Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day Everyone!

To ALL workers.

Here's a letter that was in the recent RBJ celebrating all workers on Labor Day.

Here's a letter to Marci Miller telling her that the parade is for Labor Unions and workers, and that if she wanted to march, they were entitled to apply for a special permit to march the same route a half hour after the conclusion of the parade.

Way to celebrate the workers of NYS on Labor Day!

Here's an interesting quote in today's online D&C article about the Labor Day parade from the person who wrote the above letter to Marci.
“Competition is not for health care. The free market is for retail items, washers, cars,” said Jim Bertolone, president of the Rochester Labor Council. “Democrats: we put you in office. We’re not going to take any excuses. We expect you to do what you were elected to do.”

RBJ, online, had a recent reader poll on organized labor. A lot of good comments at the bottom of this article.