good luck getting thru to town hall, getting phone calls returned, setting up meetings with the supervisor, etc"

"I do believe the last blog topic has many references where you TWO repeatedly mentioned how easy it is to get thru to town hall."

"I believe I said "you two" kept mentioning the ease of which you communicate with town hall."

I never mentioned how easy it was, never said it repeatedly, never said I got any calls returned, and I don't set up meetings with anyone at Town Hall.

Glad you like the new title of the blog.

I wonder why Morelle and Maffei accepted money from a developer who can't pay his taxes for the property he owns - and they "represent" Irondequoit?


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Hey Jonathon!

Guess what?

THE most PERFECT opportunity for you to be the fair minded blogger has arisen!

Check it out!

This would be absolutely perfect for you to showcase your "both sides/no snippets" opinions!

Can't wait until your first blog!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Link that works:

Check it out.


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I know you were talking to anonymous here, but.....this kinda makes my point:

"And back to anonymous, speaking of snippets, if you go to the site where it shows donations made from Congel (Scott) and his other family members you will see that 9 out of 10 contributions made by the Congels were to Republicans. Including Maggie Brooks and Monroe County Republican Committee."

Democrats complain about Republicans and the contributions that they receive and how it could be considered a "conflict of interest" or they receive "kickbacks" from these companies.

I know that I have said this about Republicans in the past. But, a few years ago I thought "Are my Democrats any better?"

I know that most of you don't believe me, but I am a Democrat - been registered as one for about 20 years.

No offense to my Republican friends, but, I don't necessarily want better Republicans in office, I want better Democrats.

I'd like all politicians to be better, but again....I'm a Democrat who wants my own party to rise above the stuff they call the Republicans on all the time.

To sit complacently by and excuse things away with a "BOTH parties do this" is unacceptable to me. I will not do that.

You can sit there and think I have it out for just Democrats, and I'm biased or whatever, and that's ok. It's your opinion.

Just like on this blog, I have my opinions. I don't have to include every politician from every possible realm to be "fair" to make my point. Other Dem blogs don't do it - other Repub blogs don't do it - this blog is not a "news source".

It's a blog.

I choose to not blog about the kettle being black when my own pot is black as well.

Definition of blog: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I also clearly stated in a blog that I am not a "news source", and that people should "check things out for themselves" and "don't take my word for it"....
Blog link.

"I have never claimed I was Walter Cronkite...or unbiased......or fair on this blog. Not once. I never endorsed anyone on this blog. I do blog my opinions on issues, and I do try to back up my opinions on issues with things that you can look at yourselves, but even then....I've never asked anyone to take me seriously. I've also asked that people "do not listen to me, or don't take my word for it".....that you check things out for yourselves...several times I have said this"

Although, this part isn't true anymore: "I never endorsed anyone on this blog." I kinda/sorta endorse Mitch Rowe on here a few blogs ago if he decided to run for Mayor. I think he's a good Democrat.

Anyways, I do encourage people to do their own research and come to their own conclusions. With the multitudes of "anti-republican" blogs out there, I thought I'd be a little different in my approach.

I treat politicians kinda like I treated my kids - I don't call out the other children on their behavior if my children act like that too - I focus on the behavior of my own house. My children will behave, or there will be consequences.

If you don't care for my snippets, by all means, start your own blog with your own snippets - but please stop coming here to tell me that I have to be fair and mention every politician, or how I should run my blog. If you want to offer up opinions about the blog itself, instead of hating on Cheri with every comment you make - that would be nice too.

You are exactly why I didn't allow comments in the beginning - it always deteriorates to your personal attacks against Cheri and it is ridiculous. Knock it off.

If you do start a blog, I suggest your title should be "Snipe-its for Irondequoit" because all you do is snipe about how "Cheri says this" and "Cheri says that" instead of offering up any intelligent rebuttals or debate....just like on the D&C blogs.

You want to link to Reilich or the Republican committee that shows the Congel family/companies donating to them - go ahead - that's why I opened the comments.

