Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 41 On Fees Related To Medley Foil

I don't know, and I have no explanation for, why it would take 41 days to provide some sort of time frame for when this FOI request would be ready - as within the FOI laws. I also don't know why

lawyers, at the taxpayer's expense, have to review something that should be public information anyways. The Lawyer/Engineer fees for anything to do with Medley for the past 3 years should be available to the public.

So, Cheri and Barb exchange pleasantries while she patiently waits for the day 36 with legal counsel still reviewing. So, Cheri decides instead of filing an appeal - she'll copy in the administration on this to see why she can't get this information in a timely manner, as within the FOI laws.

Debbie responds that it is the first time she is hearing about this FOI.....the board and supervisor don't get notices of FOI can they fix anything if they don't know there's a problem (Debbie, I know for a FACT that members of the Board and the Supervisor herself read this blog daily. I have the IP addresses to prove it. Now, you can sit there and claim that you didn't know....but you and I know that is not true. You read the FOI request on this blog, then you lie to a resident and say you didn't know about it? Wow.).....chastises Cheri for saying they aren't "open" and that they're "stringing her along".....and tells her that she'd have to call every day to keep up with Cheri's FOI far as I know....there's only been 2 in the last few months from Cheri. One for any apprenticeship law information - which was denied....and this one.

Ever helpful, the Supervisor advises Cheri to contact Barbara.

Debbie promises to look into this, and has let others know about it, and is willing to find out for Cheri what is going on.

Why do taxpayers have to jump through hoops to get information that should be public anyways?

Why are lawyers reviewing documents that should be public knowledge anyways?

I can't answer that for you, unfortunately.