Monday, February 2, 2009

More Non Disclosure......

We should be used to this by now.

Here is the Senior Center page on the town website. Here is a link to the page on the Town Website.

I thought elected Town officials weren't supposed to use a tax payer subsidized town website to positively push their agenda? This sure looks like it.

Here is a recent resident's e-mail:

Here is the "FACTS SHEET" the resident refers to:

Shameless self promotion of their agenda.

By the way, the Supervisor mentions Greece leasing until they built a permanent facility on the Town Campus. Guess what? It's a two story building. They use this new invention called an elevator to get the seniors up to and down from the 2nd level. Technology is amazing. I mention this, because, in the "Facts Sheet" it is mentioned that "• A two story building – the only option to expand square footage – is not suitable for many seniors." Why not? If you use the "elevator" option, it becomes suitable.

Also, this "Facts Sheet" might appear in "Images". The Images is a magazine that comes from Town Hall-paid for by Irondequoit taxpayers-pushing her agenda.

If you look at the link to the pdf of the Facts Sheet (, it says "images" and "Supervisor's Column" and "snctrfacts". Here's the hyperlink.

Do you really want your tax money funding her agenda through the town magazine?

The Supervisor's response:

So, she offers again and again that any resident at any time with any questions can feel free to e-mail her office. When you do, you don't get answers, and you are now directed to call her or meet with her personally.

I'm guessing the Town and the Supervisor don't want her public e-mails made public. You can FOI request e-mails from Town Government.

So now, she wants you to call or meet with her personally.

Wow. I cannot believe that elected officials would treat the taxpayers like this.

I am truly amazed at the lengths they will go to keep information from the public.