It certainly wasn't for you to have a forum for focusing on Cheri in every damn comment.

I'm telling you right now, that bullshit isn't going to fly for much longer.

Cheri is my friend, I think she's a great person - "we" have no f*****g clue who you are, and you are not my friend. I will start to censor your comments if you continue with your sniping against Cheri.

Since this is my blog, and I take responsibility for it, you can snipe on me all day if you want.

But please remember, this is a blog with my biased opinions, my snippets, and my "research" that backs up my opinion and snippets.

It may not be factual, and I don't claim it is. Prove me wrong if you feel it is not factual.

cheri said...

Thank you Jax (Walter- Ha),

So here we are once again, different subject but jonathon has the same defense.

The Republicans are getting donations from Congel too.

No kidding, does that make it right? Morelle and Maffei are both up for re-election in November and both represent Irondequoit!

I don't think Congel should be giving ANY politician any political donations especially when he hasn't paid his taxes DUE in Irondequoit. You know the town we live in that Maffei and Morelle represent!?

Both parties have their problems that's for sure. The Congressman, Congresswoman (Slaughter) and Assemblyman that represent my Town happen to be Democrat.

Doesn't mean that I like when the Republicans do these things either. It Isn't right, it shouldn't matter if it's a Democrat or a Republican. Wrong is Wrong!

Why doesn't Maffei or Morelle tell Congel to go pay his Irondequoit taxes instead of taking a check to put in their political coffers?

I think you would be hard pressed to find another blog like this one. Jax goes out of his/her way to back up with proof (links etc.) the subjects that are discussed. As always the information is given and you can look up and discuss whoever you would like.

For you Jonathon it's all about protecting/defending the Democrats.

How sad because with an attitude like yours nothing is ever going to change! :(

Unknown said...

For the record, I dont hate Cheri. I dont even care about Cheri. It may seem like I am "hating on Cheri" based on responses as you said I said "Cheri this or Cheri that" it isnt personal (on my end) the reason is because Cheri IS commenting. If Rudolph the red nosed reindeer made the same comments I would respond to him as well.
DIdnt I just respond to anonymous? (even though there are no anonymous comments)
I am responding to your blog (since its open) thats all, nothing personal from my end.
You are also correct Jax, that you DO tell people to not take your word for it, to go check info out on their own but you and I both know the average person doesnt. They read what you write, assume its all there is to the story and now have something to tell their friends about.
I do NOT say your blog doesnt have facts, it DOES but again, its most often snippets of the whole story.
Back to the topic, I totally agree with you (as I said from my first response)IF Congel didnt pay his taxes and IF Congel can afford to make donations BOTH are ridiculous and as a resident I am furious. (Both sides of the aisle receive donations from many developers and sources)(not that I agree but I see it)
All I was saying though, is this a fact? Did he REALLY NOT PAY HIS TAXES?!!!!! I would have thought, since CHeri is the one who said its easy to get a response from this administration (MJD) and easy to set up a mtg, then I would think she would have by now to see what the Supervisor says.
Again, if he didnt pay his taxes, this means SEVERAL entities LIED to this COMMUNITY and I applaude you doing a snippet on this!!! I am just finding it hard to believe that the reports indicated he made payments in the final hours and all parties supported this. If he didnt, they should ALL be tossed out on their A$$.AND charges should be filed for lying to their community.
I hope this clears things up, I dont hate you, Cheri or really anyone for that matter. Have a good day. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"All I was saying though, is this a fact? Did he REALLY NOT PAY HIS TAXES?!!!!!"

I am assuming that it is a fact that he didn't pay his taxes because of the information provided by the Monroe County website for viewing/paying your taxes.

I can't use my friend's phone call as "evidence", and maybe Cheri did call Town Hall already - I don't know - but I do know I wouldn't be able to use her phone call as "proof" either. I could say one of us called somewhere and got an answer - but would you believe it?

I don't believe you when you say that you call town hall and never get a human, why would I think you'd believe me if I said I called the county or the town and someone told me Congel didn't pay?

