Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bedtime For Bonds-O

Forget that old "Bedtime for Bonzo" comedy from years ago......this.....THIS is true comedy. Although, it really isn't that funny when you think about it.

"Irondequoit Supervisor Mary Ellen Heyman said the town has already done some work on the town’s public safety building, where heat pumps will be installed using a portion of the grant."

Last year there was a resolution to bond $400,000 for improvements to town buildings. (October 21, 2008 TB meeting - I'll put the 6 pages of the resolution at the bottom so you can view it.) $108,000 of it was for REPLACING HEAT PUMPS at the PUBLIC SAFETY building.

I actually did a blog about this in November 2008.

But, now they are using part of this grant to put in heat pumps in the public safety building? When, according to this document they already bonded money for that purpose.

Did they do the locker room and plumbing improvements at the PS building yet? Did they install the "outhouse" on the TH grounds yet? Where did a majority of this bond money go?

Did they install the heat pumps at TH & PS buildings yet?
If they didn't, and this grant is being used for new heat pumps to the public safety building..........what happened to that $108,000 that was part of the $400,000 they bonded?

Where is it?

Here's an interesting site that shows all the trades of Irondequoit's Municipal Bonds for Public Improvements......look at all that money.

I'd like to take a look at where your $108,000 went. It's yours. Your tax money is paying back that $400,000 bond, and the town claims they used $108,000 of it for heat pumps to the public safety building.

Part of this grant is for heat pumps, not to mention 18 months salary and benefits for your new "Deputy Commissioner of Public Works for Sustainability".

If salary is based upon letters in job titles - jackpot!

After 18 months, if the town decides to keep this position, it will be "absorbed". Ergo, your wallets will "absorb" the salary and benefits of this newly created position.

Here's the 6 pages of the resolution to bond $400,000 for improvements to Town buildings.