Tuesday, November 8, 2011


To all winners in the election.

To view the unofficial results on the Monroe County Board Of Elections website, go to this link and select your jurisdiction, the area, and the contest and view the results. Day after the big win, and you're trolling on the professional naysayer blog? Tsk tsk tsk - get back to work, missy! Computers and systems that are paid for by taxpayers should not be used for trolling the internet for silly blogs.


Anonymous said...

I think Carbone should spend today cleaning up his swill of signs he deposited all around town. Same goes for Ament the operative w the Moore Notell signs...

Anonymous said...

Good to see someone besides Lydia Dzus "told Dick Barone No" last night..

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Good idea! I think MJD should help....since she gave Carbone a glowing endorsement.

It's too bad that Aldersley and Perticone originally were elected because they said "Yes" to Dick Barone - MJD too.

Such a shame.

cheri said...

Anonymous said; Same goes for Ament the operative w the Moore Notell signs...

Thanks for the laugh this morning. How soon everyone forgets. Who helped MJD 2 years ago get in?

4 years ago Barone totally helped Aldersley and Perticone. He was hammering the opposition constantly!

Funny I didn't see any repudiating then. Hmmmmm

Hypocrisy in Irondequoit!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Yes Cheri -

Aldersley and Perticone let someone else do their dirty work 4 years ago - this year they did their dirty work themselves.

I think it's kinda funny that instead of being elected for their own accomplishments - they were elected as a "no" message to Barone and Ament.

lol What a legacy! Oops...maybe that's the wrong word to use, eh?

cheri said...

A "no" message. What a great way to get elected. ;)

I didn't see any information on their accomplishments just bash about Richard's ads.

Since you mentioned the legacy Jax, how long till that application comes round again you think?

How about December?

Busy time of year...maybe MJD will learn from her buds and pull a fast one just like they did before Thanksgiving regarding King's Park.

I guess we'll see what happens.

I hope we can afford the police that we'll need at the public hearing...

HUGE eyeroll...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the next Town Board will be more functional or less than the previous? Will Mary Joyce stick with her party and those that threw her out to "political fodder land"? Or will she switch and presumably follow the voters wishes? How about Marasco? Guy wants to be a judge. Cant the dem's find something for him??

Anonymous said...

Public input at the next Town Board meeting should be interesting. I suspect Richard Barone will have a few things to say. He doesn't take repudiation very well. We know this to be true because Lydia said so!

Anonymous said...

I am still curious if Mary Joyce really did or didn't endorse Carbone. The Mustard Street blog reports a 4:30am Election Day literature blitz for Esposito. Was it a repudiation of the Carbone endorsement?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I am still curious if Mary Joyce really did or didn't endorse Carbone."

Of course she did. The ad was out in Wednesday's Post - I wrote about it on the blog Sunday evening, and then shortly after that Morelle had his statement about it.

One person was noticeably silent though - and that would be MJD.

If she didn't endorse him, you'd think she would have publicly repudiated that endorsement, dontcha think?

She didn't. No comment at all from MJD - so - using Perticone's and Aldersley's logic, since she didn't publicly repudiate it, she must have done it and agreed with it.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Public input at the next Town Board meeting should be interesting."

There's a Public Hearing on the preliminary budget tomorrow at 7pm.

Wonder how that's going to go?

Next TB meeting is the 15th.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"The Mustard Street blog reports a 4:30am Election Day literature blitz for Esposito."

I might be mistaken, but I thought you couldn't do any mailers or lit drops on election day?

I didn't see or hear anything about it, so I'm not sure what it was about.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a literature piece at my door so I am not sure either.

I do think it is legal to drop literature on election day.

I think it is fair to say this cross endorsement "experiment" was really bad all the way around.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I think it is fair to say this cross endorsement "experiment" was really bad all the way around."

I agree. It made for uncomfortable situations - what if MJD really did want Carbone in and that's why she endorsed him - but when Morelle finds out about it, he has to scramble for a statement on a Sunday night to lie and say she didn't endorse him so it doesn't make him look bad for endorsing MJD?

Their experiment worked - for them.

Whether it works for the Town - we shall see.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I don't think they had anyone to run against her - honestly.

Plus, she's pretty much a Dem anyways - she had a lot of support from them.

The thing that gets me is: The IDC - BLASTED her every chance they got....from January 1st, 2010 until the cross endorsement was announced - they HAMMERED her on their official IDC website....but then she was good enough to cross endorse...County and local committee endorsed her.

Let's not leave the Republicans out of the lame game name either - they had FOUR YEARS to find two people to run for town board - when MJD, Essley, and Marasco ran, the Republicans put out literature on how bad the Board was (and that included Aldersley and Perticone) - Medley Center, Town Finances, and a variety of other misdeeds were brought up constantly....but then the County Republicans thought they were good enough to cross endorse.

I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

It really makes one question the thinking of all involved, right down to the rank and file members of both parties that went along with the cross endorsement.

Anonymous said...

how about Barone's letter in the post?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

What letter in the post?

I didn't see one from him in last week's Post.

Anonymous said...

This week's Post. Title "Fair Elections Committee Ruling a Travesty". Claims he will now release detailed information about Aldersley and Perticone.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I don't get to see this week's post until late Friday - I view it online (the e-edition), so unfortunately I cannot see that letter right now.

It's not online yet, I just checked, and searched the "title" of the letter - no luck.

If you want to scan it and send it to me, that would be awesome!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I just checked the e edition of the I Post and I do see today's edition on there - so I will copy the letter, and put it at the bottom of this blog.

I usually can't access the current week's edition until Friday....but maybe because of Thanksgiving they put it up earlier.

Thanks for the head's up on the letter, and I hope you and everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Barone has up his sleeve? Excerpts of the no confidence vote of the Plumbers on Perticone or Aldersley blaming Spang for her statements?