I can only go by the County website for "proof".

Why can't you call the SD, or the Town or the County?

"Again, if he didnt pay his taxes, this means SEVERAL entities LIED to this COMMUNITY"

Not necessarily - he could have sent the check on the 15th, and it bounced on the 16th....he could have stopped payment on it after the 15th.....the county could have told the SD and Town that they did receive the payment on the 15th and then on the 16th they told the Town and school district that they really didn't get the money.

Just because they don't announce he DIDN'T pay his taxes doesn't mean they are all lying....if they knew he didn't pay on the 15th and they were telling everyone he did pay on the 15th - then they lied....but maybe something like I explained above happened.

I don't really know what happened....all I want to know is if he paid his taxes or not and if he is planning on doing so in the near future, and I think it's long past due to hold this developer accountable, and I think a good uniform standard for PILOT deals should be seriously considered.

They might have lied....they might not have....all I want to know is why he is listed as delinquent, and if he will be held accountable.

cheri said...

Since jonathon is so concerned about exposure of ALL parties I figured I'd look up some more politician's in our area. I couldn't find any donations from Bersin-Destiny or Pyramid for Reilich-Alesi or Slaughter.



2010 -

2008 -

I did find that the Republicans received $12,000 in 07, The Democrats received $10,000 in 07, and $10,000 in 09 and Maggie Brooks received $12,000 in 07 and $10,000 in 08.

MC Republican Committee $12,000 from Bersin in 07-

MCDemocratic Committee - $10,000 in 07 and $10,000 in 09

Maggie Brooks - $12,000. in 07 and $10,000. in 08

Still the most OFFENSIVE donations in my opinion are the RECENT donations of Joe Morelle and Dan Maffei.

Joe Morelle received $1,000. in 08 and $2,000. in 09

Maffei received $6,800 in 2007/2008 .

Also Maffei $23,500. in 2010

Both of these guys are up for re-election right now. We have unpaid Congel taxes and both of these politician's are accepting RECENT donations from the Con-Artist.

It's time to do something about Congel. He violated his PILOT by not paying his taxes. His very low taxes. It was a PILOT payment he was supposed to make, and all the penalties he gets is more money added to his payments.....if he can't pay the low taxes, how is he going to pay the higher payments with the fines!?

Where is the protection I was promised by Comida, the Town Board of 2009 and the School Board of 2009? Why isn't he paying penalties much less his taxes? Why aren't these politician's holding Congel accountable?? Why are they accepting money from him for their elections????

I'd like to know Maggie, Dan and Joe! These are the people that could make something happen.

Cancel the PILOT if you have to. Do something other than having your hand out to further your political career!

kcomella said...

Jax said -
Not necessarily - he could have sent the check on the 15th, and it bounced on the 16th....he could have stopped payment on it after the 15th.....the county could have told the SD and Town that they did receive the payment on the 15th and then on the 16th they told the Town and school district that they really didn't get the money.

All great points as well as possibilities, Jax ... but what do you think the chances of all three (County, Town & SD) w/ a check, in hand - but - yet to deposit ... apply ... credit ... (what-ever) - be? I agree w/ you, it's possible that *a* payment could have gotten re-directed, sent back, payment stopped - that happens ... but all of em'? I was under the impression that the SD had been paid, and the payment to the town was yet pending (this was some time ago). Now yet another payment(s) is/are delinquent. This appears to have become more ridiculous then it was when it began.

I believe, that at the very least, we (the residents of this community) are in need of an explanation. And personally, I would prefer a public one at this point (cough - as I speak for myself ... write for myself ... think for myself ... and ride my own Reindeer) I believe that because we were told via the media (press release, article, meeting ... where ever it was initially announced) - we should be informed, with a clear explanation - matching the same venue. As I have written previously - I consider Medley to be a public matter ... public trust, and public funds are directly affected by decisions, and actions. It all goes hand-in-hand, the public should be in the loop to what exactly is going on.

