Sunday, June 13, 2010

IPL Concept Video?

Someone just sent me this along with a few comments. I don't know if this video is from a resident or the LB or anything, except that it was sent to me along with their personal views.

"this is a first draft before grand opening.

NOTE: The existing building is remaining and will be recycled into the new McGraw.

It's about time the East Side got something the West doesn't have.
This would be such a great new building on that site. This would create a new sense of pride in East Irondequoit never before seen."

**It looks like they spent so much on the building, that they didn't have any leftover for books to stock the shelves with! lol**

Under the video, it states:

"Irondequoit Library Concept Statement

The Irondequoit Library East Branch was first built in the 1960's, then remodeled for expansion in the 1980's, doubling in size to 12,400 square feet. The library is ready for expansion again having outgrown its size, this time the building will be designed to be about 30,000 square feet. All administrative offices will be moved to the East Branch in addition to offices at the buildings now.
I propose that most of the existing building be turned into "private" areas for the library staff. The addition will house "public" areas. There will be an addition added above the 1960's original building, while a much larger two-story addition will be added to the West of the building, connecting the addition and the existing building with a shared wall. A car port/ drive thru will be placed in front of the new addition for people who just want to drop off a book. This means that the parking to the north and the parking closet to the west of the building will have to be removed; however the large parking lot to the far west will not be affected.
The program calls for a meeting room that can be accessible even after library hours, stemming from the entry will be a lobby that provides direct access to the meeting room, bathrooms, eating area, and kitchen. From the lobby a staff member can access the offices directly, or patrons of the library can enter the main public areas of the library.
Since the over-all surrounding area of this library is more commercial than residential the library is designed with more commercial aspects. The over-all shape of the addition has come from inspiration of the cylinder lamp on the outside of the building; the addition has waves to the outside walls which will create comfortable seating areas, and draw interest to the building. The waves will have large columns to separate the waves using much of the same ideas of the current Irondequoit library entry. The addition will have smaller columns on the sides of windows to slightly mimic the existing building's paneling.
One additional feature of the library are solar panels with louvers, placed over the carport and over the wavy wall to perform as shading for seating areas below, and to collect solar energy. The louvers are angled towards the Southern sky for efficiency.
The goal of this addition is to attract people to the library who have been using library systems outside of Irondequoit because they do not like what the existing libraries have to offer them."


Anonymous said...

"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


I actually think the video is nice, and would look very nice wherever they decided to plop it.

Again, I don't know who made the video, or if the LB was involved in it. It could be from the most recent talks about consolidation, or from past discussions on consolidation.....I don't know.

I just figured it was "for real" because it seems to be a "professional" video and the IPL is on the sign in the drawing - whether or not the LB ever considered it or is considering it....I don't know.

I just wanted to clarify that point. I don't know who made it, who viewed it before I put it on here, or if the LB even knows about it since I did not get this off of any informational documents they put on their website.

Anonymous said...

On June 8, 2010 the Library Board held a meeting to hear the
Post Consulting Presentation

Call the Library to sign up for Focus Groups.
(Maybe they will show the video of the concept McGraw Branch ! What a great addition that would be for the "east" side. )

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Town Board/Library Board Workshop and the "Intent" of the Consultant engagement; the opening
Board Statement
at the June 8 Consultant Presentation was posted.

The question of advertising under Open Meetings Law seems to be addressed. The Town Board advertised their meeting as usual, however the stated times were 4:30 -5:30 (town calendar)

5th paragraph of the Board Statement states:
"The workshop was announced in the usual ways the town advertises its public meetings."
Note the statement only speaks to the "town" advertising. There is no mention of Library Board advertising open meetings.

6th paragraph:

"This is about being able to make the case to keep the doors open at both branches so that our community can avail itself of the library programs and services it needs and deserves."

Post made it very clear the current intent is to address the Branch System and find ways to make the Branches healthy.

