Thursday, September 17, 2009

Smugtown Smack-down!


I guess Smugtown Beacon didn't like the Irondequoit Blogger's blog about their endorsement of Robert Ament. Ament agreed to an interview with Smugtown Beacon, and Mary Ellen Heyman never even called them back to accept or decline the interview. She also never had the debate that David Seeley said would happen (in a quote to MPNnow) at least once, and maybe a second one.

I-blogger wrote a blog about

Smugtown's endorsement - and while demanding that Smugtown provide "proof" of anything that Bob Ament said....the blogger never seems to provide any "proof" to the contrary.

Here's the I-blogger's blog:

Smugtown Beacon takes an ad out in today's Irondequoit Post to counter that blog:

I guess I'm to be included in this smack-down too. I'm anonymous, I don't allow comments, and I don't have to.

I have never claimed I was Walter Cronkite...or unbiased......or fair on this blog. Not once. I never endorsed anyone on this blog. I do blog my opinions on issues, and I do try to back up my opinions on issues with things that you can look at yourselves, but even then....I've never asked anyone to take me seriously. I've also asked that people "do not listen to me, or don't take my word for it".....that you check things out for yourselves...several times I have said this. I don't allow comments because I don't want to moderate, monitor, or baby-sit a blog 24/7. Either I allow ALL comments - cursing, morphing, and anonymous insults along with the serious stuff - or I don't. My choice....I don't.

Anyone who wants to get a message to me knows the "channels" to go through to get a message to me. (Just like the taxpayers have to go through "channels" to get information.) I don't identify myself with my real name, (just my nickname on the comment section of articles..."Jax") because I really don't feel too comfortable knowing that there is a possibility some stalker might take pictures of me getting my mail in my flip-flops....and then putting it on the Irondequoitblogger site. He was stalking Ament and taking pictures - it's not a far reach to think that he would do the same to me. I really don't trust any of "them". Sad, but true. I also have many family and friends in Irondequoit (I grew up there), so I don't want them to be treated any differently because of my opinions. Believe happens.

So, while I think you guys run a nice "news source" - I do visit your website every day - and I do believe you have every right to defend your opinions like you did with the ad in the I-Post, and it is honorable that you sign your names with every opinion you write.....that's your choice. My choice is to stay anonymous.

If that's cowardly - so be it. I'll be the poster-girl for cowardliness. I am a coward! And juvenile! A sneak! Negative! Biased! Fox news (lol as a Dem I find that funny)! Yeah....and...anything else anyone wants to call me....I'm all of it!

Label me, baby.....label me.

Speaking of juvenile.....juvenile me found some more cartoons on YouTube! And more. And more.