Friday, June 18, 2010


Huh? How is he "rejected by his own party" if he's being backed by his own party for his run for Assembly?

Ever think that they didn't want him to run for Supervisor because they were planning on having him run for Assembly?

He never filled out petitions, he could have if he wanted to so he could force a primary - but he didn't.

He didn't run for Supervisor. Ever.

Soooooooo, you're pretty much 0 fer 3 now. Gawd.


cheri said...

The Republicans decided that Mark Scuderi would be better suited to run against Joe Morelle. That is why they didn't have him run for Irondequoit Supervisor. Repeat after me - Mark Scuderi NEVER RAN FOR SUPERVISOR! He NEVER collected signatures to run for Supervisor and his name was NEVER on the ballot for Supervisor.

This is the type of stuff that Irondems thinks is important?! If that's the case Morelle is in BIG trouble in November.

So keep up the bogus minutia Irondems! Job well done! Can't wait to see the next exciting/misinformed posting. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well Cheri - he was thinking about running for Supervisor - so that means he was a candidate.

Just like I'm an astronaut because I thought about being an astronaut.

See you on Jupiter!

cheri said...

Hey Jax,
I'm thinking about being a millionaire!


Wow, who knew that I only had to think about it. I should have done this years ago. :)