Monday, September 5, 2011

Cross Endorsement Ad In I-Post

Happy Labor Day! Hope you're enjoying not laboring today, and if you are laboring, bully for you! You hard worker, you. That holiday pay is niiiiiice.

There was a 4 page ad in this week's I-Post. You might have missed it since it was an insert this time instead of an ad directly on the page of the paper.

I decided to scan the ad and put it on here in a pdf - it might be a little choppy because it was an odd size ad, and it didn't fit in my scanner.....but you'll be able to read it, and it might help you understand a little better.....the process of a cross endorsement, and how your ballot might look. Barone Ad in MPN

***Note:  Christian Redder is listed as a candidate in the Democrat Primary for Town Board in this ad - but as far as I know, he is no longer interested in running for Town Board and has chosen not to run due to family reasons (.Link to I-Post story that quotes Redder as saying he is not running.)

In a nutshell, if you vote for MJD, Aldersley, and Perticone on Primary Day - you will only see those names appear on BOTH the Republican and Democrat lines in the November General Elections.

If Democrats vote for Ament in the Democrat Primary for Town Supervisor - he will win the primary and you will see Ament's name on the Democrat line, and MJD's name on the Republican line in the November General Elections. (She will have lost the Democrat primary and only appear on the Republican line.) It doesn't mean that Ament will be Supervisor - it just means his name will appear on the November ballot. You'll have a choice in November instead of MJD's name on both D&R lines.

If Republicans vote for Moore and Nottel in the Republican Primary for Town Board - they will win the primary and you will see Moore and Nottel's name on the Republican lines, and Aldersley and Perticone's names on the Democrat lines in the November General Elections. (Aldersley and Perticone would have lost the Republican primary and only appear on the Democrat line.) It doesn't mean that Moore and Nottel will be on the Town Board - it just means that their names will appear on the November ballot. You'll have a choice in November instead of Aldersley and Perticones names on both D&R lines.

So many people are confused about this cross endorsement and they don't understand the process. Some are confused on how Democrats can be on Republican primary ballots and Republicans on Democrat primary ballots - and some of them are just saying "Oh bother. This is too confusing. I'm not even going to go vote on September 13th."

Isn't that the attitude they are hoping for?

Making voter apathy even MORE apathetic? It can certainly work in their favor, that's for sure.

If you want choices this November - GO VOTE IN THE PRIMARY. They certainly aren't giving the voters any choices.

The voters have to vote to give themselves choices. How sad is that? Here are some articles about the primary, and candidate's previews in the I-Post.

IPost. August, 4th.
IPost. August, 31st. Meet the Candidates, Republican Primary Town Board.
IPost. August, 31st. Meet the Candidates, Democrat Primary Supervisor.


cheri said...

I have received 2 political mailers
for MJD, Aldersley and Perticone.

How confused are voter's I wonder?

There sure was no explanation on the mailers. Just a picture of MJD, Aldersley and Perticone-Our Irondequoit Team.

Democrats running as Republicans and Republicans running as Democrats. I've heard from more than one person that they felt tricked into signing the Republican petition.

The person at the door didn't reveal that two people on the Republican petition were Democrats. I had to explain the whole process to them.

So no wonder MJD and Perticone were trying to shut people up at public input. Why have an informed public. Try to sneak this in. The less people that know what is going on the better their chances of getting what they want.

I'm so surprised and disappointed over recent goings on.

I really believed there was going to be so much more open government with this administration. When you start limiting public input like they were trying last meeting we are going backwards. :(

Anonymous said...

In the words of a previous supervisor, stated may 21, 2007 at christ king cc meeting, to paraphrase----We elect these individuals to make these important decisions for us.
Remember that one.

Leaders felt so insecure with their claim the public would want them to remain they tried to rig the election. 3 Board members simply did not want the public to have a fair open election with any choice whatsoever. That is an issue of character, or lack thereof. It extends to the petition carriers as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree there is an issue of character at play here.

Joe Morelle's lack of character is front and center but there are many more people whose character has beem diminished in this scam.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Can't leave Reilich out of this either.

Anonymous said...

Agreed (about Reilich) but why wouldn't he take another two years in power and the prospect of suppressing the vote in Irondequoit to help Maggie's re-election bid? I say Morelle is the big loser...and when the Dems lose the DA's race, it will mark the culmination of a truly failed Chairmanship for Little Joe.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Joe doesn't care about the MCDC Chairmanship - he was willing to give that up when he thought Silver was going to give him the Comptroller job - that didn't turn out so good...and he came back.

Silver and/or Cuomo will get him something in the near future, and then we can look forward to one of his groomed favorites to take over the we can have many more years of a substandard MCDC.


As far as Reilich and why wouldn't he.....well, I wouldn't want him to do that, and he did.

I mean, how much money can he save with a cross endorsement? Not enough, in my opinion.

I find it....shitty. Really, really shitty.