Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ads & Letters In I-Post

Here are some items that were in the Irondequoit Post pertaining to the upcoming elections.  The letters section had a very good letter from Ginny Maier.

Here's the text of Ginny's excellent letter:  

Were developer’s interests put before town’s I was a resident of Irondequoit when the latest Medley Center agreement was signed. Stephanie Aldersley and John Perticone were on the Town Board at that time. They signed off on a change to the town zoning law written just for this developer, which gave him the right to make changes to the project without any further public review, a privilege that no other property owner has. They agreed to a property tax break that Aldersley herself (at a Town Board meeting on March 2009) estimated as worth $40 million. When the 84-page text of the PILOT was released to the public, we were given less than three business days to review the agreement before the Town Board voted on it. 

Stephanie Aldersley and John Perticone refused repeated requests from residents for more time to understand the size, the length and the details of the tax benefit provided before their vote. 

John Perticone never responded to repeated emails from residents expressing concerns about the agreement. But at a Town Board meeting in February 2009, he made a point of thanking the developer, saying “it’s been a nice process.” 

Stephanie Aldersley and John Perticone have remained on the Town Board while the developer of Medley has repeatedly ignored or missed deadlines that were built into the agreement to, supposedly, protect the town and its taxpayers. They have done nothing to require that the developer be held accountable to the agreement they signed. 

Stephanie Aldersley and John Perticone have repeatedly failed to act in the best interest of the people they represent in the most consequential matter to come before the Town Board in their terms of office. 

Do you think they should continue to represent you?



cheri said...

Great letter by Ginny Maier. She knows the Medley subject probably better then all of the entities involved.

Love that she even mentioned how Perticone never emails back.

The rushing through of the PILOT - Priceless!

Remember when they even had all of the meetings on the same night? OMG what a fiasco the whole thing was.

But we are protected this time. They kept telling us that over and over and over....

They are taking action now 2 weeks before an election.

How reassuring... Sure.... Yup..

Anonymous said...

Funny quote by alsersly about master plans and the mall.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I miss Ginny. :( She really did try to get them to wait on the PILOT.....sent e-mails repeatedly and was denied.

Here's the blog that talks about the meetings all being scheduled the same night, along with an e-mail from Ginny and a response from Stephanie Aldersley. Linky.

Who knows how much "action" they are going to take on this....supposedly MJD had meetings with the County and SD today (I think that's what I heard on one of the news outlets) so, we'll see what happens.

Would be great if the Town could take over the mall - put the community/senior center, library, and whatever else they want in there. It's pretty cheap if they have to buy it.....I had heard that Bersin sold it to Congel for $5 million.

SRC Development (Scott R Congel) was on the FOILS site today....googling himself.

Gotta give a shout out blog to Scotty!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 9:50 -

lol There were a lot of funny comments from a lot of people who were cheerleaders for the approval of the PILOT.

Here's Stephanie's quote:

“If you wanted to put an improvement on your property, you would not want to wait several months for a permit while the town does a master plan.” Stephanie Aldersley, Town Board member, personal communication (e-mail), December, 18, 2008

MEH "This is the future".


Anonymous said...

most comprehensive overview of this mall on this site. Prange Way is correct---

cheri said...

I miss Ginny too. She went above and beyond to try to shed light on the PILOT and try to slow down the process a little.

The politician's all let it go in one ear and out the other.

How many of them really even read the PILOT? I wonder...

They were tripping over themselves to approve it all.

MEH - "This is the future".

Oh yes, what a visionary she was...

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

I remember a resident pointing out that the PILOT, signed by County Lawyer Michael Townsend, said that construction had started.....and he signed his name to that. Link to blog about it.

Michael Townsend has also been involved with the recent County "scandal" about UTC and M3S - I believe he incorporated both LDC's and is counsel for both of them. Link to article.

Ginny Maier said...

Aw, shucks. I miss Irondequoit, too. But Fairport is nice, also. Come out and visit sometime :-)

Thanks for highlighting the letter. I just felt like someone needed to say it.

Foils_for_irondequoit said...


Glad you did say it, and you're absolutely right that someone had to.

I love Fairport - I'm out there quite a bit. My dentist is in Fairport, a few friends live there, and we like to visit the fine eating establishments around there too.

Hope you're enjoying it. Lovely place to raise a family!

But, we do miss you! :(

Anonymous said...

Looks like Ole' General Rappl had petitioner's remorse!

Foils_for_irondequoit said...

Anonymous @ 6:25 -

Looks like it....but it was my understanding that Mr. Rappl was carrying petitions to support MJD....who supports John and a roundabout way, I guess he supports them too?

Cross endorsements just suck.

cheri said...

I think it's so great Ginny that you still care about Irondequoit enough to put a letter in.

Someone did need to say it and I want to thank you very much!

I'm so happy that you are liking Fairport. Hopefully Fairport won't have any of the bizarre political stuff going on like there is in Irondequoit.

Let us know if you need any help over there. :)