Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bob Ament Public Input 3/18/09

Pay attention to the video at the 9:13 mark where Supervisor Heyman "wonders if Mr. Ament feels that we've treated him the same way that he's just treated us, and I can tell you that has not been the case." (Of course not......he didn't lie.)

Bob Ament, as he is leaving, comes back into the room to tell the Supervisor this:
"You did accuse me of...of out to get you, and somebody's fronting me, and putting me up to this. I am a Peace Corp Volunteer - I brought something out of the goodness of my heart, and you have accused me of wanting your job, and somebody is behind me on this - that is shameful".

I can see where he's frustrated. Mike Spang tells him that the building could last another 100 years, and that "I'd be a fool not to take this...let's do this." Bob told Mr. Spang that he is "a Democrat who voted for Mary Ellen Heyman, I'm in the party, you can roll it out any way you want," and then Spang blurts out "it's politics ".

Bob says that Stephanie Aldersley told him that "the study was partially a marketing plan to try to convince voters to change their minds." Then at the end of the video Miss Aldersley says "she doesn't like being misquoted."

Welllll, Mrs. Aldersley, I don't particularly like when I am told, by YOU, a total lie. No misquote there, nosiree.

The Town tells Bob Ament personally one thing, then publicly does another thing. He said he's been misled again and again and cannot get a straight answer. All the guy wants to do is get in there and do repairs and make it nicer for our seniors, and the Town isn't letting it happen. Yet, they "say they're on board", but it doesn't look like it. Supervisor Heyman was quoted in the paper as saying that she "Feels uncomfortable reaching out to the business community...." She's accusing Bob Ament of "wanting her job" and that "somebody is behind him on this"?

*For real?*

Angry and frustrated at the lack of a commitment from the Town on this, he leaves, and the Board continues to talk about him unfavorably, and Stephanie Aldersley mumbles something about being misquoted.

Way to move forward, Board!

More public input.......