There is a great quote from a book that I have recently read - so, because it is on my *front burner* ... "seek first to understand, then to be understood". I would prefer to understand exactly what is going on with this payment before I rely on assumptions. Before I throw stones. And before I finger point. I am confidant that there is a good reason, so lets hear it - all parties, County, TB, SB, and Congel need to come forward and provide just exactly what happened, and what repercussions there are (if any, due to the contract) for the lapse, and false information we were told (if this is indeed the case).

Regarding the campaign donations -
For now, what I will share is - ... IF this is as it appears - and, since reviewing all of what I have read, it sure doesn't smell right. At all. It appears that the Medley *crew* are prioritizing donations above contract, promise, and commitment ... DARE I question - are we protected? In the event we are not ... DARE I question - why?

Last, but certainly not least - Huge kudo's from me for looking into this, and writing about it. Had it not been for you, Lord only knows when this would have been disclosed ... could have been months - and most likely would have been. As always, you never skip a beat - great catch. Thank you.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Kate - get off that reindeer! 9 out of 10 contributions made by the Congels were to Reindeer!

As far as I can see - he did not pay his town/county taxes. It shows him as delinquent.

"I was under the impression that the SD had been paid, and the payment to the town was yet pending (this was some time ago)."

That would explain the "$0.00" under the "School District Tax History" then.

Maybe he paid just the SD taxes and not the Town/County taxes? I say that ONLY because it shows him as delinquent under Town/County taxes.

If I submit a FOIL request for the payment info from all three'll take a while for me to get that - if I get it at all.

It would be nice if COMIDA stepped up an jawed to the media like they always do when they're touting a project.

COMIDA really frosts my cake as it is....not paying their $86,000 in taxes because it's a "waste of money that could go to other programs".


I wonder if I can use that excuse when I don't pay my taxes?

**Jax dials county offices....**

"Hi, um....COMIDA? Yeah, this is Jax. Uhhh.....I'm not going to pay my property taxes this year because it's a waste of money that could go towards feeding my family, paying my bills, and making my house more "green". You ok with that? Great! Thanks! Buh-bye."

COMIDA is the one who said that Congel wired the money at around 2pm on March 15th in an e-mail to the SD and Town. That's what all the articles from that time said.

So - it is possible that the SD got their money....but it doesn't explain the "delinquent" under Town/County....and I think COMIDA has some splainin' to do.

The Town should acknowledge whether they did receive payment or not - publicly.

Congel will never come forward and explain anything. He's "shy".

Not too shy to donate to the campaigns of Maffei, Morelle, and Brooks though.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Just an FYI -

Kate called John Abbott (EICSD Dept. Super.) and he verified that they received their PILOT payment from COMIDA on 3/24.

The e-mail to Kate from Mr. Abbott and the attachment he sent as "proof" that the payment was received is at the bottom of the main page of this blog.

Thank you to Kate for going to all the trouble of calling Mr. Abbott and getting all this info for us.

I appreciate it!

Spank you very much! (and a hair pull too) ;)

cheri said...

Hey Kate - Thank you, so glad to see you back in the saddle of your reindeer! :)

Jax said - "9 out of 10 contributions made by the Congels were to Reindeer!"

Love it!

Thank you East Irondequoit School District- specifically John Abbott for just giving the information. No Foil - No Red Tape - How Nice!

Love that too!

Ok so we know the school was paid.

COMIDA said the money was wired at 2pm on March 15th, then they must have taken 9 days to get the money to the EISD according to the documents.

Still looks like the Town and County weren't paid. COMIDA has a lot of splaining to do if they weren't.

I guess we'll see.

Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock 60 Minute Snippets Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock!

Have a great day! :)

Unknown said...

