Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dangerous Precedents

 The Town Board meeting on Tuesday, December 20th, 2011 - during the Public Input portion at the beginning of the meeting - Barone went up to speak, finished his input, then the board called Tamara D., but she wanted to speak about the MP at the Public Hearing. Then the board calls "David Allen" - and Barone says that he is there to read a letter from David Allen because Mr. Allen could not attend the meeting.

MJD says "I don't think you can do that, sir."

Barone says "I've done that before, and this board in the past has allowed that." - goes on to say that this gentleman asked him to read his letter because he could not attend the meeting.

Essley says "Did he send permission to the board - have we heard from him - did he call the town hall..."

Barone goes into how lawyers are allowed to speak for other people at meetings, people who aren't property owners....that they are denying his right to freedom of speech etc.

The Attorney for the Town pipes in that "You can leave the correspondence....not denying free speech...up to the board whether they allow him to speak...."

Then Essley says "I think it's a dangerous precedent, anybody can say that they're reading a letter from someone else..."

LOL - they have, Debbie - and you weren't a bit concerned about the precedent being set in front of your face at the February 23rd, 2010 Town Board meeting .

At the 9:48 mark of the video, during public input, MJD calls up Mrs. Jones, - and that would be Mary Ellen Jones - who goes up to the podium, announces who she is and where she lives and then states that she is there to "share a message from Bill Dillon"....she then proceeds to READ A LETTER that Dillon penned.

Did you get that part? A LETTER written by someone who "was sorry" they couldn't be there to deliver the messages themselves....and had SOMEONE ELSE READ IT FOR THEM!

I've got more examples - if you want, I can do another blog with them all on there.

That precedent has already been set a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time ago.

Understandably, you do not want him to read a letter that is from a neighbor of Cranberry Landing who has had problems with noise from their property that has not been resolved.

I think Barone has every right to read a letter from someone else, as you have already set the precedent for such actions - your actions are arbitrary, and unsettling.

Barone mentions that Perticone is having a temper tantrum and refuses to accept anything from Barone - no packets of info, no letters....nuthin'!   LOL!  Are you kidding?  This is hilarious and disappointing all at the same time.

Disappointing also, is that the TB never spoke about the financial report on SBWD - or shared the financial plan that the Supervisor has. I thought that maybe....since it's the business of the would be shared with residents. Guess not.

No discussion on anything to do with the updates to the Master Plan? Nothing to share on that?  SEQR?  Additions?  Corrections?  Anything?  Just taking comments from the public for a few months?  That's it?

No mention of the letter supposedly sent to Congel and any "progress" on that? No?

It would also be nice if the public could see a REAL presentation from the Legacy developer, instead of the "yak and crack jokes" presentation at the Planning Board Public Hearing on the zoning change.   A REAL presentation would require the developer  to provide some sort of architectural drawings with regards to the application - for the public to see.  According to Aureli, there doesn't need to be a site plan for SEQR - because they are determining if the property itself is suitable for rezoning from R-1 to R-7.  I think that's deceiving because the property is now an R-1 residential....the developer wants it changed to R-7 enable them to build their commercial building on land in an area that has already created drainage problems WITHOUT a huge building there........I think a site plan is appropriate, and necessary.  But then again.....I'm not trying to get this to pass without seeming like I'm trying to get it to guess I'd be more open and transparent than what is currently being displayed.

I thought this was the season of sharing? We share our taxes with you all throughout every season - the least you could do is share information with the public once in a while.

Very disappointed.


Anonymous said...

get over it. durizio and essley do not want your input. Daurizio said she wants seniors out of thier homes so young people can buy and pay taxes. Town Board is giving their freind a free zoning change. Daurizio lied on this and on the mall. THe master plan is being rewritten for legacy. If you don't like it then move to another town

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I did.

So now I can complain all I want!

Yippeeee! ;)

Anonymous said...

The beat goes on with happenings in Irondequoit.

Interesting article on Smugtown Beacon too about the recent County Legislature race for LD16 in Irondequoit. Wonder how Mr. Perticone might feel about those issues. Mustard Street captioned it "Newt Morelle" - too funny!

A poster here sure sounds alot like tgolan.

Happy Holidays too all!

Anonymous said...

Another woman has told Dick no!

Anonymous said...

