Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do's and Don'ts

Oh September – with your trees a canopy of colors,
Starting to change like rainbow ribbons above my sun-kissed summer hair,
The cooler breezes a whisper in the air,
Calling to me like lost loved ones from long ago.
You seem familiar-and I embrace you like an old friend.

You like that? Is that positive enough for you? Is it sunny, happy shit that makes you giggle and say “wow, now we can move the town forward because she is being positive and not political”?

Well, that is not me all the time. Sometimes I’m like that, and sometimes I’m indifferent, and sometimes things really piss me off. I can, and will speak about all three.

There is no positive or negative way to pave a road. You just $&^#^@*% pave it.

There is, however, a pave your way to reelection, and it’s called a cross endorsement.

I DON'T like it, and I’m not going to pretend that I do in the name of “being positive” or “not being political”. It has nothing to do with being Dem or Rep – it has to do with choices, and the committees doing their jobs instead of working deals. I don’t like it. Not at all.

I DON'T like people being told what they can and cannot say during public input. Everything can be considered political, and I am embarrassed that MJD and Perticone seem aggressive about public input from CERTAIN PEOPLE. Deal with it. As long as they aren’t shouting out “don’t vote for them” – they can be political at input. If they went up and congratulated you three on the cross endorsement (like some have) you would have NO PROBLEM with that, would you? No. You wouldn’t. So, stop trying to quiet the “troublemakers” – I like listening to everyone, as long as they are respectful to you and don’t personally attack anyone or threaten people – their input is fine. You don’t agree? Then go up to input and dispute their comments. You have just as much of a voice as anyone else.

I DON'T like the way the Titus Avenue deal was handled. It was handled wrong. It seemed sneaky. You accused people of being really nasty during that public hearing…..and they weren’t. They really weren’t. Those people fought this already once and won – you disregard that and ignore Town Codes and Comprehensive Plans for a project that doesn’t need to go there, and it is NOT WANTED. I read an article recently about Bay Towne Plaza, and how the Supervisor is standing behind the residents. The whole Town Board is too. They were elected by the residents, not the developers…..and that is who they represent.

I DON'T like that Medley Centre donated to the Fourth of July festivities. I feel that this is the reason that Paul’s resolution died for a second at the June 21st meeting – and I think that Medley isn’t going to “move forward” at any time in the near future. I want something done about Medley. Yesterday. I also think there was no bill that would impact the project. If there was, I’d like to know the bill number and sponsor, so I can look it up on their website and see why it failed.

I DO like MJD. I think she is bubbly and is nice and has made the Town Hall a more pleasant place to work. (From what some people are telling me.) I think she really wants to be “non political” – but needs to listen to her conscience instead of the usual suspects who cry about the positive and negative people and are only saying these things because they want a new library or community center.

I DO like her grasp of the finances, and I DO think she has done a fantastic job on the budget with what she had to work with. She also had no assistants, and was learning the job on top of it. I think she did great.

I DO like how she seemed to stick up for the residents with the cell tower – whether I think there should be one there or not, the residents surrounding the area didn’t want it, and she is sticking up for them. I like that. I just wish she would do the same for the Titus residents.

I DO like how everyone gets along on the board. I really do. Some disagree with each other, but it always seems respectful, and I like that.

I DO like committees who do their jobs and find qualified people to run for elected office. Unfortunately………

I DO like Open Government. Transparent. Like, Scotch tape transparent. I want to see more.

I DO like frozen lemonade from Applebee’s. The mixed berry kind. Yum.

I DO like the I-Square plans. Very much.

I DO like people who work hard for something they believe in and want to accomplish without draining the taxpayers to pay for it.

I DO like positive and negative and indifferent people speaking at public input. Can you imagine if we didn’t have the “troublemakers” back in the day when they were crafting our Constitution? Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone just got along and was positive and not political? Good grief.

THANK YOU TROUBLEMAKERS AND +/-  AND POLITICAL PEOPLE!!! It’s all good. At least I think so.

So, there ya have it. Negative and Positive. What a good combination, eh?


Anonymous said...

The Town accepted 4th of July underwriting from Congel? Did I read that right?

cheri said...

Great blog Jax! I'm with you. I agree with it all except I've never tried the frozen lemonade at Applebee's.

Other than that we are on the same page. :)

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


You should try the frozen lemonade. It's soooooo goooooood.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

anonymous @ 6:58 -

Why yes, you did read that right.

The list of people who sponsored the 4th of July events at Town Hall are listed in this IPost article.

It's also in the latest edition of Images. Top of page 2.

Anonymous said...

I find the Town accepting sponsorship of any kind from "Medley Centre" while they are in default of the PILOT agreement to be the height of conflict of interest.

Shame on the Town Board for accepting this. How are you supposed to insist on what is owed when you accept gifts?


cheri said...

How does Congel have money for a donation?????

I'd like to tell him what to do with his donation...

It's all so gross but that's politics. Oh there's that word again....

Anonymous said...

Is it a donation or is it something else?

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Well, the Town did ask the business community to help with the 4th of July events because they cut special events from the budget this year, and I'm assuming "sponsor" means monetary. But, it could very well mean that Congel has a spare vendor booth laying around, or maybe a stash of some good fireworks and he let the Town have it.

I'm assuming it means monetary. I am also assuming there is some type of record at Town Hall somewhere since they should have to account for any "gifts". You could probably FOIL it.

Anonymous said...

FOIL it? Now that's a novel idea!