Could it be that since a PILOT is payment in lieu of taxes that it is not recorded the same way? Could it be that the payment goes to COMIDA and then they disburse the funds??? Jax should ask her source who said Congel DIDNT pay.
Regarding donations...there are several entities involved that you source thru open secrets and NYS. If you look up Bersin, Congel, Pyramid etc you will see multiple listings for the COngels. Robert is the father and there is Scott, Stephen and Mark. Scott owns Medley, I cannot find any donations from SCOTT beyond 2008. I see the patriarch spends TONS of money on campaigns all over the board.
Bersin (adam) (not properties) gave money to MCDC and Morelle in 2009.
Pyramid is a family run business led by Robert. Not Scott. But again, I dont really care, donations are all over the board on who this family contributes to. IMO, it seems like they dont like the underdog much and contribute to people in their area that effects their businesses. Even $25000 to the National Republican Cmte in 2007/08 and $20000 to the Onandoga Dem Cmte in 2007.

Unknown said...

I guess what Im saying is if he made his payments (which I believe he has) then who gives a crap who or what he donates to

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Could it be that since a PILOT is payment in lieu of taxes that it is not recorded the same way? Could it be that the payment goes to COMIDA and then they disburse the funds???"

That's how it works. But, he had PILOT in 2008 and 2009, and those payments are recorded under "payment history" not 2010?

"Jax should ask her source who said Congel DIDNT pay."

My "source" is the tax website, on the blog. I didn't use my phone call to my friend as "proof" of anything.

"Bersin (adam) (not properties) gave money to MCDC and Morelle in 2009."

Scott Congel took over Bersin Properties - which is who donated to Morelle - and who is owner of Medley. Screen shot on the blog shows Bersin Properties gave to Morelle and MCDC.

Unknown said...

Jax said "I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes"

And then I said "Jax should ask her source who said Congel DIDNT pay"

Jax then said "My "source" is the tax website, on the blog. I didn't use my phone call to my friend as "proof" of anything."

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I did not use that as proof.

Quite plainly I said it, more than once.

So, snippet, here's the full quote.

"I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes - but I can't use that as proof."

Here's another one.

"I can't use my friend's phone call as "evidence", and maybe Cheri did call Town Hall already - I don't know - but I do know I wouldn't be able to use her phone call as "proof" either. I could say one of us called somewhere and got an answer - but would you believe it?"

It is not proof, I did not cite the phone call as proof, and you are grasping at straws.

cheri said...

jonathon said...
"I guess what Im saying is if he made his payments (which I believe he has) then who gives a crap who or what he donates to"

Well I care. I think the politician's that represent our Town should care.

Even if it does turn out that Congel has paid his taxes this year he still has scammed the town with his pipe dreams and grand ideas. He was supposed to pay $500,000 on the entitlement date which he hasn't.

Everyone RUSHED the PILOT because he couldn't wait to get his shovel in the ground. He hasn't even demolished that broken down house on the property, there has been NO movement at all. We are lucky if he cuts the grass or fills the big craters on the property to get to Target. It's pathetic!

The politician's that represent our Town in my opinion should be ashamed to take money for their campaigns all the while Congel is doing a disservice to the Town and their constituents.

It shouldn't be about campaign money for re-elections for these politician's. It should be about protecting and doing the right thing for the communities they represent.

Accepting money from the Con-Artist for their own personal campaign accounts is Shameful!

Unknown said...

Jax said "Why? I already know he didn't pay.

I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes - but I can't use that as proof."

When I then pushed to say I wonder why Andreatta isnt on this hot story then, is when you said "I guess it's "I don't really know if he paid". I trust my friend's info....but I don't expect you to. I can only go by the County tax website....and while that, to me, is proof that he didn't pay....I don't really know for sure. I can only go by the website info."

But you were implying the taxes werent paid. You did say you had a friend from one of the entities confirm it but you couldnt use that as proof and yet here we are...he did pay, correct?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Not once did I cite the phone call as proof, I did not mention it until you said "why don't you just pick up the phone and call".....and you did NOT mention Andreatta in that mentioned it AFTER I said I called a friend.

Here are the comments:

The thing is - I don't really know if he did or didn't pay.

County website shows delinquent.

In March everyone told us that he paid on the 15th.