I am really glad you have kept at this blog FOILS. Raising issues surrounding our representation and social/political justice is a very noble thing.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Thank you very much, although I don't think it's a noble thing to just write opinions on a blog. I wish I had time to really dig into things a lot more - and provide more info.

There's a TON of info I could be looking up and putting on here about SEQR process and Legacy etc....but I just don't have time right now.

It's the holiday season...whoop-de-doo...hickory dock and all that stuff.

Anonymous @ 5:42 -

Thanks for bringing that up! I dead read Smugtown's article. Here's the link to it if anyone is interested in reading it.

Mustard Street is another daily stop for me, as I appreciate the perspectives and "news nuggets" I get from their website. Recently they had an excellent analysis in a few blogs about Mike Green and why he wasn't nominated. The "Newt Morelle" title was funny!

cheri said...

First off Happy Holidays everyone!

Once again Jax, you have me laughing with this blog. Yes, it is the sharing season. Haha

I remember that meeting when ME Jones spoke on behalf of Bill Dillon. As you said Jax, precedent was set a long time ago. What bugs me about the situation is if the TB doesn't like what you are going to say they can change the rules.

Clearly the TB did not want Barone to read the letter with the complaints about Cranberry Landing. I'm sure they already heard the letter at the PB meeting the night before. ;)

Why was there NO discussion about the master plan? That was weird the TB said nothing again...

Medley, SBWD????? Hellllooooooo...Where's the information?????

The Legacy presentation is a joke. It's a bunch of nothing, nada...The PB had no discussion either. Are all boards sworn to secrecy now? They see nothing, they hear nothing, they say nothing...

Smugtown article is to funny! Thanks for pointing it out. Another one for the Joe Morelle Hypocrisy book. HUGE edition!

I'm with you anonymous 6:40pm I'm so happy that Jax has kept FOILS going too. Yes, this is an opinion blog but it does have a lot substance/documents etc. to back up what is said. Plus your hilarious Jax! :) Love your sarcasm~! Thank you Jax!

Anonymous said...

SEQR to Bach

SEQRA Handbook

Flow Chart & Timelines

SEQRA Cookbook

It's clear the Board is being misled, left unaware of their role, their options and the process.

Anonymous said...

Your modesty is admirable FOILS. You are a good witch :)

Thought that was you tgolan.

There is something about well intended people taking public office in Irondequoit.

It must be the water.

Anonymous said...

On another topic. I see they are moving earth at the Newport site. It appears you could do a documentary on Cappa's past based on what they are dredging up!

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with new planning board lawyer members not following seqra lawss?

Don't worry about the newport durizio says this year she is going only on the facts.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

What are they dredging up at Newport?

Ah yes.....facts....

You mean like the "bill" that was before the assembly's ways and means committee that could have an effect on Medley?

I'd love to be able to continue this blog for people to be able to bring up their concerns...but...I am not a resident of Irondequoit and not a taxpayer there, so I can't.

Even if I was, I am not "positive", and I don't agree with everything they I'm not "working together" with them either.

....and even if I was "positive" and "working together" with them....I'm not an elected official, a volunteer, a town voice doesn't count.

That was the message I got from the meeting.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Medley in the news again - apparently he missed the "deadline" of making that $750,000 payment that the TB sent a letter about.

Not to worry, everything is fine. With the new bi-partisanship Town Board getting to work in the new year - Congel is going to secure financing (MJD said so) and economic dollars will just flow into Monroe County.

If we just all work together and stay positive, everything will be fine.

Link to article.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

From the article:

"Lawyers for all three taxing jurisdictions, Monroe County, the Town of Irondequoit and the East Irondequoit School District are working on modifications to the PILOT agreement."

Now, back in the day, when you could be negative, against progress, and hate children/seniors by going to a public meeting at public input and maybe read a letter from someone who couldn't be there, or who recently moved out of Irondequoit.

Someone who was very involved with communicating to the Board her concerns regarding the P.I.L.O.T. deal.....and her letter might contain something like "Why aren't there any Open Meetings for the public to attend regarding these modifications to the P.I.L.O.T.?"

But...we are in a new era. The town has spoken. As said in the organizational meeting by one board member - the only opinions that matter are the ones who re-elected them. The Republicans and Democrats who voted for them have shown that they want them to lead. They know what's best and will work in the Town's best interest, so...there is no need for you question anything they decide to do.

