Friday, March 26, 2010


Link to 13Wham video. Or, click on play below to view.

I was reading Rachel Barnhart's blog over at 13Wham - and it discusses the importance of the support of Senator's Robach and Alesi for passing mayoral control of the RCSD to city council.

Good blog, and interesting quotes from Alesi and Robach and Urbanski.....but the one quote from Duffy I found interesting.

Duffy said that Alesi and Robach should support mayoral control in Rochester, because they supported it in New York City.

“I got the voting records today, this morning, in email, from the first New York City authorization for mayoral control and the second reauthorization. And as I scan the list, everyone, including senators Robach and Jim Alesi, all voted yes to support that.”

When asked if he’s getting worried about their support, given that he’s checking their voting records, the mayor said, “No, I'm doing my due diligence and asking, because if somebody was against it, I would want to know why.”

Um....Bob Duffy publicly lobbied against mayoral control when he ran for mayor in 2005. He was absolutely 100% against it. using Duffy's logic......Duffy should NOT support mayoral control in Rochester because he did NOT support it when he ran for mayor, right?

Or, is only Duffy allowed to "change his mind" on the matter?

As for doing his "due diligence".....that's what a lot of the community is trying to do as well - due diligence - because, if somebody was FOR mayoral control, we would want to know why......and since Duffy is too busy searching the voting records of senators in NY instead of scheduling public meetings to discuss the details (that nobody has seen yet) of his "plan"'s kinda hard to conduct the due diligence when people can't even get a meeting with the Mayor to find out his "plan".

If anyone should explain's Duffy...and why he was against mayoral control before he became mayor - but now that he is mayor, he is for mayoral control.

I also find it a tad bit annoying that he is too busy scouring voting records to schedule meetings with the public. Actually, it really frosts my cake - and I am disappointed.


cheri said...

Jax you said -
"since Duffy is too busy searching the voting records of senators in NY instead of scheduling public meetings to discuss the details (that nobody has seen yet) of his "plan"'s kinda hard to conduct the due diligence when people can't even get a meeting with the Mayor to find out his "plan"."

I guess Duffy has his priorities. Searching Voting Records instead of holding public meetings to discuss details!?

How ridiculous it is that he is looking up voting records of other politician's when he was very outspoken himself AGAINST Mayoral Control in 2005.

I guess it all depends on who is Mayor! wink-wink

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I guess so!

Did he seem overly excited to have the voting records of the Senators who voted for Mayoral Control in NYC?

He did to me.

What does NYC have to do with Mayoral Control in Rochester?

What's good for NYC isn't always good for our Upstate area. Two different animals in my opinion.

I gave Duffy a "pass" for being against Mayoral Control when he ran for Mayor vs. what he is proposing now......I thought "well, maybe he's privy to information now that he wasn't privy to then...."

But, coming out and saying that the Senators should be in favor of mayoral control here because they supported it in NYC is....well....just playing politics.

I mean....really....Duffy is kicking his own ass with that logic.