My tax info is current, and the County files the final assessment roll around July 1st - so I assume that if Congel was current that it would show that.

Maybe it has something to do with "Tax Sale Lien Sold"....but honestly...I don't know.

I'm just assuming he never paid in March.

I mean, look at all the problems with Destiny in Syracuse. Grand ideas - nothing but delays and problems and lawsuits and giant tax breaks.

Nobody involved in the Medley Pilot had a clue? Nobody?


September 10, 2010 6:00 PM
Blogger jonathon said...

While I think this is truly interesting, why dont you just pick up the phone and call the town and ask? I mean if what you are saying here IS true, then that means that all of the parties involved-LIED. Comida, the town and the school district when it was reported that congel paid in the "11th hour." i could be wrong but I find that very hard to believe.
Since you two have had such good luck getting thru to town hall, getting phone calls returned, setting up meetings with the supervisor, etc I am assuming you should have an answer by NOW as to whether this is true or not. IF it is true, our community has bigger problems...

September 11, 2010 9:14 AM
Blogger foiling_for_irondequoit said...

"While I think this is truly interesting, why dont you just pick up the phone and call the town and ask?"

Why? I already know he didn't pay.

I saw the website, called a friend who works for one of the "entities" and they verified it for me - he didn't pay his taxes - but I can't use that as proof.

Hence the blog on him being delinquent with the screen shots of the County tax website showing it.

Believe it or not, I really don't care.

September 11, 2010 4:11 PM

You mention Andreatta and the "hot story" FOUR COMMENTS LATER.


"That's all I really want to know - is he delinquent in paying his taxes for all the above parcel ID #'s included in the PILOT deal?"


Said it LONNNNNNNNNNNNG before you started grasping at your straws.




We have proof that he paid the school district - I HAVE NO PROOF OTHER THAN THE TAX WEBSITE THAT SAYS HE DID NOT PAY TOWN/COUNTY TAXES IN 2010!

Why do you keep using a phone call that has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on what the friggin' WEBSITE SHOWS!

I asked if he paid on the 15th - my friend said "NO". That could mean the payment was on the 16th or the 24th or doesn't prove anything. ERGO, WHY I DID NOT USE THE PHONE CALL AS PROOF!


cheri said...

Oh jonathon,
Copying and pasting snippets all over the place. Your specialty.

We are trying to get to the bottom of if Congel paid his taxes or not.

From looking at the County web site it looks like he didn't but we are trying to get confirmation on one way or the other.

You are just a bully jonathon and you really aren't on here to debate the issues. You are on here to pick on bloggers.

Like I said which you ignored- Even if it does turn out that Congel has paid his taxes this year he still has scammed the town with his pipe dreams and grand ideas. He was supposed to pay $500,000 on the entitlement date which he hasn't.

Everyone RUSHED the PILOT because he couldn't wait to get his shovel in the ground. He hasn't even demolished that broken down house on the property, there has been NO movement at all. We are lucky if he cuts the grass or fills the big craters on the property to get to Target. It's pathetic!

The politician's that represent our Town in my opinion should be ashamed to take money for their campaigns all the while Congel is doing a disservice to the Town and their constituents.

It shouldn't be about campaign money for re-elections for these politician's. It should be about protecting and doing the right thing for the communities they represent.

Accepting money from the Con-Artist for their own personal campaign accounts is Shameful!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Another FYI -

I just put up tax info for meself, Wegmans on Titus Ave, and Harley School under the tax info for Congel on the main page of the blog.

My residential, Wegmans Commercial, and Harley School which is COMIDA "owned".

All of them show payments in 2010 for town/county.

Meself and Wegmans owe School Taxes - which is represented in "total due" for School Tax History, and at the bottom of the page where it says "pay school taxes".

Harley School does not owe anything - they are current with their town/county taxes and their school taxes.

So - that - tells me - that Congel did not pay his taxes. He is listed as delinquent, there are NO PAYMENTS FOR 2010 - and it says "pay delinquent taxes" at the bottom of his tax page.