I wonder - if someone who recently moved to another town wrote a letter to the I-Post about this...would it still be printed in their paper? Now that MPN is printing "Images" for the least that is what I've heard....I wonder how non-biased they could be?

Also, would anyone - even Richard Barone or Bob Ament - be able to read this letter at Public Input?

Can anyone read any article or any letter at Public Input?

What are the rules? Since people in the past have done these things...the precedent was already set to be able to read letters and articles.

Are people not allowed to do that anymore?

Oh wait - why am I worrying? I'm not a resident of Irondequoit, a taxpayer, a voter or one that voted for them, an employee, or doesn't matter.

Besides, they were re-elected and they know what's best and are working in the best interests of the I have nothing to worry about!

Silly me.

cheri said...

Jax, did you not read the Irondequoit Post this week? You are so silly, the stars are aligning "again".

Nothing to worry about.

I can't believe that line would be used again. OMG!

Can't they get a new writer?

It's like I'm watching a re-run, the characters have changed but it's the same program.

Funny, number 2 Issue for 2012, in the Post, talks about the library. MJD said, "she gets an awful lot of pressure, from residents, to consolidate Irondequoit's library branches."

But for the number 1 issue - Medley Centre she says, "If all of the stars align, it will be fabulous for Irondequoit."

So I guess there is NO pressure from residents about the Mall, just astrology analogies.

Really? Where is the hard line that the Republicans were going to take over 2 years ago when they were campaigning? Is there no problem now because MJD is tied to Perticone and Aldersley and they both signed the lovely PILOT?

You know the document, the one that TOTALLY protects us from this happening again...

I sure hope this TB is going to have a vote if they do propose 1 library. That is a decision that the town should decide.

Jax you said that one of the TB members said at the organizational meeting - "the only opinions that matter are the ones who re-elected them."

I don't know who said that but reading it was said is disturbing.

So the only people that matter are the ones that think like the re-elected! Are these people for real?

Do they have a kool-aid dispenser at Town Hall?! Maybe that's what is in that water cooler really...

ps- Best part of the organizational meeting in my opinion was the formal appointment of Barbara our Town Clerk! Yahoo! Well deserved, she is a wonderful employee and person! :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Jax you said that one of the TB members said at the organizational meeting - "the only opinions that matter are the ones who re-elected them."

I don't know who said that but reading it was said is disturbing."

It was right after the time of the "May not be an A student/D student in the eyes of many" then the person said they were "proud to have earned a passing grade from those whose opinions matter most to me" - that would be the voters who re-elected this person.

I also hope that there is a vote for 1 library, but - since they were re-elected, I'm sure the TB is just working in the best interests of the Town and wouldn't need a silly vote on it. They are there to make those decisions for you. Don't worry! Everything will be fine.

I almost had tears in my eyes when they officially reappointed Barbara. Well deserved - she is awesome. So nice and always a professional. She is a delight.

cheri said...

Ok, I remember that part of the meeting, so now I know who said that. Figures...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of precedents, did anyone notice that Mary Ellen Jones was allowed to read a letter from Stephanie Squicherini?

Anonymous said...

lots of people noticed that. Wasn't she the lady that did all the work on the King Pork deal? What numbers did she say they are getting again?

Anonymous said...

FOILS where have you gone?

cheri said...

Anonymous, love it! You're right and it's funny! Mary Ellen Jones gets away with it again...;)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I'm right here! :)

I don't need to write blogs anymore. MEJ said, (through the letter she read at public input that was written by someone else) that 'blogs are just opinions and not facts and if you want facts you have to call the library and they'll give you all the facts.'

Seeing as I'm not an Irondequoit resident, taxpayer, business owner, developer, or person who voted for them - and, I'm negative - I don't have to give my opinion because it doesn't matter.

I don't have to wonder or worry at all about anything anymore because it's a bipartisan board who are working in your best interests - so of course they aren't ever going to make a bad decision or get it wrong. No worries! They got this.....them and the regular crew behind the curtain have got this!

Just do what they say and agree with what they do and the town can move forward and be prosperous!

A new library is going to bring tons of young families to Irondequoit!

All the seniors will be segregated in their expensive Legacy apartments...freeing up housing stock around the town and they'll be paying full property taxes! Win-win!

