Thursday, December 8, 2011

TB Workshop Meeting Change

The Legal Notices in the Irondequoit Post have an announcement about a change in date for the Town Board workshop meeting. Instead of Thursday the 15th - it will be on Wednesday the 14th at 4pm. Broderick Room, Town Hall.

I think this would be a good workshop to attend, as it is the one before the PB Public Hearing about Legacy on the 19th.   I know everyone is busy with the holidays, and it is at an inconvenient time for people who have jobs and all.....but it would be good for people to attend. Since they refuse to tape the workshop meetings, it is important for residents to attend in person to know what is going on.


cheri said...

A time change - shocking - NOT!

4pm how convenient for everyone!

OMG how predictable are these people?! :(

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well - the time was the same for Thursday's meeting that got canceled. Just the day changed - so the 4pm time is always inconvenient for a lot of residents.

Just the way they like it.....*rubbing hands together* mwahhh hah haaaaahhhhh!

cheri said...

Gotta love those 4pm workshops. It used to be just Town Board at that time now Planning followed suit I guess.

Love your mwahhh hah haaaaahhhhh! :)