COMIDA might have paid the Town and SD out of their "own pockets" and they are still waiting on payment from Congel.....OR.....somebody screwed up on updating ONLY Congel's page and he really did pay his taxes.

Either way - it clearly shows on the website that he is delinquent - when the other examples that I offered show that those properties are current.

My phone call to a friend means jackola - it is not proof - it's a phone conversation with a friend of mine who works for the county and they said he didn't pay on the 15th.

They could be correct, wrong, misinformed, lying, or stupid....and even though I DO believe them and I DO trust their doesn't mean that I can offer that up as proof.

I can't say "Well, I'll just call so and so and then I'll know"

Making a phone call and having someone TELL YOU that he did or didn't pay means NOTHING. It IS NOT PROOF. Whether I believe my friend or not - it is not, in any way shape or form "evidence" that he did not pay.

The County tax website speaks for itself on that one, in my opinion.

Again, I DO NOT KNOW 100% ABSOLUTELY that he did or did not pay.

I am ASSUMING that he didn't pay based on the information provided by the Monroe County Tax Website.

Whether the SD and Town got paid doesn't really PROVE that he paid his taxes either....if the County website is showing him as delinquent and NO PAYMENTS for 2010 - that tells me that he hasn't paid COMIDA, but they might have sent payments out to SD and Town.

cheri said...

Thanks for all of the thorough information-links etc. on the original blog page trying to explain each possible scenario Jax.

I have been thinking the last couple of days that maybe Congel did pay Comida enough to give the school district and possibly the Town but didn't pay COMIDA. Or he didn't pay any money and COMIDA paid the EISD and possibly the Town.

From looking at all of the samples you have given of residential-commercial and Comida owned property something is definitely different about Medley.

The Medley deal PILOT from the beginning was a rushed(so they could get their shovels in the ground)piece of garbage that the developer crafted and all parties agreed to. The deadlines are up for interpretation!? Hardly the protection we were promised.

With NO question we know that he hasn't paid the $500,000 that was due on the entitlement date. We also know that he hasn't done anything at all over at Medley. Nothing-Nada- yeah that partially open for Black Friday report was BS once again.

Hey why doesn't Congel give us an update once and awhile about what's going on? Oh that's right he's sly- oops.. I mean shy.

Well we will get to the bottom of it. We'll have to get our reindeers out and do some more research. :)

Unknown said...

cheri said "We are trying to get to the bottom of if Congel paid his taxes or not.

From looking at the County web site it looks like he didn't but we are trying to get confirmation on one way or the other."


(You should have the answer by now since you get right thru and since you can schedule mtgs with the supervisor like the 2 you have already had)

Cheri said "Everyone RUSHED the PILOT because he couldn't wait to get his shovel in the ground. He hasn't even demolished that broken down house on the property, there has been NO movement at all. We are lucky if he cuts the grass or fills the big craters on the property to get to Target. It's pathetic!"

So have you contacted code enforcement at th?

Just curious.

Unknown said...

Here is something I was wondering about...
lets say Jax and her source are correct-Congel didnt pay his PILOT. We already know for a fact (with documented proof) that EICSD received their payment.
If the town did NOT receive theirs why no mention of it?
If they received money from COMIDA (though Congel didnt really pay) would that be ethical? Im just wondering...

Also, I went to the town website to look at the budget report (hoping to shed some light on this mysterious controversy) and its weird but they are not consistent with the months in which they include the budget report from the controller. I would have thought by looking at the report from Feb or March then comparing it to say April to see an increase in the PILOT section would shed some light, but alas there isnt consistancy.
Hopefully the administration will shed some light on this troubleing development.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I have been thinking the last couple of days that maybe Congel did pay Comida enough to give the school district and possibly the Town but didn't pay COMIDA. Or he didn't pay any money and COMIDA paid the EISD and possibly the Town."

That's why the tax website confuses me with the "delinquent" payment for Town/County.

COMIDA sent the SD the money - the tax website shows Congel owes nothing for SD Taxes.

