Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tonight's TBM - Action On Medley?

According to the agenda on the Town's website, the last item on the agenda says:

Supervisor 10A2011-15 Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Town Supervisor to Take Any and All Actions to Initiate Legal Action Against Bersin Properties, LLC to Enforce the Rights of the Town Under the Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement re: Medley Centre

Interesting. I always love the last meeting before elections. So productive.

The Board is also calling for a Public Hearing for the updates to the Master Plan - and a resolution authorizing the update of the Town's website.

Here's video from 13Wham on the TB's resolution to take action:


cheri said...

Like magic - a pending election brings out action on Medley!


Foils_for_irondequoit said...

No items are tabled? Nothing on the agenda about tabled items.

I like that the website will be more user friendly for town employees and residents.

Can't wait until the end of the meeting for the Medley stuff! Wonder if there's any meat on this bone they're throwing out on this resolution.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Represent Paul! Represent!

Nice comments from Paul on the resolution for Congel fulfilling his end of the legal contract that he signed.

Perticone - saying that the County is saying the Irondequoit libraries are inadequate (lol but yet the MCLA claims that the IPL's are one of the busiest and successful) - so this is a push for consolidation?

MJD just said that library patrons are going to other libraries because of the inadequate Irondequoit Libraries.

That's not true, according to Miriam Ganze - this is what she said in an e-mail to supporters: (From this blog.)

"the Foundation examined library usage by the town of Irondequoit residents and found that it had shrunk considerably. Not only usage at our own branches but also usage by Irondequoit citizens at other libraries in the Monroe County Library system."

Usage has shrunk - Irondequoit is not going to other libraries. We've heard this from different sources (Library folks and the consultant, Libby Post.)

So now, is the MCLA denying the grant to "force" the taxpayers in Irondequoit to support a new consolidated library?

Sure seemed like that from Perticone's comments.

cheri said...

Interesting public input...

Hearing about the cops being at the sitewalk is appalling... Why would that be necessary? Give me a break.

Why would the Planning Board have a site walk without a plan? They wouldn't...

Per Stephanie Aldersley there is no plan yet. I don't believe it. I am sure that the Planning Board has a plan. Maybe Stephanie hasn't seen it but the Planning Board would not walk a site without one. What would be the purpose of looking at a piece of property where you don't know where anything is going?

I can't figure out why the planning board would have a site walk and then have all of these meetings where they aren't discussing Legacy? Are they waiting until after the election?

Were we born yesterday???

Totally agree Jax, Paul's comments regarding Medley were wonderful!

MJD's comments at the end regarding library usage were not factual.

Jax said "Usage has shrunk - Irondequoit is not going to other libraries. We've heard this from different sources (Library folks and the consultant, Libby Post.)"

So the library consultant is saying one thing and MJD is saying another. Hmmmm

I agree with you Jax about Perticone's comments. That is what it seemed like to me too.

I was under the impression that there was going to be more information regarding the SBWD by now. I even thought they had discussed having a special meeting prior to this meeting to go over the SBWD financial plan.

Sure could tell it's the political season at this meeting.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Even Irena said that the libraries in other towns were not seeing an increase (even though usage did decrease in Irondequoit). Linky link.

MCLS recognizes (I wrote MCLA previously...sorry.) Irondequoit's libraries are one of the busiest public libraries in Monroe County. They've had that at the top of their budget pages for years.

Libby Post said the "parking lots are packed" - so that tells me that they are pretty busy.

I wish they'd decide on what angle they're selling this consolidation from....is it "We're so busy we need more room" or "We're so inadequate we need a new building because we have usage loss"?

Is it busy or do you have usage loss? Which is it? Make up my mind....geez.

Can't believe the police presence at the site walk. Did I hear Mrs. Bastuk correctly that someone was escorted off the site? I caught only part of it...wish I hadn't.


That's insane.

Barone really took them to task about the SBWD "loan" and the executive session back in December.

Ament bringing up the "imaginary" bill - I'd still like an answer about that - what bill? What bill number and who sponsored it and why did you tell residents that there was a bill if there wasn't one?

I'd like an explanation on that one, for sure.

Must give props to Essley and Marasco for suggesting the DPW worker thing to be delayed - they didn't have enough time to review the application/resume and could not make an informed decision on such short notice. Nothing against the worker, but they need to have more time to review it. Like that this was tabled.

