Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Moving Forward" With The Town Board........

The Town Board in November '08 votes to move the senior center to King$ Pork, and renovations to the KP building would commence immediately.

Residents say "use cdbg for Pinegrove", Supervisor tells media repeatedly that cdbg cannot be used for Pinegrove. Residents find out it can be used for Pinegrove.

Residents petition for a referendum, and hand all of the petitions in by mid December.

Petitions are deemed valid towards the end of December, a referendum is scheduled for February 24th.

No public hearings held to discuss senior center before the vote.

Town instead dedicates time and money into mailers, automated calls, and press conferences.

Vote happens, residents vote against the lease, Town claims they won't sink any money into Pinegrove.

Town continually tells residents that the WISD owns the land around Pinegrove. One Board member actually tells residents at a meeting that the "Town only owns the building and 5 ft. around it." Deed documents show otherwise.

A month after the vote, resident Bob Ament takes on the challenge to "do something" and "move forward". Secures commitments from Target, Home Depot, Irondequoit Lawn & Landscaping, and volunteers from Cam's to renovate the inside of the Senior Center for free. The landscaping company has offered free landscaping and maintenance.

Town instead hires Labella Associates to conduct "feasibility study" on Pinegrove for $34,000.

Should residents be surprised? I'm sorry to say, no. You shouldn't be surprised.

I just can't believe that the Town never conducted any studies previously....I am just stunned, honestly. That means they were going to enter into a lease for over a million dollars with NO studies at all?!? That is scary.

Earlier, before the meeting Wednesday,
Ch. 13 had an interview with Bob Ament, the resident being denied the chance to fix up Pinegrove.

Rnews had footage of Bob's Public input at the meeting, and an interview with him.

Here is the article/interview with Bob Ament in Rnews.

Here is the link to the video with Bob at Rnews.

Here is Ch 13's report after the meeting.

Hopefully, later on I can get some YouTube up from the meeting aired on ICAT.