Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fund Balance Goes Bye-Bye!

Under the watchful, fiscal eye of the current administration....a resolution was passed to keep the fund balances at 5%-20% of the operating budget. I remember the meeting where they made a HUGE deal of keeping that fund balance over 5% for the health of the town and to also help the credit rating.


the administration isn't keeping it at that. You can see the fund balance is disappearing faster than you can say "abracadabra"!

Watch your tax money disappear before your very eyes!

It's not's incompetence.

*poof* gone!

The fund balance is supposed to be for "emergencies" - kinda like your own personal savings account, it's there in case something out of the ordinary occurs, and you need "emergency funds". That's what an unreserved fund balance is for.

It's supposed to be for that....but when you have fiscally irresponsible people in charge, sometimes you have to raid the savings account to pay the bills, because you didn't budget accordingly, or you took out too many loans, or you have bad money management skills, or maybe you just think your "bank account" (read: taxpayers) is a never ending trough to feed from.

The general fund balance is tentatively at .66%. Previously, it was 2.94%.