Best line of the evening:

"I'm tighter than two coats of paint."

lol I've never heard that one and had to look it up - and sure enough - it's a popular expression I guess.

Anonymous said...

and the new DPW worker is/was an employee of SBWD. Maybe that is the Town Boards's plan for SBWD..Divide and Conquer?

cheri said...

Jax said: "Can't believe the police presence at the site walk. Did I hear Mrs. Bastuk correctly that someone was escorted off the site? I caught only part of it...wish I hadn't."

I think she said that the police escorted the Planning Board on the site walk. Not sure if I caught it all either. Anyone out there that knows for sure?

Any public input that I've seen on the matter has been respectful and non-threatening. I think the Town sadly, is trying to give the appearance of something different or they are trying to intimidate in my opinion.

Kind of pathetic really...

Well, the Library can't have it both ways. They have to pick a position. A factual position would be nice. :)

To busy or usage loss? Which one would push the consolidation agenda further? I bet that's the one it will be...

The "imaginary" bill was brought up in input Jax like you mentioned but not a word about it in the public input follow up.

I had to laugh when Barone commented on the lawyer smiling the way he does. I know exactly what he means. That arrogant smirking he does. Really nice...

I thought it was very good too that Essley and Marasco tabled that item. They needed more time and now they can fully review.

I have never heard the saying "I'm tighter than 2 coats of paint" either. New to me. :)

Anonymous said...

Where are the tourists from Toronto that Stephanie Aldersley promised would come to our new Lake Ridge Center? D'Aurizio and her two socalist friends are dishonest and unqualified. Unless we see new leadership, our town is destined to become a rental haven and continue in decline.

cheri said...

I did listen to Mrs. Bastuk's public input again and she did say that the police escorted the developer and planning board at the site. Unbelievable...

She also said how maps were given out ONLY to the planning board. NO maps were given to residents attending.

So what were the maps of? The plan that doesn't exist?????

I was on the planning board for 4 years and anytime there was a sitewalk residents attending were privy to maps and information that the board had. We all got a copy. I have never seen a project being handled this way.

I'm totally disappointed and disgusted with the whole process.

The ISquare is the complete opposite. Mike and Wendy Nolan have involved the residents in every step of what is going on. Tons of information and input. So glad the Nolan's have control of the project instead of the politician's. What a total difference. :)

ps- Anonymous, the Toronto tourists are due in on the Fast Ferry anytime now...be patient. ;)

Anonymous said...

Cheri---as the previous leader told you---you do not understand government. Once you understand that donations were made there is a process to follow. Daurizio knew about the 2003 war in that neighborhood and could care less. Town Board Members refused to show drawings at their public hearing for the project. Project paperwork contains false information and numbers are lies. Just because thousands of people are against something means nothing when donations have been made. The promises of open government is only to get elected. Then comes the closed door government. go to town hall and see that door is closed all the time now. Police are used to intimidate citizens. That's just the way it is in irondequoit and you just do not understand government.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

"I was on the planning board for 4 years and anytime there was a sitewalk residents attending were privy to maps and information that the board had. We all got a copy. I have never seen a project being handled this way."

That's because the Titus Ave Legacy project is a done deal. After the elections, the zoning change will be approved by the Planning Board and the Town will "move forward" by giving a developer what he wants and blatantly ignoring the residents who have already fought this and won.


cheri said...

Anonymous, if this is the way government is run I don't want to understand it.

Jax said- "That's because the Titus Ave Legacy project is a done deal. After the elections, the zoning change will be approved by the Planning Board and the Town will "move forward" by giving a developer what he wants and blatantly ignoring the residents who have already fought this and won."

You know how I love done deals. NOT!

I agree with your assessment Jax. That's what will go down probably. But the neighbor's will fight it again.

The TB fights tooth and nail against the cell tower - a 3 story senior apt. complex that changes zoning...not so much.

Cross endorsements are just so great aren't they? I just love comfy politician's.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

It really frosts my cake that this is being handled the way it is.

After watching the meeting again and hearing Mrs. Bastuk's public input about the site walk, I'm even more pissed.

Apparently, what's "best for the town" is police intimidation at a site walk, not letting the residents ask questions or talk, and not showing them the maps of the proposal that Stephanie Aldersley said nobody had yet.