If he wired the payment on March 15th - and the SD shows no balance due - then why doesn't the town/county show him as paid in 2010?

If the SD is updated to show current, you would think the Town/County would show current too.

Congel was under PILOT for 2009, 2008, and 2007 (the "old" PILOT) and those payments are why not the PILOT payment for 2010?

SD shows current, but Town/County doesn't? Makes no sense to me.

cheri said...

I'm makes no sense to me either Jax. We'll get to the bottom of it though, it takes time.

Had the Reindeer out today. We had a lot of fun! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Well thank you and your reindeer very much! I appreciate it.

More updates at the bottom of the blog, and an added property to the "tax list" that I have up there. A property approved by COMIDA for a 15 year PILOT in February 2009.

Just to compare that they also have tax payments recorded on the website for 2010 - but Congel doesn't have any payments for 2010.

Still a mystery! I think we need to retire the reindeer and call Scooby and the gang for this one!

kcomella said...

My snippet from your front page/Update 2:

It is nice that anyone can call Town Hall and get answers, or meet with the Supervisor, and I do appreciate the answers given and the time spent explaining - but - I'm going to need a little more proof than this as far as knowing whether the money was actually received by the Town. Something like what Mr. Abbott provided, absolute proof that he received money from COMIDA.

I agree - I find it very nice to be able to communicate with our local government @ 1280 ... personally, I find it refreshing compared to my past experiences with the previous Supervisor (sorry MEH, when it came to returning calls or emails submitted - you would be a SOLID F-, if graded).

As far as "additional proof" - Since earlier this week, I do have two calls in to our Comptroller, Annie Sealy, regarding this - it is my understanding that she has been out of town for a few days. I believe that she will be back in the office today ... so, with hope, (pending both our schedules) I will speak to her soon.

cheri said...

Scooby Dooby Doo!

Well Kate and I went into Town Hall yesterday to try to get some answers. Mary Joyce graciously had a mini meeting with us and we didn't even call for an appt. :)

Mary Joyce told us that the PILOT taxes are paid for 2010 for the Town. I know the papers that we acquired yesterday aren't proof enough for you Jax I totally understand. But I do believe Mary Joyce.

Kate has tried to get in touch with the Comptroller because that is who we need to speak with to get proof of payment/receipt but she was out of the office a couple of days this week.

So it's a work in progress. Mystery is still not over though because we have to work on getting answers from the County. If that is through FOIL it could take awhile.

I'd like to thank Mary Joyce for being so accommodating and open. A whole different feel at Town Hall. All of the employee's seem so much happier too. There is quite a difference.

So forget the reindeer and we'll get in the Mystery Machine! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


I added yet ANOTHER property to the end of the other ones.

Harris Corporation - got approved for a SPECIAL PILOT in April of 2010.

They couldn't have satisfied their Special PILOT by now - looks like it's a 20 year SPECIAL PILOT - with a tax payment structure similar to what Congel has in his PILOT.

Guess what?

It shows tax payments to town/county for 2010, and it shows they owe school taxes.

Again - Congel's town/county taxes are marked as delinquent, and his tax page shows NO PAYMENTS in 2010.

I just want to point out that the person who keeps saying that it has something to do with the PILOT - and that the PILOT isn't satisfied yet is wrong. Property taxes - whether for a PILOT or a regular property or whatever - have to be paid EVERY YEAR and it is recorded EVERY YEAR on the tax website for Monroe County - regardless of whether the PILOT was satisfied or not.

Please keep in mind that this is the same person who told everyone that he spoke to some guy in Albany who agreed that what Newport Road was built on was unstable, that it was going to fall in the bay, people would have to tiptoe down the road and play russian roulette and how FEMA declared the road "almost" a natural disaster.

Puh-lease. His input gets filed where I always file it.


cheri said...

Hey, maybe Congel didn't pay his taxes because he only owns 5 feet around the property!?

Oops....wrong property!

A little levity while we wait for answers. Ha. :)