Congel is going to do miraculous things in the spring, and businesses will thrive along Ridge Road because of it. Jobs will be created. Just think of all of those hotel housekeepers and store clerks spending their money in Irondequoit!

There is no need for my opinion when you can get facts from town hall or the library.

Stephanie Aldersley has said that there are no plans (drawings) submitted for Legacy - so you don't have to worry at all that they are considering a zoning change to their property with NO PLANS. Who needs stamped drawings for zoning changes anyways. Those silly papers just kill trees and they don't really look at them anyways so why bother with 'em.

MJD said Congel is going to do things in the spring, she has the SBWD financial payback plan in her hands - just take their word for it. No need to question anything.

Besides, you don't want to be labeled as negative or against seniors or against children or against you?

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten jones made that blog comment. Jones was the head of the financial committee for kings pork. hmmmmmmmm
How were the numbers on kings poik?

Foil Chick---glad you reminded us of our place.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I think the person who wrote the letter made the comment about blogs, and MEJ was just reading it....setting dangerous precedents. But, it's ok because she is an approved speaker.

Don't take my word for it - call the library to get the facts.

Anonymous said...

FACT----e-books lending up by a bazillion percent. Ebooks libary is open 24/7.

You need to publish a transcript of that library talk so we will know what is ok to think about and what is being thought about for us.

good work Foil Goil

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I could put a transcript up here, but it wouldn't be fact, only opinion because it's on a blog.

I've put up transcripts of their meeting minutes that clearly show they hired the consultant to try to get the community behind consolidation - library board members were making statements about community centers and libraries together - but they tell you that they didn't hire the consultant for the "one library" consolidation idea.

If they had used that $24 thousand to match the MCLS grant - they would have been able to pave the parking lots and not turn down that grant - but they spent it on a consultant instead. That's a fact - but because I wrote it on the blog, it's not a fact. Whatever they tell you is a fact, whatever I tell you is not a fact.

Got it?

If you want to know what was said, just call the library - they'll give you the facts.

cheri said...

I think it's pretty funny that Town officials are bringing up blogs again.

Yes, blogs are a lot of opinion but the FOIL site has always had a ton of documentation to back up what it says.

We've caught numerous politicals in lies/mis-information etc. That's a fact library people.

I shudder to think what would happen if there was nobody watching them at all.

I don't want to call the library to get "their facts." Please, please Jax don't make me do that. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Don't worry Cheri - everyone is working to better the town and they love the town and want what everyone else wants - and you'll want it too!

Stop being so negative and against progress. I know that you like how everyone gets along, and you like the town finances improving - but you disagree with a few things they've done and that's just not acceptable. Listen, just be positive and stop trying to question them or disagree with them because you are holding the town hostage with your negativity.

Here, put these, and these on. It will help a little. :)

cheri said...

Yes, I'm holding the town hostage with my opinion. :)

If you don't have something good to say you aren't allowed to say anything...The New Town Motto!

I'm going to pass on the blinders and rose colored glasses, they give me a rash. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey FOILS----thanks for letting me know "I'll want it too".

The Library has a document and it is fact. The fact is the Town Adopted a Plan that includes the Conservation Board Study that shows the 1788 Titus Ave site as "HIGHEST PRESERVATION PRIORITY".

That's a library fact. It is in the Town of Irondequoit Fact Section. If that's a fact then why are the library and town board not adhering to their own facts?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Now it is not a fact anymore, because you wrote about it on a blog. It's an opinion now.

The only way you'll know if there's a Master Plan on file at the library is if you call them and ask. Then, you'll have to ask them to look up the 1788 Titus Ave area in the Master Plan and have them read it to you. If they read Conservation Board Study that shows the 1788 Titus Ave site as "HIGHEST PRESERVATION PRIORITY" back to you, then it is fact.

I wonder if you called and asked them about Irondequoit becoming an Association Library....if you would get facts about that?

