Friday, March 13, 2009

This Was Found At Town Hall Today

It was found around 9am this morning, and a FOI request was submitted for the other pages of this letter around 2 pm. Hopefully, in about 21 days from today, we will get the other pages.
Notice the date on this letter is March 4th.


I wonder if this letter writer is really concerned with the Seniors, or is it more about "getting that Richard Barone and his associates who hold Town progress hostage for decades!"?

Bwaaaa haaaaa haaaaa. That is a perfect example of "inflammatory rhetoric". Too funny.

As far as "Intimidation"? Nobody does it better than your own Supervisor at 1280. "Richard Barone and his associates" can't even hold a candle to that.

Let the games begin!

Pssssst.....If I were "you", mr./mrs. letter writer, I would be careful when bleating about "holding back progress", when your very own Town Administration has refused to fix Pinegrove, and won't let a volunteer donate time and materials to fix it up a bit. Look at what the Town has let happen to the libraries. Cutting the budget funding by $100,000, and refusing to spend money to fix it, so it will necessitate a move when it gets really bad.

Luckily, there are a few wonderful residents who fixed up the Evans branch recently......for free. Check it out here.

If the Town refuses to do basic maintenance so that in a couple of years when the libraries are really bad they use the ol' "We have to move the libraries to a bigger/better/safer facility" (Kings Park) line.......then it is up to us residents to keep the two branches active, and "progressive". Meaning - I implore you to donate whatever little money you have to help the library branches stay where they are. Volunteer to help. Do what you can when you can. Visit this link to find out how to help.

Don't let this become another "Pinegrove" issue that divides the town. If you want your libraries to stay where they are? Do your part to help them stay there. The Town certainly won't help, they want the libraries to consolidate to Kings Park.

From the letter above:
"Once people realize that two libraries are not a viable long term option, this will no longer confound efforts to move other things forward."

Translation: Once we let the libraries sit to fester and rot, and if we keep cutting the budget for the libraries - people won't have any other choice but to say "consolidate!" and "relocate!".

That schtick is gettin' old.