Sunday, February 1, 2009

Follow Up To Previous Blog About EIS

Ginny makes a GREAT point about the Town's responsibilities. "It's the job of town government is to ensure that
property owners obey the law and pay their fair share, and that the irony is that they are supporting a developer who is asking to CHANGE the law and pay less
than his fair share.

This sort of contradiction sort of ties into the senior center thing too. Supervisor Heyman has stated that Irondequoit has the highest number of seniors. No doubt about it, the population of the Town is considerably senior. Giving these tax breaks to this developer will no doubt increase the taxes of every resident, a majority of which are seniors on limited incomes. If they truly care about the seniors, they will be more responsible with this decision, which will not only affect local businesses, but will also raise the taxes of the very seniors they proclaim to care so much about.

It's time to stop giving money away to "things", and start thinking about the people of the Town.