Thursday, December 8, 2011

MCLS Are Bullies

Link to IPost article for the proof.

“to assist the Irondequoit Public Library in forcefully pursuing a solution to your space and building needs.”

The MCLS wants to FORCE taxpayers into paying for a new library. If that isn't bullying, I don't know what is.

The MCLS claims that the Irondequoit Libraries have “failed to meet standards set for public libraries by New York State.”

What are those standards? If anyone on the MCLS board could point me in the direction of what exactly the NYS standards would be much appreciated.


cheri said...

I would also like to hear what the NYS standards are?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone???

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

lol Bueller. I LOVE that movie!

I know NYS has standards for hours of operation - and now that the Town has increased their budget a bit, they will be able to keep the branches open the minimum number of hours required per NYS.

But the size, lighting, seating, number of outlets, crack in the wall stuff? No standards per NYS. There are only 'suggestions' or 'guides'.

There is no concrete plan for anything, no updated numbers on renovation vs. expanding vs. building a new library - so what can the community get behind? What is the plan?

They want a new library, but can't tell us what it's going to cost. Great. Let me get my pom-poms.

Anonymous said...

Review the minutes from the joint town board library board workshop april 2010.
Perticone stated said:
"we need to come up with a plan". No John--you need to get the People to come up with a plan and get behind them.
Ganza again--"boards need to control the conversation". Yes ms ganze we have seen the results of the Library and Town Boards controlling the conversation and misinformation for 8 years. We have seen the results of your controlling methodology for years.
"Libraries nationwide are finding mor ways to go mobile" (usatoday 11-5-11). Seatle Public Library e-book grew 92% in 2010.