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, I really enjoy the blog. Self appointed community watchdogs like you are extremely valuable, I think. But I have a few quibbles: Jones never said she was reading a letter from Squicciarini, she just said she was reporting in her place. Jones is on the library board, I think the words she was reading were her own. I think the library would be lucky to pave one parking lot for $24K let alone two of them. If the consultant was hired to get a new library why didn't she mention a new library in her final report to the community at the town hall? In fact, I went to a meeting where she said she told the library board to forget a new library for now until there is improved funding. I also went to the final meeting and all they talked about was funding. The motivation to change the library's type to a taxing district (something any taxpayer would be leery of) seemed to be motivated by a lack of funding from the town. It sounded to me like the consultant was hired for improved funding. The board may have started out wanting a new library but they ended up doing something else. Since you have raised the issue more than once please explain how becoming an association library district would accomplish this? Most of us probably don't know what that is. I know I don't. Thanks for all your hard work!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"Jones never said she was reading a letter from Squicciarini,"

You are absolutely correct. I think she said this:

"Stephanie Suicciarini, our president, is out of town so she asked me to give an update to you on what's going on with the library."

"I think the library would be lucky to pave one parking lot for $24K let alone two of them."

The MCLS grant was a $24 thousand matching grant. The library would have had to pay $24 thousand, so they would have around $50 thousand to pave both parking lots.
Link to MCLS meeting minutes, page 2.

"If the consultant was hired to get a new library why didn't she mention a new library in her final report to the community at the town hall?"

She was originally hired with the intent of helping with a consolidation campaign (their idea), then she told them (her ideas) that there was a need to generate interest in the libraries (branding, emotional attachment,etc.) to get people behind the libraries and to get more funding for them. To get more funding, you become a legislative district. It is much easier to get more funding if you're in control of how much you can get from the taxpayers. It would also enable them to look at properties and it would be much easier (in my opinion) to get a successful vote for a consolidated library.

So, when they tell me (or you) that the consultant wasn't initially hired to push for consolidation, I have a hard time believing that (even if she ended up just pushing for funding) because her FB page, their meeting minutes show the opposite.

"Since you have raised the issue more than once please explain how becoming an association library district would accomplish this?"

I would love to, but I can't. They wouldn't be should call the library and ask about it. I did write an opinion on it and provided links...but I think the links and pdf.'s should be accurate since it's from the NYSL Division of Library Development content on the NYSED. Link to blog.

"Self appointed community watchdogs like you are extremely valuable,"

If you're being serious, thank you, but I don't think my opinion is extremely valuable, or that I'm a watchdog.

See, I can't influence anything. All I'm doing is writing my opinion on here. I don't mail my blog to anyone, don't put it on twitter, facebook, or mailers. I don't have articles in media or a radio show. I don't have meetings or show up to any meetings and give public input. I don't have press conferences. I don't tell anyone that they have no right to their opinion and they can't do this or that at public input. I don't try to silence anyone. I don't control anyone's conversation. I don't force anyone to come here and read my bullshit. It's a blog that you can read or not, agree with or not or...I guess....mention at a Town Meeting the glaringly obvious. Blogs are opinions and not fact. Unfortunately, sometimes what they tell residents is opinion and not fact. Not Squicciarini or Buford....but some of the others.

So - a blog or an "official" telling you something - always check it out for yourself and see who most closely matches your own facts - and go with that. That's my advice.

I have never claimed that this blog is all fact - it's opinions, but I do try to provide information that you can look at and links that you can go to and look at yourselves and come to your own conclusions. I don't expect everyone to agree with me all the time, and I don't expect anyone to actually use this blog as a reference for anything. Other than reading an agreeing or opposing view and for the back and forth in the comments.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION: If a Blog is read on a library computer, located inside the library, is the Blog content fact or opinion ?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I guess you're going to have to call the library and ask them if it's fact or not.

I suppose that if you're reading their library blog, it is fact, no matter where you read it. Any other blog is not fact.

Again, better double check with the library.

cheri said...

Cute Anonymous 7:43! Love it!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Oh goodness....I forgot to say that I was wrong in my comment at 8:12 am on January 31st by saying that MEJ read a letter written by someone else. I like to write that out...."I was wrong" because not too many people admit when they are wrong. I don't have any problems with admitting when I'm wrong.

Anyways....she didn't read a letter but was speaking for the Library President and the library board to update people about the library.

But she did read a letter from Bill Dillon at a meeting in February 2010.......setting those precedents for being able to read letters from other people who can't be at a meeting themselves.

But, you'd better call the library to see if I was wrong or if MEJ read a letter from Bill Dillon at a meeting. Gotta get those facts!