Much will be learned from Residents at the Focus Groups. The Public may learn equally as much about the Consultant's Directive by paying careful attention to their questions and presentations. Sales Approach presentations of premier library programs, only available within a new large facility, will be telling. There must be a careful and measured approach to learn the direction the public wishes to take the library. Certainly the tremendous programs only available in large modern facilities must be discussed. It will be the methods of presentation and the inclusion of choices, made with direct reference to increased taxes and spending that will lead to reasonably accurate data. So often the pubic is asked "would you like this"? Like asking the kid in the candy store if she wants this? Of course the answer is yes yes yes yes. Would you like this with a tax increase so often brings a different reply.

Determine what Residents want From the system---now, in 5 years, in 10 years. With 4 tax funded libraries in town what is the direction for the highest taxed town?

Anonymous said...

Consultant Libby Post & Partner will be holding Focus Group meetings over a three day period at the end of September. Not over time as mentioned. 2-4 groups per day per branch. Not the 20 per branch as stated at the workshop. Wonder why the decrease in group number so soon after the workshop? Library already has lots of interest from residents and there has been no advertising.
Expect to see the groups full of library proponents.

Anonymous said...

For over 6 years Irondequoit residents were told the cost of a new library was between $200 to $300 per square foot to build. Todays D&C wrote about the
Gates Library Bargain
They say a new two story 22,000 sf library is $2,000,000 (less than $100 /sf).

D&C reported the cost to renovate their 14,000sf building was $15,000,000. Incredible to learn it is $15 million to renovate a small building and $2 million to build a big new building.

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on a video on Youtube about the
Best Library

Then discovered there is a website
IPL Teen space , which happens to be a better website than the main library site.

Recently there has been some discussion with local library experts regarding the value of teen programs in facilities located near the high schools. May the Branches be utilized in ways that would enhance the education of children due to the location of facilities close to the high schools? Certainly a new 50,000 sf dream building could have everything, but would the kids drop-in after school as they walk by?

Anonymous said...

The Library Campaign Initiative Consultant--Libby Post, at the June 8 Board workshop, stated there would be about 20 focus groups per branch, over a 2 month period.

Today the Library advertised for participants for the new plan of 13 Focus Groups over 3 days.

Sign up quickly as the openings seems to be restricted. Her campaign strategy overviews on her website indicate numerous focus groups with "insider" groups. Perhaps that is the difference between the 13 for the public and the stated 40 desired. Perhaps the 13 for stakeholders are to be supplemented with 27 from the Post list of other group designations such as:
Community Leaders

Anonymous said...

There was a second video of McGraw Concept Expansion.
McGraw Concept Video II
Interesting inclusion of small auditorium.

McGraw sandstone watertable panels (they may be precast concrete)and the upper precast concrete panels have been painted some shiny brown.
Who likes the color?
Let's hope the ceilings inside get some attention to remove the black stains. It's only been over 40 years without attention.

Anonymous said...

(interesting new info)

Had an interesting conversation with a representative of the Rochester Regional Library Counsil (RRLC)----a multi-county wide reaching Library organization including the Monroe County Library System and Irondequoit Library System.

They have a great website including information on their Library Marketing Institute
Looks like a great course and surely designed independently of any political slant. Note the $300 pricing vs $24,000 spent by IPL.

Grants for Marketing Campaigns seems a great source of help.

The Library Counsil's not-for-profit marketing campaigns may be in concert with Local Professional Experienced Library Marketing
experts who are not likely to politicize “one library” mandates of a few.

Interesting AD-Counsil pages:--Services, the Board, the Resources, the marketing ability (locally available thru professionals ), some available for $300 and thru grants. The obvious question is why did the IPL Board chose to spend $24,000 tax dollars and not start with the local expertise in the field of library marketing campaigns? Keep in mind the Library and Town Board (2009) chose to prevent (ban) public participation in the $195,000 Town Master Plan Update as it pertains to library issues!

The Library Counsil Represntative was unaware of the Irondequoit Branch debate.
At the mention of "Branches" she interjected----"Branches are wonderful neighborhood facilities".

She had not heard of the new Irondequoit Campaign.
She had not heard of Libby Post.
She groaned in apparent disapproval when Libby Post was described as an Albany Based Political Activist Campaign Specialist who has recently become involved in library campaigns to get referendums passed.

Is evidence mounting, indicating the current methodology is merely the same of the previous 8 years only cloaked in different disguise?